1.37{Part II}
Planet R'ouglia
circa 1709(Earth Years)"Humans are so different from us and yet...they are the same.We've studied their genetic make up for decades now. Tested DNA, studied blood types, tried to splice chromosomes. They are so fragile but they preserve through so much. Take Kaylee for example. She could have ended up being like Venshai . A cold, manipulative woman but instead she's-"
"Warm and giving. Caring. She holds her pain in the inside. Her scars aren't of the flesh but of the heart."
"Yes. But she's fearless. When others when have stumbled she pressed on. Of course she had someone to lean on even if she did refuse him for the longest time."
"But Ty always knew that she would be his."
Karrick smiled sadly. Anon shook his head.
"Did I not tell you that Tyrese would come around? That you would have your own person to lean on?"
"Yes, but-"
"Trust in me Karrick. I would not lie to you. The road my not be smooth but you'll traverse it nonetheless. I do have a question for you."
Anon gestured to the headless mannequin. "Why do human males carry their reproductive organs on the outside of their bodies when not in use? It would seem an endangerment to me."
"I have asked Ty the same question and his answer left me even more confused."
"And what was his answer?"
Anon cocked his head to the side as he studied the model. "Interesting. I guess I will never know." He shrugged. "Humans are so complex but look at what they've reduced us to."
He gestured over Karrick's shoulder at a plastic alien toy. "We should be offended but if this is what makes the humans sleep at night, to think that they are the only beings alive in the great vastness of space, I guess we should be happy. Come with me Karrick. I need to show you one last thing."
Anon gestured over to the railing when they teleported up to the roof. "Tell me what you see."Karrick walked over to the railing, inhaling a lungful of the rich air. He had missed the smells he had grown up with. Coming to a stop by the railing he looked down to see a couple on the beach. They were oblivious to everything. He heard the female laugh as the male raised her hand to his mouth and pressed a gentle kiss on the back of it. He stilled when the wind brought the sound of their voices to him.
"Kavanh, when will you agree to join with me?"
"When will you let me fight with you in battle Uz’asi? I will fight regardless but going into battle with you-"
"Will not happen, my hearts. I am on the front line. I would be distracted."
"Do you think I am not capable?"
"I think you are the most capable warrior that I have ever seen. I am not capable. Knowing that you fight both terrifies me and makes me proud. But seeing you in battle is another thing all together."
Karrick turned to stare at Anon. "My sister and Uz'asi?"
Anon nodded. "Not true hearts mates but they enjoy each others company. They love as we have always loved. They respect each other. Uz'asi has wanted to join with your sister for about fifty years now."
"How could I not have known?"
"They wanted it that way. It was private and it was cherished."
Karrick's hands clenched against the railing. "But he dies."
"Don't we all?""Have you ever seen a sight more beautiful?" K'ava asked as they laid down on the beach and stared up at the sky.
Karrick watched as Uz'asi pulled his sister close before pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Of course I have. You."
This was the same warrior who caused everyone to tremble in fear and respect? His voice was softer and the hands that had killed hundreds were now gently stroking up and down his sister's arm. How could he not have known? He scowled and thought back to the days after his death.
Kava had gone to war as well. When she came back she was more somber but then everyone had been when they learned of Uz'asi death. Perhaps that's why he didn't notice.
Anon's hand landing on his shoulder brought him back to the present. Or his current present. He shook his head at that confusing thought.
"The guilt still eats at her."
"What guilt?"
"Does she not speak of him?" When Karrick shook his head Anon sighed. "He finally relented and allowed her to go into battle with him. What better way to prove his affections for her? And he died protecting her. She came close to being beheaded herself. A female R'ouglian in battle draws attention. While he was thrusting his blade into her attacker another was coming up behind him."
"It wasn't her fault. She has to know-"
"But it was her fault. Kavanh was not ready to be part of the Elite warrior class. His affection for her blinded him to that fact. It's a fact that she will have to live with. It is only right."
