Hannah stood outside the window. She could hear Kaylee and her husband talking and laughing then the slam of the front door. Kaylee walked into the nursery and stood looking down into the cribs with a soft smile on her face. It made Hannah’s stomach turn. Children were nothing but parasites and she just considered herself the exterminator. What she did she did out of necessity. She didn’t consider what she did wrong. Just as humans enjoyed their hamburgers she enjoyed the fresh, thriving blood of an infant. Was that so wrong? Of course it wasn’t, she reassured herself as she heard their vehicle back out of the driveway. Nothing was wrong with that at all.
Peeping around the corner of the house she could just make out the solid form of Kaylee’s husband behind the driver’s seat. She smacked her lips. His blood thrummed in his veins. Never more so when he was around Kaylee. She would love to just take a sample, a small sip, but she knew he would be addictive. Like a fine wine. She had made a promise to Anastasha before her death that she would only take the blood from infants. Why that had been important to her friend she would never know but she had made that promise, had sworn a blood oath even and so she was bound to hold true to that promise. No matter how much she wished otherwise.
Standing in the shadows a while longer, making sure that the husband didn’t forget anything else, Hannah leaned heavily against the side of the house. She was so tired. Her body was just tired. It felt as if the years were pushing down on her and every step was a year and every breath was a decade. Before a step had been nothing in the grand scheme of thing but thanks to Winston and his incompetence her life span was beginning to show. She could barely look at herself in the mirror anymore. Figuring that enough time had past she pushed away from the house and made her way up the porch stairs. With a motion the door opened silently.
A low, warning growl stopped her in her steps.“Stupid mutt,” she whispered under her breath. She had forgotten about the dog. Closing her eyes she tried to soothe it but, like Kaylee, she came up against a wall. Scowling she tried harder but to no avail.
“What what in the world is going on here?” she demanded. The dog’s growl grew deeper and he started to crouch in preparation to jump at her. She didn’t really want to do this. Taking energy from around her also took energy from herself. Energy that she really couldn’t afford to give. Not that she had much choice in the matter, she thought as the dog came flying towards her. Almost languidly she waved her hand in the air and particles hit him in the chest sending him flying backward. His body hit the ground with a soft thump.Immediately she could feel a change in herself as well. She was tired. And hungry. Famished if she was going to be honest with herself. She absently glanced down at her hand, which was still sparking with energy. Sighing she cut off the flow. She was getting slow. The dog should have never even made it as close as he had. Years ago she would have been able to handle him from miles away but not now. Not since Kaylee, and whatever power she had brought with her, came to Serenity Cove. Her hands curled into fists as she walked in the direction of the nursery.
“I give you your heart’s desire, your dream job and you want to quit on me?” she snarled under her breath. “No one quits on me!”Kaylee had just finished changing Isaac when the door opened behind her.
“What did you forget now?” she asked with a laugh. It quickly died in her throat when she turned to see Hannah standing in the doorway. She was leaning against the door as if she were exhausted. Kaylee looked down when Isaac squirmed in her arms. She realized that her grip had tightened on him. Letting out a breath she relaxed her arms around him and he stared up at her for a moment before yawning and smacking his lips before drifting back to sleep.
“Hannah, what are you doing here?” she asked in a whisper.
“Just coming to see the babies. You didn’t invite me to the baby shower you know. I felt like the wicked fairy in one of your human fairy tales. Which one was it? Oh yes, Sleeping Beauty. I wonder how I should punish you. Should I do as she did and find some way to put your children into a soundless sleep? Or should I just think that my invitation got lost in the mail?”
“You know why I didn’t invite you Hannah.”
“Oh yes, I know why.” Her words were hissed out between gritted teeth. “It was you that day in the lab wasn’t it? Silly Kaylee. Did you think that I was going to let you get away with spying on me. Who did you tell?”
“I didn’t tell anyone!”
“You’re a liar!”
