1.37{Part One}
Planet R'ouglia
circa 1709(Earth Years)It had been years since he’d last held a ontaki in his hand. Decades actually. And what was he doing with it now? He remembered meditating. Embracing the physical pain to forget the emotional and then…
His body had felt weightless and he’d been drifting. No worries, no cares. Then he could hear Kava’s voice. And was that Ty? Why were they calling him? Was something wrong? Maybe he should go back…and then the bright light of his home planet. His home planet? His hearts skipped several beats.
“Karrick K’atri! At this rate you will never make warrior status. Why do you stand there looking at the weapon instead of swinging it? You ask for my assistance and yet you do nothing I have instructed.”Karrick looked up to see Uz’asi glaring down at him. Uz’asi. One of the best warriors that R’ouglia had ever known. He had fought and killed hundreds. Been in battles that Karrick had only read about. He was legend. He rarely instructed but it was a great honor for those that he did. Karrick had been astonished when he had approached him and said to meet at the beach when the two moons first appeared in the sky.
“What troubles you Karrick? Why do you stand there staring as if I am an apparition? There is more that I wish to teach you but first show me what you already know. Or perhaps it was wrong of me to expect you to have mastered the use of our most deadly weapon?”
Karrick could hear the challenge in his voice and he responded in kind.
“I prefer my hands.”
“Ah!” He nodded approvingly as he hit his chest with his fist. “What true R’ouglian warrior relays on weapons when he always has these,” he held up his fists, “at the ready? Maybe you have the potential after all. Come. Show me what you can do with your fists.”
“Do you mean…you want me to spar with you?”
A grin passed over Uz’asi face. “Yes. And for every blow you land I’ll remove an hour from your practice time.”
“An hour?”
“Yes, I have you scheduled to practice for the next eight hours. Close your mouth Karrick. You look like a dying Hortriran. I slit one’s throat one time and its mouth opened and closed like yours before it had the dignity to die.”
Karrick shook his head in amusement before he started to climb out of the water.
“I would like a word with Karrick before you start pummeling him Uz’asi.”
“Master.”Spinning around Karrick placed his hand high on his chest and bowed his head. That voice. It was so calm and serene. It soothed a million people just by saying a word. A hand on a shoulder could reduce a warrior to tears.
Anon O’tavi. One of the only Wise in history who lived among the people. He said it made him understand the suffering more if he had to live among it instead of observing it from a distance. Karrick could feel his eyes on him.
“Of course Master. Karrick and I will continue our bout another day.”
“Perhaps not when I tell him that you intended to add an hour to his studies for every blow you landed.”
“Ever are you right.” Karrick could hear the thread of amusement in Uz’asi’s voice. “However, if I had stuck him it would have been days before he would be able to resume practice.”
“Which means you would have worked him even harder.”
“Once again the truth falls from your mouth Master. Come Karrick. Master O’tavi would like words with you. We will resume practice another day.”
Reaching down he helped him out of the water before clasping his forearm and slapping his shoulder.“Perhaps one day we shall fight in battle together. I know you have it in you to become a warrior Karrick. You must leave behind the fear and embrace the unknown. When you do that there is nothing to stop you.”
Karrick stared into his face. Uz’asi had inked his own tattoo onto his face. He had done it publicly which had started the tradition that every warrior now followed when getting their mark. It read that he never flinched. That he had stood in front of the glass and carefully placed the intricate mark on his face that now proclaimed him part of the warrior caste.
Inwardly Karrick shook his head. This day was like a hazy memory. There was something that he wanted to tell him. Something that he always meant to say but the words eluded him.“I will remember these words Uz’asi and try to live by them.”
It suddenly hit him when Uz’asi nodded and released his forearm. In a battle, two weeks from now, he would fall. He would be killed and his head sent back to R’ouglia as a warning. Karrick opened his mouth to say something but cool fingers wrapped around his arm and pulled him away.
“I must speak to Uz’asi Master. I have something to tell him.”
“You have nothing to tell him Karrick K’atri," Anon said as he tugged him away.
"Do you think to change the course of our history? You change one thing and who knows what else could change. It’s like tossing a pebble into the pond. The ripples go on and on. Do you think my hearts don’t weep at the knowledge that we will lose Uz’asi? My sorrow runs deep but changing the past is not what brought you back here.”
Karrick stumbled. “Y-you know?”
“Of course I know. It was a foolish stunt to pull without the proper aid but nonetheless you are here. The memory I safeguard is what pulled you here. Come, let us walk.”“I don’t understand Master. Why am I back here?”