Karrick glanced down at the beach to see the two of them involved in pleasuring each other. All he had to do was say something and he could change the course of history.
"And forever damage your future. Put the thought from your mind Karrick and look here. Tell me what you see."Karrick walked to where Anon pointed and stared at himself in the mirror.
"I see me."
"And what else?"
"I-I don't know what else."
"Hmm...may I tell you what I see?" Karrick nodded.
"I see a misplaced R'ouglian. A male that does not fit into any mold that we have here on our planet. I see a male who could have been brought up as a Wise One if only he had been born with the mark on his face. You feel deeply but show little. You seek answers but keep your own counsel. I see a male R'ouglian that I would have been proud to tutor if only he would have asked. I also see a male R'ouglian who thinks little of himself and in so doing never finds true happiness."
"I don't know what to say Master Anon. You humble me. I would never have thought that you would tutor me. The Wise never take disciples."
"Because no one has thought to ask. The Wise aren't the only ones who have the knowledge you know. Now, tell me what the humans see when they look at you."
Karrick closed his eyes and brought forth the image of the man he projected when he had to make public appearance with the team."Ahhh...no matter what you are still project the warrior image no? You have the battle scars and what are these markings?"
"A tattoo. Ty helped me with it."
"And the scars?"
Karrick traced a finger lightly over a scar on his stomach. "The females of the human race seem drawn to the mystery of scars. I was interested in seeing what the fuss was about sex. Humans pay for sex, some do it for fun, and some even do it for careers. And then there are those that have sex because they are in love. They want to give of themselves. I wanted to see if it was any different from what we do on our planet."
"And was there?"
He shrugged. "I felt...nothing. I got my rocks off, a human expression that I find curious since there are no rocks, involved as did she but she seemed to feel something that I did not. The panting, the moaning. She scratched my back and screamed in my ear and all I felt was a slight tingle. "
Anon chocked and Karrick looked over his shoulder to see him laughing. "What's so funny?" he asked with his own smile.
"I think you were more focused on the mechanics rather than the emotions. We would not have multiple partners here if there was no fun involved Karrick."
"Perhaps. But I've tried this with several women and the results are always the same."
Anon shook his head. "Do you think your sister and Uz'asi fornicate on the sands because they have to or because they enjoy it?"
"Kava enjoys sex."
"For the most part it is a thing to be enjoyed. It's also great exercise."
Karrick spun around. "Anon! You?"
"I was not always as I am now Karrick K’atri."
Before Karrick could ask him any more questions he turned and walked over to the globes that had appeared from nowhere."When we knew that we could not save the planet we looked to places where our race would be able to survive. These three planets ended up being the only ones where we could live and be able to procreate with other species so that our race would not die out."
"Only three?"
"We have no wish to inhabit a barren planet Karrick. Our wombs are either crippled or barren. What good would that do us? No, we needed a planet where we could thrive and live in peace amongst the inhabitants."
"But...just three?"
Anon sighed. "There were more but after investigating them we realized that they weren't going to last much longer either. And what would be the point in moving our people to a planet only to have to uproot them all over again?""So, what is the name of this planet?"
Karrick stared at the swirling purple planet. If he peered close enough he could see the clouds shifting and swirling within it.
"We refer to it as Planet X. The inhabitants seems friendly enough but there was a language barrier. They refused our technology and would rather remain primitive. I don't blame them really. Technology is what caused our own planet's downfall."
"No, Venshai did that!"
"But she was aided by our advances in technology."
"So are you saying you'd rather our planet remained primitive rather than us having created technology that has saved thousands?"
"I'm saying that as our technology advanced so did our greed. And that is what lead to our down fall. Anyways, Planet X seemed out. We didn't want to create a rift with any inhabitants. We wanted to be at peace."
Anon moved to the right. "And then there was-""Earth."
Reaching up Karrick placed his hand on the orb. It seemed to vibrate at his touch and he smiled softly.