Kaylee took a step back as she stepped forward.One of her hands flew to her mouth and the other to her stomach as she stared down at the little boy child. His blood was calling to her. So strong, so sweet. Her mouth watered and her stomach clenched in pain.
“Long has it been since I’ve tasted the innocent blood of a child. There’s nothing like it Kaylee. Have you ever wondered-”
“No!” Kaylee was sickened by the hungry look she was giving Isaac. “And just what are you? A vampire? I thought-”
Hannah laughed. “Kaylee, Kaylee, Kaylee! A vampire? Really? No, I walk in the sun. I am not bound by their laws. The laws which stifle them and make them all but extinct. No, I am a R'ogulian who has found the fountain of youth. My friend and I discovered that blood strengthens what was already strong. Imagine the possibilities Kaylee. A life without worrying about death. A life-”
“Spent searching for someone to feed off of. Killing innocent children. Thanks but no thanks!”
“I would expect nothing less from a human,” Hannah spit out.
“Really Hannah. Is that the best you could come up with?” she asked mockingly as she turned to put Isaac in his crib. Hannah’s unwavering gaze was making her nervous.
“Human’s aren’t the only one who are sickened by your acts. Your own people want you dead.”
“And they can try.”While Kaylee was turned Hannah tried to get into her mind. Once again she met up with a wall. Throwing her hands up in the air she stomped her foot.
“Just what is it with you? Why can’t I read you?”
Kaylee gave her a quizzical look. “I have no idea what you mean.”
“I should be able to scan you. Your thoughts, your dreams…but I can’t. I never have been.”
Kaylee shrugged. “I don’t know. Why don’t we go into the living room?” Anything to get her away from her children.
Hannah sighed. “Look at me. I feel like an old woman. I’ve gained weight and I can’t take it off. It’s because of you that this is happening to me.”
“You should try working out,” Kaylee said flippantly as she all but shoved Hannah out of the room. She didn’t know what gave her the courage….she guessed she did, she though as she softly but firmly closed the door to her babies room. There were two reasons behind this door. Hopefully Gabe stayed asleep and Nana stayed upstairs. She walked over to the couch but froze when a flicker caught her eye.
“No!” she exclaimed moving around the edge of the couch.“What did you do to him?”
“The mutt tried to attack me. I was defending myself. Calm your nerves. He’s just in stasis. He should be fine in about a week or two.”
“In a week or two?”
“Yes…or would you rather I have killed him?
“No,” she said hastily. “A week or two is fine.”
“That’s what I thought.” Hannah slumped down on the couch. “Why don’t you join me Kaylee. Don’t you have questions for me? I know I have several for you. I’ve been watching you, you know.”
“Yes, I know.”
“Is that why you handed in your two weeks notice?”
“No, I just can’t work for you anymore Hannah. Not knowing what I know.”
Kaylee stood in front of her and watched as she crossed her arms. “And just what is it you think you know?” Hannah asked with a smirk.“You know what I know!” Kaylee said loudly then quickly lowered her voice. “You know exactly what I know.”
“Yes, I know what you think you know. You only know part of it. Don’t you want to know the whole story? About my past? I could give you information that you’ve only read about. I can tell you stories about people that are thought to be legends. I can tell you anything in the last two thousand years. Aren’t you a little curious to hear?”
“You’re like an anaconda. You’d get me so wrapped up in your stories I wouldn’t even notice you strangling me.”
Shaking her head Hannah tsked. “A snake analogy? Was it really the snake’s fault the Eve was curious? That she questioned? That she wanted to know what was outside her door?”
“Are you…are you talking about the Eve?”
“Of course! What other Eve gets blamed for throwing down mankind? She wasn’t content to be a pet. She wanted to be free.”
“That’s not what…that’s not how it happened,” Kaylee stammered. Hannah tilted her head.
“Wasn’t it? Were you there?”
“No…but then again neither were you?”