“Well, you know about hypnotism yes?” At Karrick’s nod he continued. “I put a trigger in your memories to pull you back here if something unforeseeable happen. I always knew, it brought me joy to know, that you would be the harbinger of a new race.”
At that thought Karrick’s hearts squeezed and he looked away. “Perhaps not.”
Anon waved his hand in the air in dismissal. “There is no perhaps. Humans are creatures that are ruled by their emotions. That is what makes them human. Tyrese Jameson let his emotions overrule his logic. We are not pedophiles. Most of our true hearts mates are recognized at an early age but Kaylee’s child is different. They both are actually but that’s neither here nor there. Tyrese will come around.”
“What if he doesn’t?”
Anon shook his head. “I have seen what will be.”
“But that’s only a possibility. We can’t be certain-“
“Karrick K’atri!” When Karrick fell silent Anon shook his head. “I am tired. I am old. It’s time for me to take my final walk. The two girls are almost ready. But I have seen what shall be. It won’t be easy. Of course nothing involving humans ever is. However, the results will keep our race alive.”
“I don’t want to bond with someone just to keep our race alive. I want-“
“What Kaylee and Ty have. Is this not what your hearts of hearts yearns for even though you try to deny it? You’ve spent years with them. They are as much a part of your family as Kavanh. You yearn for that same bond.”
Karrick bowed his head. “Yes.”
The gravel crunched beneath their feet as they walked in silence. A cool breeze brought the sound of waves crashing and the smell of freshly dug crops.
“Why does this make you sad?”
“I never wanted a true hearts mate. And now that I’ve found that I have one of my own…I want nothing more than to-"
“Be loved. Being loved is nothing to be ashamed of. Even warriors love Karrick. Come with me into the Hall.”Karrick paused outside the door. “Warriors are not allowed into the Hall.”
“Warriors are allowed into the Hall once they’ve shown that they walk the way of the warrior not because they enjoy killing and maiming but because they live to serve and protect. You have shown your valor Karrick. However, if it will make you more comfortable…”
Anon waved a hand between the two of them again and Karrick felt a slight tingle course through his body. He looked down but nothing seemed to have changed. “What did you just do?”
Anon shrugged. “Shifted our molecules around a bit. We are now as solid as air and as visible. Come, step into the Hall with me.”
Karrick took a hesitant step forward but when no one said anything he stepped all the way into the Hall. He ignored Anon’s smile as he looked around.The Hall was a place of peace. No matter what battles were being fought off planet anyone could come here to meditate, to relax and there would be no ridicule, no retaliation. Many came here to seek asylum and many ended up staying to live out their life here on R’ouglia. R’ouglians weren’t a war seeking people but they also knew war was inevitable which is why the warrior caste had been invented. However, to make those that were seeking a safe haven more comfortable warriors were not allowed to roam the Hall.
“There is such peace here. You can feel it.”
“Yes, most of those that come here lived on planets that were ransacked by wars or they do not want to be part of the raping and pillaging that their own planet is doing to other planets. Their spirits were broken when they came here. Now, they are almost whole. It does my hearts good to see such change.”“Master, I should be serving you tea!” Karrick said horrified.
Anon chuckled. “Karrick, call me Anon. I am already dead and gone and Nirvana and J’enshi have taken over. They have done well yes?”
“They have done very well.”
“I knew they would. They have each other to lean on.” A sad look crossed his face before he shook his head.
“But that’s neither here nor there. You have questions. I have the answers. Now it’s up to you to seek them.”
They silently sipped their tea before Karrick cleared his throat.
“Why did you want me to come back to this specific time and place?”
“Ah…we get right to the meat of it eh? Karrick, you were never meant to be a warrior.”Karrick’s hearts froze in his chest and he stared at Anon who calmly sipped at his tea.
“I beg your pardon?”
Anon choked and started to laugh. “Oh, that is such a quaint phrase. Karrick, why did you become a warrior?”
“To protect our people.”
“Hmm. That’s a polished answer. Now tell me the real reason.”
Karrick ran his finger around the lip of the cup as he thought about the question then he heaved a sigh. “I needed something to do. I would not make a good scientist. I can never make things grow as the farmers do. I did not want to be drain on our society.”
“All our people have a purpose. Your purpose is to be a father.”
Anon showed no reaction when Karrick slammed a fist against the table making the saucers jump. “I am neither a breeder nor a donor.”