Anon watched him in silence before he nodded. "Yes, and then there was Earth. It wasn't a peaceful planet. We watched it for years and saw all the wars and the hate that went on but human genetics were a close match to ours. And with us being able to change our appearance at will we could blend in easily enough. But we weren't sure."
Karrick tore his eyes away from the globe to stare at Anon. "So how did we end up crash landing there?"
"Someone tampered with the coordinates. We hadn't made a decision yet but things had taken a turn for the worse. I think it was Venshai who did it. She couldn't be sure what capsule she would take so she tampered with them all as a precaution."
"I was supposed to be in stasis. I was going on a scouting mission the next day."
"Yes, I remember that. Your parents came to me. They were upset. It was one thing for you to go into battle with a group of warriors. It was another for you to go into a hostile planet by yourself."
"My...parents came to see you?" Karrick was stunned. He had never had a close relationship with his parents.
"You were their son. Your father carried you in his womb. Of course they were worried. Do you think that you and Kavanh landed on Earth by mistake?"
Anon shook his head. "No, I knew there was something that you had to do Karrick. Something that was bigger than staying here, fighting a losing battle. I'm the one who put you in stasis and I am the one who ensured you and Kavanh were in that capsule headed for Earth. Your parents were heartbroken when I told them what I had done but they understood it was for the best."
"Where are my parents? What happened to them?"
Anon looked away. "Your mother fell ill and soon after your father. They-"
"Enough Anon. Enough."
Anon nodded his head in understanding and placed a comforting hand on his arm. "They loved and lived. They were happy. I showed them their children and their life on Earth. They were at peace. And now I have disrupted yours. Let us mediate Karrick. You lead."Karrick closed his eyes and breathed deeply through his nose. He rarely meditated anymore. His thoughts were too jumbled for that but with Anon's calming presence behind him he soon found his mind empty of thoughts as he slowly lifted up one leg and released the breath through his mouth.
Soon his body was going through the motions automatically and he could feel a smile on his lips as his muscles strained. Maybe it was minutes or perhaps it was hours but he suddenly felt a drop of water land on his shoulder. He frowned. It didn't rain here. It never rained.
"Yes Karrick?"
"Is it raining?"
"It never rains here. I don't remember it raining."
"Our planet is a living entity. She weeps for lives lost and for what will soon be an empty planet."
"Perhaps we should go?" He shifted into another position.
"Yes Karrick. It's time for you to go."Karrick's frown deepened. Anon's voice sounded farther away. "Anon?"
"It has been an honor walking with you Karrick. Warrior, brother...friend. My hearts are glad that you've finally found your place. Walk your path Karrick. No one can do it for you."
Karrick shifted and looking over his shoulder saw Anon place his hand over his hearts and bow his head.
"It was an honor speaking with you Master Anon."
"The honor was mine. I only wish..."
"Wish what?" Karrick demanded. Anon was now a shadowy outline.
"That we had more time. A futile wish but my wish nevertheless." He chuckled and then was gone.
Karrick stayed on the roof for a time before he teleported to the beach. He stared at the waves crashing against the surf for a long while before taking a final glance around him.
This was the planet were he had been born...but it was no longer his home. With a heavy sigh he walked into the water.Remember that of which we spoke Karrick. You know what you have to do.
"Yes, I know what I have to do." The water soaked through his pants and slowed his movements but he kept walking.
Remember what's at stake. Remember...
"I will remember."The waves suddenly became stronger and splashed upward pushing him back. Almost as if the planet didn't want him to leave. He wiped the water from his face and pushed strands of his hair from his eyes. He could feel Anon's presence behind him.
One more question Anon.
Ask it. If I have the answer I will tell you.
Why me? Why was I chosen to be the father of a new race?
There was a pause then: Why not you?
That's not an answer.
That answer is not mine to give. Look into your hearts Karrick.