“This is true…but I did get her side of the story. Come. Sit,” she said patting the cushion as she slid over. She crossed her legs. “And I’ll tell you the story after I ask you a question.”Kaylee’s butt had barely hit the cushion before Hannah slithered up to her and whispered in her ear. “What would you do for your children? Do you know a woman who has just had children is the next best thing to the child themselves? Would you give your blood to me in order to protect your babies? To protect your family?”
Kaylee could feel her mouth drop and her eyes got huge. She would do anything for her children…she would even die for them. But what about Gabe? He’d lost enough people in his life. And Ty? Did Hannah really think that Ty would just stand by and let her live after she was dead and gone?
“Well Kaylee? I wouldn’t kill you if that’s what you’re thinking. I can control myself. You would be my own personal blood bank. Provided that you keep having children of course. What do you say?”Kaylee shoved up from the couch and turned her back on Hannah. Hearing a soft grunt she stiffened when she felt Hannah come up behind her. Hannah’s hand landed near her shoulder and she could feel the heat of it through her shirt.
“Kaylee…what’s a little blood between friends? I would protect you. I’d give you whatever you’re heart desired. Didn’t you want this job? I got it for you didn’t I?”
“Only because you wanted to use me to further your research!”
“It would have been our research! Come, think about it. Your babies for a little blood every now and again. No more worries. No more worrying about Hunter. He-”
“What do you know about Hunter?”
“I know that he wants to know what makes me able to stay alive so long. But you haven’t told him have you?”
“No,” Kaylee whispered placing a hand over her throat. “ I haven’t.”
“And why is that? Because you know deep down that you’ll help me won’t you?” Hannah said in soothing tones.Kaylee shrugged Hannah’s arms off of her. “No, because I won’t let my children become bargaining chips in your idiotic war. I don’t trust you or Hunter to keep my family out of the cross fire. That’s why I won’t help either one of you. I’m tired of my family being pawns.”
“You stupid bitch! Eventually you’re going to have to choose sides. I’ll just make sure it’s mine!”
Kaylee didn’t have any warning. She really should have remembered, she thought as Hannah shoved her hard enough for her to fly through the hair, just because Hannah looked like she was about seventy or eighty didn’t mean that she didn’t have the strength to knock her on her ass. She winced as the carpet burned her legs. She came to a halt just before her head hit the wall.“I won’t be as nice to you as I was to your mutt,” Hannah snarled. “I’ll give you something to remember me by. Something to look at the next time you think to defy me. And while you’re trying to recover from this I believe I’ll go snack on one of your children. It’s been awhile since I’ve last fed. And to know that I’ll be drinking from the possible mate of one of those K’atri brats makes it all the sweeter. A two for one deal if you will.”
Kaylee could see red flickering off the white panel of the wall as she slowly raised her head. But she wasn’t worried about herself. No her eyes were glued to the door of the nursery.Her babies. She couldn’t let Hannah do anything to her babies. Bracing herself she stiffened her body to attack Hannah. Maybe a kick to the kneecap would slow her down. Give her enough time to do what needed to be done.
“Stay where you are Kaylee Jameson. Duck your head. This battle is not yet yours.”
Her body went boneless as she heard the Guardian’s voice from above her.“Qu’hari?”
She should have known that The Wise had somehow heard about her. That they would send their best line of defense down to guard the harbinger of a new race. It was still a bit of a shock to see him as he finally flickered into view.
“It is you! I thought…I thought you had died.”
“I believe that was your wish màthair, not mine.”“What are you doing? What are you doing?” Hannah screamed as he swiftly brought up his hands. Kaylee squeezed her eyes closed as a bright light filled the living room.
“Kaylee, do as I say and bury your face in your hands! Now!”
“You would die for her? A human?” Hannah asked.
“I would die following The Wise’s wishes. Their wish is for Kaylee to see this through. They have grown attached to her.”
“And what of you? Have you grown attached?”
“I…I have.”