“Why do you look down on those that further our race?”
“I do not look down on them.”
“No, you don’t. I suppose you were born with the knowledge that our family units aren’t exactly useful for forming bonds with our brothers and sisters. But they work for us Karrick.”
“I know Anon. But-“
“But you want to be more than a donor who never sees that child or even worse one who doesn’t know who their child is. I understand. Now, cleanse yourself of your anger before we head upstairs.”Getting up Karrick walked over to the water vessel. He carefully dipped his hands into the water and immediately felt a calming effect take over. The water tingled as if it weren't mere water but something else entirely.
He glanced over to see Anon balancing himself on the edge of a meditation pool.
"The water is placed there to ensure that all who entire the Hall do so for the proper reasons. If you are here for the wrong purposed the water will feel like fire as it courses through your body. Of course, those that have felt those effects don't live to tell about it.""Now, what is the first lesson that a warrior learns?"
"Work through the pain, embrace it until you are numb. Only then will your body become the instrument it was born to be."
"A perfect pupil Karrick. You don't enjoy being a warrior. Not like Kavanh. She lives and breathes for it. Wishes to die on the field of battle surrounded by the bodies of her enemies. You, on the other hand, wish nothing more than for the warring to stop. However, you embraced that precept and made it work for you. Otherwise you wouldn't be here."
Anon moved effortlessly from one position to another before he balanced the weight of his body on his fingertip.
"We are what we are Karrick. We can do nothing to change that. To try and change who you are would be to become something you're not. You make a good warrior but you will never be a great one. That is good. You will become a father and-"
"Will I be the one to carry it?"
Anon laughed as he straightened. "Do you think it will be easier if you know which infant is yours? I think not. I think it will drive you mad which is why Nirvana and J'enshi have muted the flow of that child's energy to you. When they come of age only then will their energy flow into yours once again."
Karrick opened his mouth to argue but thought better of it. It was for the best. Anon nodded.
"Here," he waved his hand and Karrick was clothed in comfortable pants. "I tire of staring at your nude body," Anon said with a grin. "Now, let us go upstairs."Karrick looked down as he carefully walked toward Anon. Anon looked over his shoulder. "Karrick, it is a floor. Built this way so that the scientists could see if enemies tried to raid the Hall. The people down there can not see up here. Walk as you normally would."
"Is that a hot tub? And a chess table?"
"Hmm? Yes. Sometimes I see things from the future that intrigue me so I build them and bring them back here. But never mind that. Come here. I wanted to show you this."
"What is it?"
"It is our planet's heart...and it is dying. At one time we were unable to store it in a room but now its essence has faded and all that is left is this small surge of energy."
"How long have you known that the planet was dying?"
"For decades."
"And you have done nothing to prevent it? Why did you not tell anyone? We would have-"
"Done what? Creating a panic would have only ensured that those living their lives would have cowered in fear. They would be too afraid to live. We are what keeps our planet alive. But lately, with the mysterious illness and the children dying, our hearts are fading as well. Too many of our people have decided to go to their rest."
Anon rubbed a hand over his chest in the vicinity of his hearts. "Too many of our people have turned away from R'ouglia, have decided to settle elsewhere."Karrick was stunned. He hadn't ever really paid any attention to the comings and goings of the planet. He had heard about the deaths of the children and had assumed that the unknown illness plaguing the people would be fixed by the aide of the scientists.
"Who else knows this?"
"Myself, the scientists that were working on a cure, some still are working on a cure, and now you."
"When you say scientist do you mean-"
A hush fell over the lab and Karrick looked over his shoulder to see a woman striding in from the balcony.She walked with her back straight and she looked neither left nor right as she headed to join the woman sitting at a table. He sucked in a breath when he realized who he was looking at.
"Hannah!" he hissed.
"Is that what she's calling herself on Earth?"
"That or Mother," Karrick spat out.
"And why does she call herself Mother?"
"Because she claims the inhabitants of, Serenity Cove, the small town where we crash landed are her children. She watches out for them, she says. She's placed fear and distrust in their hearts of our race. She preys on their children, does experiments on our people that are foolish enough to trust her."
"Venshai always had a black core. She hides it behind a facade but if you look into her eyes..."
"Did you know?"
"Did I know what Karrick?"
"Did you know she was the one killing off our children? Drinking their blood?"
"Not until it was too late. She rarely, if ever, came around me. I made her uncomfortable for some reason. Now hush and let us eavesdrop on a conversation that has always been hidden in the back of your mind.""What news from off world do you have me for Annu?"