Another wave came up and splashed salt in his eyes. He rubbed at his eyes and blinked furiously to ease the stinging. A sudden current pulled him under and then......there was darkness before a kalescope of colors burst in front of his eyes. He blinked and looked down but there was nothing. Just darkness all around him. Closing his eyes he allowed the current to take him wherever it wanted before he was suddenlty pulled in a different direction. It was almost painful when he was shoved back into his body. He quickly uncoiled his legs and sat on the bed blinking at the surroundings around him.
His hearts were beating rapidly in his chest but they slowly calmed when he realized that he was back home. He let out a long breath as he crossed his legs under him. He turned when he saw motion from the corner of his eyes. A small smile pulled at his lips when he saw Kava sleeping in a chair. She looked uncomfortable but he knew she had dragged that chair in from their small living room so she could watch over him. Just how long had he been gone? For him it only felt like hours but it had probably been a little longer.
Trying to be as quiet as possible he shifted again so that he was leaning against the pillows and placed his hands over his stomach as he thought back to everything that he had discused with Anon. He stiffened when he heard the door downstairs open and heavy footsteps walking up the stairs. Footsteps that were very familiar. The door pushed open and Ty peeked his head around. Raising his finger to his lip Karrick motioned to Kava."Karrick! Y-you're back! When did you get back? Do you realize that it's been almost two fucking weeks since you pulled your little stunt and had all of us scared out of our minds?" Ty asked in fierce undertones. He rubbed at his scalp.
Karrick smiled. "I would think you would be happy I was gone Tyrese. Is that not what you wanted?"
Ty groaned and tossed up his hands. "Man, families argue. They say shit that they don't mean. That doesn't mean that you should pull some freaky R'ouglian custom on us."
Ty rolled his eyes. "You know that I think of you as family Karrick. And that crap you were telling me just pissed me off but Kaylee helped me see the error of my ways."
"I always told you that she was too smart for you."
"Yeah, yeah! Man!" Ty grinned as he stared down at him. "It's good to see you."
"You missed me?" Karrick asked as he swung his legs over the side of the bed and walked around to face Ty.
"Do you even need to ask?" Ty reached out and Karrick stiffened.
"I am naked.""Who the fuck cares?"
Karrick closed his eyes as Ty wrapped his arms around him. He could feel no malice coming from him. He was home.
"Man, I fall asleep for a bit and this is what I wake up to? If it was anyone but you two I'd love to be the meat in that sandwich!"
He grinned when Kava's voice reached him and he felt Ty chuckle.
Yes, he was home.
Weellll....I know this is late. Especially after I told you guys you wouldn't have to wait that long. But I was playing the Sims 3! Lame excuse I know but that's what I was doing!
Hopefully this answers some questions about their planet...and about R'ouglians in general. I had to go in and reshoot some stuff which is general why I try to get updates out when I have the pics because I hate to reshoot but these were necessary. I was floating on my back in the pool late last night and staring at the sky when this HUGE bug came towards me. After nearly drowning myself trying to get away I realized that I knew exactly what I wanted to say! LOL!! Weird but that's how my mind works!
Umm...yeah! I think that's about it. Any inconsistencies are my own. I have it all up in my head but...*shrug* Questions? Comments? Y'all know how to reach me. I'm all over the place!:P And I told you guys I wasn't giving up on the Sims 2. And no, there will be no Sims 3 story! My sister has spoken...and ever do I obey! Bwahahahaha!! I'm out! I got work in a less than eight hours!
YAY! Sims 2 STAYS! *is loopy from sleep deprivation*
Oh! And what was the third planet? It looked like Jupiter, kindof.
I can sleep when Im dead, i only paused sims 3 to check the stories LOL
That's ridiculous, Phoenix. Done in by a bug!
hahaha Kava is win!
Wwwwaaaiiit- So Karrick can change his appearance to look like people? He's so exotically hot as a human. Moar of that please.
I'm impressed with the work you put into this one Phoenix because I know how much you hate building sets. LOL!
In other news, yay! On my new screen, I can see the pictures! On the old one, the resolution wasn't as good so I had to scroll to the side of the screen to see the whole thing.