If Kaylee didn’t know better she would have thought they were just having a polite conversation. But she could hear the pain in Hannah’s voice and the Guardian seemed to be gritting his teeth. His feet shifted near her as he widened his stance.“I will leave for now…but you will regret the day you took their side over mine. Son of my loins, flesh of my flesh, betrayer!”
The last word was a hiss and then there was silence.
“How do you fare Kaylee?”
“I’m just peachy,” she said without looking up.
There was a silence and then he chuckled. “Ah, human sarcasm. You must be doing well then.”
“The babies? Gabe? Nana?”
“They heard nothing. They are doing fine.”“How could they not hear Hannah screaming?” she asked as she finally sat up.
“I blocked the sound from traveling further than this room.”
“Neat trick.”
“It comes in handy, yes. Here, let me help you up.” His leather jacket rustled as he bent to help her. She shook her head.
“Buster! Help Buster!”
He stared at her unblinkingly until she had to look away. He stood.
“If that is your wish.”“A warrior canine sent to protect a warrior woman. A perfect match indeed,” he whispered as he inhaled slowly before reaching down and burying his hands in Buster’s fur. A white glow seemed to come from him and transfer to Buster. Kaylee leaned to the side to watch and held her breath as the glow faded and Buster continued to lay there with his tongue hanging out of his mouth. Her hand flew to her mouth and she blinked back tears. No, he couldn’t be dead. It just wasn’t-
“There’s a good boy. You still have more fight left in you, yes? Good boy!”
She released a shaky breath and the Guardian looked over his shoulder at her as Buster raced over and licked at her face.
“Did you think that I would not be able to lift something so minor as a stasis conjure? Any child could have done that. Hannah grows weak. It won’t be long before she tries to wage a full out war on all of us. She won’t go without a fight.”
He seemed to be speaking more to himself than to her. Kaylee gave Buster’s head one last pat before she tried to stand. Her legs felt like jell-o. She blinked when she was suddenly lifted and held close to a firm chest.“How did you know to come?”
“We always have someone watching over you Kaylee.”
“They couldn’t have come sooner?” she asked in outrage.
“There wasn’t a need. You were holding your own.”
“Well,” Kaylee said slightly mollified. “Hey, I have a question for you?”
“What does máthair mean?”
She felt him stiffen against him before he started to walk toward the couch.
“I spent some time studying human culture. We all study some human culture in school. It’s Gaelic…for mother.”
“You call Hannah Mother?” Kaylee asked in confusion as he placed her carefully on the couch.
“What else would I call the woman who gave birth to me?”
Okay, I switched to JPG. Why? Because my sis was talking to my on the phone and she mentioned on the fly how long it took for my pics to load and then she kept talking and she said she didn't care because she waited which in sister speak means she scrolled and read then went back and looked at the pics. Outwardly I was nodding and going uh-huh, uh huh as we were speaking but inwardly I was screaming: "YOU WILL LOOK AT THE PICS THAT TOOK ME FOREVER TO DECIDE ON!!!!" *cough* So...yeah! JPG for RG from now on. Lycan Tales
too, which was updated by the way. Haven't decided on the other yet. So yeah...if the pics look different...*points finger at sis from a safe distance away since she still scares me!* :P LOL!
And this wasn't the chapter that I wanted to put out today but set building kicks my butt so yeah...next week probably! And this was supposed to be a short chapter but yeah...not so and don't ask me where the ending came from. No clue! Hope you enjoyed and I'm done rambling now.
So Hannah finally reveals herself and what the heck is this about Warrior Woman? Great special effects and this was a brilliant choice for a plot twist!
Is it wrong that Buster's near-death experience scared me more than Hannah eating babies?
Màthair- I love that word. It's so airy and elegant. Which is odd for a Gaelic word. :P
At first I assumed that it was the alien language (though it was obvious from the context that it was "mother") but it didn't seem to fit with the other words and names you've presented us with so far. I hear your alien language in my head as being sort of bubbly- Lots of brief stops, hard vowel sounds and tonally erratic.