"An army is gathering preparing to attack a planet not far from here. Their leader said he will drop off the chemicals that you requested at a holdover station. From there he leaves the rest up to you."
"Tell me exactly what he said Annu." Her voice was soft and there was a pleasant expression on her face but there was a cold undertone to her words. The woman, Annu, shifted in her seat.
"He said that he cares not for your ways of annihilation. Only cowards poison. A real warrior faces their enemies head on. And they do not go about murdering innocent children. He also said-"
"Enough," she hissed. The woman standing behind her smiled. "Anastasha, you will pick up the chemicals and handle the matter that we discussed won't you?"
"Of course 'Shai."
She turned to look at Annu."Thank you for your loyal service Annu. Without your help none of this would have been possible. I have one more request of you."
"Of course."
"You find that leader and you slit his throat. I won't no word of this getting back to anyone here."
"Can no one else hear this conversation?" Karrick asked as he watched Hannah get up and leave.
"No, Anastasha actually dabbled in the dark arts for a time before becoming a scientist. She has cast a listening wall. Anyone listening will hear something completely different and remember nothing."
"If Anastasha is so good why didn't she detect you?"
"Because I am better. Now, what did you just gather from that conversation?"
"Her true name if you please Karrick."
"Venshai is the one who started our planets slow decline. The reason why it is still racked with pain and filled with the dying."
"Exactly. What does this mean?"
"She must be stopped."
"And her secrets must be uncovered. Our planet will die either way. But with your help the ones left here will live and be able to find another home."
"I don't understand why she would do something like this. What did she hope to gain?"
"She wanted to be a Savior to our people. But she didn't take into account how quickly the chemicals would kill us off...or that the cure would not work."
A small silence stretched before them before Karrick asked the question that had been weighing on him for years.
"How much time is there?"
Anon smiled sadly. "There is never enough time when the clock is ticking."
Karrick wanted to share WAY too much information all in one post! Seriously! Uncalled for man! Uncalled for! Anywho...
Questions will get answered in the next bit. If it was a little confusing: Karrick's present day spirit is in his past body. Anon wanted it that way! Don't ask me why.
And never again will I have nineteen characters on one stinking lot! NEVER AGAIN!!
And I wanted to give a big THANKS for all those sci-fi CC creators! Without you guys this chapter wouldn't have been made! *nods*
As for my stalkers:(I know who you are since I get the emails!:P) you won't have to wait long for the next update! The pics are already done. It just has to be written. This chapter was killing me with the information overload and I could see y'all drooling! *shakes head* And yes, it will be explained why were are not seeing Karrick's penis! You freaks! Oh yeah:
Warning: Sim nudity!! LOL!! And just to let you guys know. I still feel nauseous right before I click the Post button! What if they don't like it always runs through my head! *le sigh*(Pen will get that reference!)
Okay, I'm done rambling! Man, I wish Blogger had something like Wordpress!
Wonderful update, and I dont think you can go wrong with a nekked Karrick! actually with out the... *ahem* afforementioned article, it fits his character all that much better, being in his race they either or can carry the child and they can change sex.
You nervouse when you POST! oh man... Your nuts, LOL! Your updates are always brilliant and intriguing!!!
Now I loved that we got to see a bit of the scary ol Hannah before she got so old. LOL! so many questions...
Great Update, gorgeous screens!!!!
LOL!!! More nekkid Karrick in the next part! Exactly! That's why I didn't feel the need to use crammy's hack in this one.
Oh man! I am! I'm a dork I know! But my stomach cramps up and I get all sweaty and I have to force myself to click the mouse! It's a ritual I go through! LMAO! Thanks Cherie!
Haha! Yeah...that almost didn't happen then I was like hmmm....why not throw Hannah in the mix!? Shed some light on her and the mysterious Anastasha. Sooo many answers! Karrick made my head hurt!! O_o
Thanks once again Cherie!!:D
Its funny to see hannah before she was old. What a knockout. So stunning and cold at the same time. Always the most fun combos to watch in action.
So if Karrick exposes her plans what changes? Isnt that changing the future which he was just told not to do?
I'm glad the next few chapters will be Karrick lovin. Cause hes awesome. And way cuter with the short hair
Hey Sinclair! That's what Hannah really looks like! Haha! All I did was age her to an adult. You should have seen her preening in the mirror! It was hilarious! That face when she was walking and sitting were on her. I had so much going on I didn't really use pose boxes or overlays! I think I used one or two but then I was like forget it! LOL!