Karrick's back. *Does a welcome back Karrick dance*
"I have asked Ty the same question and his answer left me even more confused."
"And what was his answer?"
I LOLed. That's totally Ty, lmao =P
Yay, awesome update as always!
Absolutely stunning shots - the colors and composition are amazing! Translucent and gorgeous!
What hit me the hardest was Kava's story - an act of deadly pride.
Deep and complicated but you mix it up with funny and clever - really enjoyed this!
"It's also great exercise." *snicker*
Yay, Ty and Karrick are gonna be okay! :D
Gorgeous sets, Phoenix. Great job with the building :)
I think this may be one of my most favorite updates. This had everything, and OMG what stunning shots! The ocean, the planets, all of it.
I have to agree with SB, the part with Kava was not only a surprise but so bittersweet. I think Karrick will be all right, better than all right. It almost feels like this is the beginning of the end for Venshai/Hannah doesn't it?
That was awesome. And sad. Awesomely sad. Sadly Awesome. And Kava's story... it is so fitting. I'm psyched Karrick is back, and his little excursion was definitely informative.
Awww, Ty missed him.
LOL EJ!! Yeah, Sims 2 stays!! I can't give them up! I think that's what it was meant to be. I don't know what I was going to call it though. After Karrick looked so intense after I told him to view Earth I figured I didn't need it! LOL!
Get some sleep!!!:P
Girl, I know what you mean! Wait...no! I love my sleep! LOL!! But Sims 3 is pretty good isn't it? And just when are you going to make some more Sims? *eyes frhsims*
LMAO!! I couldn't help it Penelope! Some of these bugs bite! And it stings! Shoot! :P Kava is win! I ♥ her!
Yep! I think I might have mentioned it earlier! Like chapters earlier! Kava can too actually. *cough* And that actually IS Karrick. I just changed the skin, widened the nose a bit, adjusted the eyes, slapped on some different hair and ba-da-bing there's human Karrick! LOL! There will be MOAR of that in the next generation! Seeing as how the kids leave Serenity Cove and all! *cough*
Oh hey! Thanks Pen! I do hate it! I hates it forever! But I do like how it turned out!
YAY for new computers!!! *does happy dance for new shiny Mac!!*
Wait...you had to scroll to the side to see the pics? O_o Why didn't you TELL me? *glares at Pen*
I LOLed as I was writing it UYS. Haha! I was going to go into some boring detail but then I thought...nope! This is Ty! He doesn't do boring details! LOL!!
Awww...thanks so much! Ditto to yours! I always love a Cutler update!
Thanks S.B. I wanted it to feel as if they really were on a different planet...rather than just a business district of Serenity Cove! LOL!!
I'm glad that it came through that way!
And yeah...I had no intention of those hooking up but when I brought her on set she started to blow hearts and I thought why not? Didn't know the story was going to end that way though!:( They always surprise me.
LMAO Van! Hey! I'm just sayin'!:P
Did you really think they weren't gonna be Van? I ♥ those two too much to have a er...minor thing come between them! They'll still have rough patches though. Ty's a daddy!! He's going to blow a gasket.
Thanks Van. Your sets are always great too!
Oh wow! Thanks Gayl! Once I started writing it was insanely easy to finish! LOL! The shots had been taken for weeks now. I only added two: human Karrick and one of Karrick and Anon doing yoga together!:P I really appreciate the compliment though!
It was bittersweet for me as well. I had just intended for it to be sweet but that's not how it ended up. Yeah, Karrick will be better than alright now.
And yeah...it is! I mean...it does...
Hahaha Veron! Thanks!!!:D
Ty not only missed it but is relieved as well. The guilt was eating at him. He and Karrick are going to have a long sit down talk. I can just picture how that goes.:P
I have a question! *waves hand frantically in the air*
How far from Earth is R'ouglia? Because you know, time shifts with distance which would totally screw with everything- Relative Earth dates, the character's ages, etc. And then there's the question of how the R'ouglians even reckon time.