Now I kind of have to wonder who the Guardian's father was. Eww, who would sleep with Hannah? Er, other than Winston, that is. OMG What is Winston going to do now???
Yeesch, a woman who eats her own babies and likes to be called "Mother". That's some twisted stuff, Phoenix! Twisted. Stuff.
“You call Hannah Mother?” Kaylee asked in confusion as he placed her carefully on the couch.
“What else would I call the woman who gave birth to me?”I'm sure that Kaylee has a few names for Janet and none of them are mother. :p
I've been meaning to do a Hannah chapter but other stuff kept pushing it back! Haha! I guess she got tired of waiting!:P
Yeah...ummm...that's sort of something that's going to happen later on? I didn't even realize I had put that in there! huh!
I keep downloading those effects and never using them so I thought why not? Hannah will enjoy it!:D
Thanks Gayl!
LMAO!!! Hahahaha!!! That seriously made me LOL! Seriously!
I do too! And you know I love all things Scottish! *sigh* I had to throw that in there! In my head their word for mother has a lot of vowels and pretty much how you described it. I have to grab a notebook one of these days and start writing the words down and forming a glossary of some sort. Should be interesting!
The Guardian is going to talk about that in...a few chapters? He really wasn't meant to be kept alive ya know? One of Hannah's experiments. Uhh...not going to say anything else!
Winston's gonna be maaaaaaad!! And if Hannah dies well...there goes Winston too.
I know! My mind if so twisted! Not. Even. Funny!
Bwhahaha @ your second comment. Yeah! That's definitely true isn't it?
Maybe Winston can hook up with that guy at work who has the hots for him :)
The Guardian is made of win. Must suck having Hannah for a mother, though--poor guy.
And yaaaaay for Buster! What a loyal, loving dog, aaaaand he's gonna be okay! :D
wow what a plot twist! I don't know how you could possibly make Hannah any more awful - on top of everything else, now she eats babies? Ok drinks blood but sort of the same thing. Poor Kaylee - what an ordeal! And I'm glad Buster came through!
LOL Van! I'm going to have to go back and look through some old pics! James(I think that was his name) might not be so gay! LOL! At the wedding he was making out with Z in the bathroom! I wish I would have taken a pic!:P
The Guardian is awesome isn't he? His facial expression never changes though! Seriously! Haha!
I love Buster! I couldn't let him die!
Thanks Beth! Haha! Yeah...Hannah is pretty bad huh? Geez! I can only imagine how horrible a person you have to be to do that! *shudders*
You would think that Kaylee would be used to it by now huh?! :P
Thanks Beth!:)
just found your story through the sims2 livejournal community, and i gotta say...i really like it!! excellent characters. i liked the introduction of a "dark side" to the Jameson clan - i mean come onnnn nobody is that perfect, hahaha. Can't wait to ready more!
Hey Kafitty! Thanks!!:D I'm glad you've enjoyed this so far! I've really enjoyed writing it. I intend to continue for a while yet!:P LOL! Yeah, if you're that perfect then it's a guarantee that you're hiding something dark! VERY dark! Thank goodness Damon and Fran aren't.
Once again thanks so much for reading and commenting!:D
Hey Little Sis,
LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!! I don't even remember telling you that the pictures took a long time to load. They don't seem to do that now, maybe because I transferred over to FireFox...anyway, what a great twist. I was beginning to wonder when Hannah was going to show her face. And show it she did. I am so glad that Buster is alive and well...I knew you couldn't kill him off, at least I hoped you couldn't. And Kaylee is right, they sure did take their sweet time sending someone to rescue her...and ewwwww, for some reason the thought of Hannah's touch just skivves me out. Like I imagine her touch to be kinda cold and just gross and her breath hot, and moist and funky. And she looked like she smelled bad too...just had an over all bad, funky, trashy smell....LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!
You SO said it! But it was one of those backhand things you do! Haha!! Although...I forgot that you had decided to go with FF*cough*Not that I made you* so your connection was faster! Hmmm...