He won't expose her plans. It's more like he'll stop the entire slaughter of his race by being able to send whatever he needs back with The Wise. He won't do that in the past but in the present.
One more chapter with Karrick although I was sitting her thinking: "I should have added that...and that too!" So...perhaps more!:P I'm undecided! I think he looks sweet and innocent with the long hair! But I love the short hair and that tat! LOL! Karrick = ♥ either way I think!:D
I knew you'd like this chapter! You've always been a Karrick fangirl!;)~
I get nervous when I post certain chapters too, Phoenix. I especially get rather shaky whenever I'm posting nudity, and I think the worst that have ever actually shown in any of my stories are butts and boobs.
I agree with cheripye--given that Karrick is a R'ouglian, it was perfectly okay to see him with a rather non-human anatomical structure. Rather interesting artistic innovation, even.
Woah, Karrick knew Hannah way back when she looked like that? How old is Karrick, again? I'm sure you've said it before, but my memory sucks.
LOL!!! I like Florian's butt! You should show it more! I guess not with two kids running around huh? I guess we all still get nervous no matter what huh?
That's what I thought but I didn't want people to be confused and scratching their heads wondering why poor Karrick didn't have a penis when I know that wrote that he had one. LOL! Thanks Van!:D
I had to take a look too! I know Kava is 500 but Karrick is 450 years old. Which would place him around the 150, 151 mark in this chapter. I actually aged him down to a teenager for this update which is what he is considered on R'ouglia.
Hannah is 1500+ which should never have happened. She's only aged in the seventy years since she's been on Earth. Not enough infant blood for her I guess...and whatever else she was using to stay young. So in this chapter she's what pushing 1200 or so. A few hundred years older than Anon and he's already talking about being tired.
And I've rambled on long enough!:P
*shifty eyes* Stalking??? There's no stalking here. Who's stalking? I don't know anything about any stalking. Nope, no stalking going on here!
Man, Hannah was crazier than was previously supposed. And what ever happened to her little sidekick in this chapter? Did she die with everyone else?
And who were the R'ouglians at war with? Did Karrick ever go to war or was he still in training when all the Hannah crap went down?
stunning visuals! I wouldn't think those colors would work in combination but they really do!
poor Karrick getting all huffy about being a breeder LOL! He certainly feels deeply, and he's romantic about finding someone to love, so it makes sense.
Hannah is a piece of work. What's her motivation, other than to rule the world, or is that it? What a character!!
Wonderful update with so much detailed information about the whole world you've created - fabulous stuff!
"What if they don't like it" Are you serious?? You're amazing! ;)
That aside, whoa, loads of info! I can't believe how nasty Hannah is, my goodness! Someone take her out and FAST! o.O
LOL!!! Yes, STALKING!! I love you guys though! Hahaha!
Yeah, she was. She tries to keep it under wraps not but when she thought she had everything within her grasp old girl was seriously evil. Yeah, Anastasha ended up becoming infected and when Hannah tried to save her that's when they found out the cure didn't work. Another thing that drove Hannah over the edge. And Anastasha was more than a sidekick but...that will come up later!
They're not at war exactly. More defending their planet from those that sense a weakness. And Karrick did go into battles. A warrior can't be a warrior without going into battle.
And at this time past Karrick was blissfully unaware what was going on. Remember they've only been on earth seventy something years.
Thanks S.B. Yeah, I thought that at first too! I kept changing flooring and walls! Ugh! My hats are off to people who constantly build sets! *staring at UYS*
LOL! Yeah, he did! He still feels strongly about that! Donor equals a sperm donor on earth. A breeder is a R'ouglian who does nothing but pop children out. He was offended at that thought. Although he should know better since his parents are true hearts mate so they don't have sex outside their relationship. Karrick is a conundrum for sure!
Hannah wants power and respect. And she'll ensure she gets it no matter what! She's slightly crazy!:P
Thanks again S.B.!! I was so worried that it would be too much!
Oh!! Haha!! You're killing me UYS! You're the amazing one with all your sets and storytelling and whatnot! As you can see I'm a fangirl!:P
Yeah man! And there's a crap ton more to tell! Blah! Curse Karrick and his want to explain everything!:P
Hannah won't go down without fight. It will be messy and someone will die...or rather someone besides Hannah will die!
Oh hannah is pure evil!!!
Great post, fantastic shots! Lovely as always!