I know, I know. Only I would ask a question that retarded. :p
Fuzzy math.
Whoa whoa whoa. I do believe i just read kids leaving serenity cove..next generation! Yayyyyyy. Im happy now. I kinda wanna see this story go on and on like a soap opera. Never ending. Unless its been on for decades. Then something new can come.
And i must say Karrick doesnt look as cute human. I think it was the eyes. Totally ruined it.
And btw im a Karrick fanboy :)
O and Kava was right. That would be a hot sandwhich!
I was never good at judging distances. So let's just say it's far enough away that it hasn't be discovered by humans yet. I always think of R'ouglia as being far, FAR away.
Time moves slower. Which is why Karrick only feels like a few hours passed when it was actually two weeks(of course he was in a memory so time shifts different). I remember Karrick talking about how he got his tattoo at an age that Kaylee was surprised at. And then he told her that his age would equate to being twenty in Earth years. He joked about aging in dog years which isn't that far off.
So....one R'ouglian week would equal about a month in Earth time.
Hmm....*ends ramble and wanders off to write stuff down*
LOL Sinclair!!! Yep! I have it planned out in my head...not yet on paper but I never really write anything down! And I'll see what I can do! As long as I think I have interesting plot lines and whatnot I'll keep writing! But when the well finally runs dry...I'll make sure to wrap it up nicely! It won't be left hanging!
I like Karrick either way. But you'll have to get used to seeing him in his human skin in the years to come. I'm just saying!
Hahaha!! Yeah, I know right? I'd take a bite out of that!
Ok I am just crying here *booHoo* LOL! I will definately be coming back for a more *Sniff* comprehensible comment! LOL! I am really crying though! LOL!
Ok I am back, Poor Kava no wonder she is so quiet! and Human Karrick hmm... Very nice looking although I still prefer his alien form! LOL! and I am so glad that He and Ty made up... Yay they are friends again!
Stunning explanations here!
LOL!! Thanks Cherie! Yeah, Kava has had her share of pain. She just keeps everything inside is all.
I prefer his alien form as well but I had to make his human for look distinctively different seeing as how he'll be around a lot more in the next generation as a human.
They were always going to make up. I can't have those two being mad at each other for long.
Thanks Cherie! :D
I just spent 2 hours of my life catching up with this story and I have only three words........BEST STORY EVER!!!!
Oh wow!! Thanks so much!! haha!! I'm really glad you enjoyed it! I always cringe when I glance back over my older chapters! I really appreciate you taking the time to read it!
And thanks for the awesome compliment! Seriously! Wow!
PS. Gonna go check out your story! I started last night but lost the wifi connection!:(
I'm really enjoying learning so much about Karrick's life and home planet!!!
Wonderful update!!! :D
Thanks Sandy! I thought it was time that we learned about them since they're going to be such a large part of the next generations!:)
I appreciate it Sandy!
Awww, Karrick is back! Yay! I loved the continuation at his home planet, really gorgeous job with those pics! And I adored the scene where they were observing the planets and he touched Earth, that was really well done!
Man, Kava's story was so sad! No wonder she is like she is. I'd be a little miss grumpy pants too if that happened to the guy I was in love with, AND if it felt like it was my fault! How terrible!
Awesome update, and oh yeah - I like the new colors of this blog, makes it a little easier to read than the white on black! And the new header...double AWWWWW!
Haha!! Thanks Emily! I couldn't have them mad for long. There's some things that need to be done first! Him touching the planet was a complete accident. I had him viewing it and when his hand lifted it looked as if he touched it. HAD to use that! His facial expression just added to the image!:P
Yeah, it was sad. But...it was sort of her fault. If she had waited maybe things would have turned out different but we'll never know will we?
Thanks Emily! I got bored and ya know...I switch layouts! Besides the fact that I wanted to prepare for the new generation coming up soon!:P