Thanks! Yeah...Hannah had to show her face again. Besides she kept showing up outside the house as a walkby! I figured she wanted her time to...shine? LOL!!
Hahaha! Kaylee wasn't too happy about that was she? LOL!! OMG!! You make her sound like Gollum or something. Eww...you're creeping me out! Stop it! Stop it!! LOL!!!!
You're killing me!! :D
Hannah... completely forgot about her to be honest. And good twist with her being the Guardian's mother. ^_^ Can't wait to read more.
Ewwwww Hannah! What is it about evil people creating awesome people? Calling that a plot twist is like the understatement of the year.
Awesome sauce.
Wow, awesome effects. And your poses are wicked, like with the guardian and him holding Kaylee. And Hannah is his mother!? Also, I was absolutely horrified when Hannah casually mentioned she EATS BABIES! What a witch! And poor Buster, such a cute doggy. Kaylee is so selfless, she is such a sweet person. And don't think I didn't catch that little thing the guardian said, attached to whom? Hmm, maybe Kaylee, but I could be wrong... Wouldn't be the first time. :)
Hey Marie! Yeah...for the most part I did too until she walked by the house one day! LOL! Then I was like HEY!! Hannah!! Hmmm...
Thanks! Have no clue where that came from! :P
LOL! I know Veron, I know! First off Karrick's people weren't even supposed to be a major part of the story! Ha! And I don't even know where Hannah's storyline came from!
LOL! I don't know! What IS up with that?
Thanks BEAR! RUN! ;)~
Thanks Indie! Ohh....you might need for your story yes? That's a posebox right there! Have you checked out Veron's tutorials in my sidebar though?! Some of these poses just came from her helping me stretch the limits of the animation boxes!
Yep! Hannah is a mother! I'm sure she LOVED being a mom! LOL! Riiiight! Kaylee is sweet! You have to wonder just how she got that way with Janet as a mama! :S
LOL! I think it's more of just getting attached to the family in general! Although...who wouldn't get attached to Kaylee? Ty's not going to let anyone snatch her away though that's for sure!:P
HANNAH IS A MOM???? Wait, if she's obsessed with the whole eternal-life, drink-the-infants' blood thing, why isn't he dead? Did Hannah actually show some compassion for her only child? IS he her only living child? I'm confused?! And I'm gonna have to wait until next update to have these answered, aren't I? Really great update. Oh, and who's marrying Karrick?
Hannah is a mom! *nods* However, she didn't become a mom so she could have the warm fuzzy feeling. She became a mom so that she could try and keep Qu'hari in a permanent fetus stasis and take blood when needed. He was going to be her own personal blood bank!
Not next update but the one after that should answer some questions...and possible cause more! Hahaha!! And do you really think I'm gonna give that bit away? *shakes head* LOL!!
Thanks EJ! Much appreciated!
Incredible shots, and what a plot twist,glad Buster made it.
"Human Sarcasm" LOL!
Hannah is a real piece of work, yikes. talk about different ends of the mommy spectrum with her and Kaylee, different as night and day.
great update!
Man, Hannah is one cruel wench! Not Buster! *shakes fist at Hannah for attacking poor Buster* And what a sicko, after poor, innocent babies!
Great idea bringing her back into the light though, I had nearly forgotten about her. Love that she can't read Kaylee, ha ha-serves her right! :D
You really built the tension in this one, I was on the edge of my seat the entire time! And glad that guy showed up when he did, whew!
Great update of course, enjoyed every bit!
Haha! Yeah, I hadn't forgotten about her but there just wasn't a place for her in the storyline yet. Now there is!:P
Thanks Emily! I felt tense writing it! LOL!! :D
WOW Hannah is the Guardian's mother!!!
What a twist!
So glad Hannah didn't kill buster or Kaylee and sooo happy she didn't have time to touch the babies!!!
Great job!