This really opens up a lot. All kinds of information, history. Now that Karrick knows, I sure hope he finds a way to stop Venshai.
Am I right? The planet will die anyway? So at best, those that are left will have time to find a new home...that is incredibly sad. And that last line...very true, and apt response.
Fabulous decor and OMG the skins you used were amazing!
I'm sure she wasn't at one time. Hmm...makes me want to do her back story! But I won't!! LOL!!
Thanks HarperP!
Yep! The planet will be dead anyways. There's nothing to do to stop it. It is sad! It makes me sad to write it! :(
Thanks Gayl! Hours of CC hunting! Blah! I added them to my resource post. They're over on MTS2.
Awww Phoenix, you should not stress about posting! I've never been disappointed with anything I've read from you. And just think how quick Anon would have put pants on Karrick if you had used the hack! LOL!
The planet was really beautiful, so peaceful and serene and that hall was awesome! How the heck did you do that perspective thing with the floor? Hmmm?
And Hannah is the root of all evil, surprise, surprise. :D
Glad there is a part 2, can't wait!
LOL!! I can't help myself Emily! Hahaha!! Awww...thanks so much! That means a lot! LMAO! Yeah, I know right? I would have never been able to keep him out of the pants!
That's what I was going for! Thank goodness it came across! The floor is just clear tiles is all. It's actually flooring. I didn't even know that I had it actually! Next time I go in game I'll check and see where I got it from!:P
I know! What a shocker! Hannah...she turned into a completely different character.
Thanks Emily!
Hey Little Sis,
OMG so much information...I loved it!! I thought it was perfectly natural that Karrick didn't have a penis when I saw him...it made perfect sense. I don't know how you came up with the names of all these people, but they all fit and the story just flowed. Wonderful update, fantastic shots, just BRAVO!!!!!!!!!
Hey sis!! I know! It made my head hurt! I ♥ Karrick but he just wants to talk and talk and talk! His voice in my head is slightly annoying! LOL! And like I said about the names it's not hard for me to come up with their names! Other names yes! It took me forever to come up with Kaylee and Ty! Haha! I'm backwards I know!
Thanks so much! I always, ALWAYS appreciate your feedback! You know this!
*DROOL* How do you come up witha ll of these fantastic ideas?? Why did karrick get sent back in time? And as always YAY! I LIKE THIS UPDATE! AND I'M A LOONY HEAD! YAY!
Hahaha!! I have no idea EJ!! This story just writes itself!!:P I'm glad you're enjoying this!
Your questions will be answered in the next chapter! Seriously!! THANKS SO MUCH!!! I LOVE writing this but you and all my other readers make it worthwhile!!:)
Ok, I thought I commented on this, such stark, amazing shots. the sparse scenery really adds to the story, and the skins! Karrick has such a romantic soul, and how fitting you did not show him with his naughty bits, fit perfectly! And Hannah's appearance brings a shudder, she is nasty.
great update!
Whoo, Karrick, get your naked on! *Cough* Ooh, and I really hate Hannah, she really is a nasty piece of work. R'ouglia is so cool looking, and I love how all the aliens look. As usual, your effects were great :) I'm glad that pieces of the puzzle are finally coming together and we're starting to get a better clue of what exactly happened to Karrick's planet.
LOL!! Thanks Emilia!
Thanks Karen! I wanted them to be that way! You know how I love my clutter but Karrick's people put me in mind of Spartans sometimes. To them clutter is useless. LOL! I love those skins. I searched and searched for those thing!
Karrick does have a romantic soul. It's something that he tries to bury but it shows! Thanks again Karen! It's much appreciated!
Gloom!!! :P Hahahaha!!! They don't mind nudity in the least do they? Hannah is something else. She's always wanted to be on top of the pile. She's almost there.
Thanks! I struggled with the set for awhile. I hate set building. Everyone else is so much better at it but I like how it turned out as well. Those extra aliens were a pain! I had to get them to do something. Having sixteen plus people on a lot is not cool! Not cool at all! hahaha!
Yeah...that's what I wanted to do with this piece. Put some pieces of the puzzle together before I throw other things in the mix!:D
Wonderful update, looks like things are slowly taking shape....
hopefully Karrick can stop Hannah soon....
and I hope he will become a father not a donor... lol a loving father that is!! :D
Thanks Sandy! Yes, they are. Sandy, I can't believe you're trying to catch up with all of this! You are too much!
He would think of himself as a donor if he married a female. He wants to be the one to carry the child.