“The kids are in bed and…holy hell!”
Ty came to a stop just inside the bedroom door and stared across the room as Kaylee bent over to make the bed. Absently he brought his hand to his mouth to make sure he wasn’t drooling. Swallowing, he dropped his hand back to his side and took a hesitant step into the room. Kaylee hadn’t said two words to him sense Karrick had sullenly left the house over three hours ago. Clearing his throat he huffed out a breath as she continued to ignore him.,
“Did you hear what I said?”
“Uh huh.”
Ty winced at the coldness from those two little words. “Did you need some help?”
“No, thank you.”Ty stood there feeling useless as she straightened the bed on his side. She was meticulous about it as she yanked at the sheet then ran her hands over it to remove the wrinkles. He took a step back when she balled up a fist and punched at his pillow before fluffing it and placing it carefully back down. And she did this in her underwear. Her barely there, almost see through underwear. He remembered those underwear. He had brought them for her after the twins were born because she kept complaining none of her bras were fitting her right. She had gotten a little bigger on the top. Not that he was complaining. Hell, right now he was getting an eyeful and enjoying every moment of it.
“Are you going to talk to me?”
“Oh, it’s fine for me to talk now?”
Ty groaned underneath of his breath. He knew that tone. She rarely used it but when she did he knew she was good and pissed. Scrubbing a hand over his face he plopped down on the small couch they kept in the bedroom.
“Oh don’t you babe me Tyrese Damon Jameson!” She whirled around and stormed over to him and for a moment Ty was distracted by the jiggling of her breasts in the demi cups of her bra. He nearly swallowed his tongue when she crossed her arms underneath of her breasts and tapped her bare foot as she glared at him.
“I can’t believe that you would be so…so callous in regards to your friend. In regard to Karrick! Hell Ty! You nearly tossed him out of the house!"That distracted him. “What the fuck Kaylee? Karrick was talking about taking one of our children and making him or her his mate. And you seriously see nothing wrong with that? Everything is butterflies and rainbows for you? I don’t understand. Maybe we didn’t hear the same thing. Let me break it down for-”
“Hold it right there! Don’t you talk to me like I’m an idiot!”
He frowned. “I wasn’t. I-”
“You weren’t? ‘Let me break it down for you’,” she said in a horrible mockery of his voice. “Sure seems like you were implying that I was stupid.”
“I would never-”
“And since we’re on the subject of stupid can I just tell you how stupid I thought you were? I heard the same thing that you did but did you happen to see the same thing as I did? Did you see your friend, our friend, pouring his heart out to us? Did you see the look of longing on Karrick’s face as he spoke about true hearts mates? Did you see the fear buried deep in his eyes? Did you see the hurt when you nearly ripped him apart with your words?”
Ty leaned forward as a frown puckered his face. No, he hadn’t seen all those things. For one a red haze of anger had clouded his vision the moment Karrick had started talking about taking one of his babies away from him. He couldn’t see past his anger, couldn’t hear past that roaring of fury in his ears. No, he hadn’t see any of that but apparently Kaylee had.
“I don’t understand why you’re okay with Karrick taking one of our babies and-”
“He won’t be taking them. Why do you keep saying that? They would be married Ty. Married. Eventually it’s going to happen. Someone is going to come along and our babies are going to get married, grow up and have babies of their own. It’s the fucking circle of life! Why shouldn’t it be Karrick?”
A stunned look crossed Kaylee’s face. “Oh,” she said softly. “I see.”
He frowned in confusion. “What are you talking about? I don’t even see it.”
“Love is love Ty. If you’re black, white, green or purple love is love. I thought that you, of all people, would understand that. Sure, we haven’t gotten any flak from anyone because we’re married but others haven’t been so fortunate. And you would begrudge Karrick the same kind of joy and love that we share because you can’t get over the fact that he’s an alien?"
A shock went through Ty. Was that what this was all about? Was he fearful of letting Karrick claim one of his kids because he was biased against him because he wasn't from the same planet? Scrubbing a hand over his face he shook his head. “Karrick is my friend. I-”
“He was your friend. He’s dead to you remember? Speaking of which that was overkill don’t you think?”
“Karrick is my friend,” Ty repeated firmly. “But I…I’m just so confused!”
Kaylee threw up her arms and spun on her heel.“Well, let me give you time to think about it,” she snapped as her hands balled into fist. She just couldn’t believe Ty was being so stubborn about something that was so easy for her to understand and acknowledge. They were usually on the same page.
“I’m going to take a shower…and get out of this bra and panty set that you brought me. This bra has been slipping all day.” She glanced down and heaved a sigh.
“Yep, there goes a nipple.”
Groaning Ty dropped his hand into his hands and stared down at the floor as she stormed off muttering to herself. Absently drawing designs into the carpet with the toe of his sneaker he erased them with a quick sweep as he knocked his fists lightly against his head.
“Just what is your deal?” he demanded of himself as the water came on in the bathroom. “You’ve always been about equality for all but the moment you’re given the chance to act on it you toss it aside in the face of fear. Brilliant man, just brilliant.”
Absently tapping his hands on the side of his head, his thoughts tumbled over each other to get to the forefront of his mind.
What was his so scared of?Why was he scared?
Was Karrick gay?
Did it matter if he was?
Did he really want to cut Karrick out of his life?
If The Wise said it was there a chance that they might be wrong?
And if they weren’t wrong did he really have a choice?
“Fuck, fuck, fuckity, fuck!” he growled. He heard the water cut off in the bathroom and realized with a start that he must have zoned out longer than he thought. The bathroom door opened bringing with it the scent of Kaylee’s berry.
He didn’t look up as he heard her feet heading toward the bed. She was well and truly pissed.
“I fucked up didn’t I?”Kaylee paused on her way to the bed and glanced over at Ty. He was still in the same position she had left him in. Her heart clenched at his dejected looking form as well as his tone. She debated on letting his stew then sighed. She had never really been able to stay mad at him.
“What do you mean?”
“With Karrick. With you. I mean I’ve been thinking. What choice do we really have if Karrick’s Wise think that one of our babies is going to be his mate? What choice?”
“There’s always a choice Ty. What’s to say that Karrick’s road is going to be easy? How do we know that our child will feel the same way about him as he does about them?”
“Oh God! That would be horrible. He has so much faith in those Wise people. Why would they steer him wrong?”
A thread of anger had worked it’s way into his voice at the thought of Karrick being wronged. Kaylee smiled and walked to him rubbed a palm over his head. He nestled his forehead into her stomach.
“I’m an idiot,” he mumbled.
“Yes, you are.”
“I shouldn’t have gotten so upset.”
“No, you shouldn’t have.”
“I should have been more understanding. Karrick grew up differently than us. In a different place and a different time even.”
“Yes, he did.”
“Would you stop agreeing with me?” he asked with a small laugh.
Bending down she pressed a kiss to the top of his head before sitting down at his feet.Ty ran a hand through her short cap of hair before sitting back. Kaylee nestled back against his leg.
“What I don’t get.” Ty said with confusion evident in his voice, “ Is how you can be so damn calm about this.”
“It’s simple really. The Wise allowed me to see my father again. In the grand scheme of things that may be small but in my world it’s a huge deal. It’s something that I’ve always wanted to happen and they’ve granted me that.”
“But our babies…”
“Won’t be babies forever. They’ll have their own choices to make Ty. We can only hope that we raise them well enough to make the best decisions for themselves. Karrick, well Karrick would die for either one of his us, for our family. Do you really think he wanted to talk to you about this?”
“Exactly. I think he would have given anything to be anywhere but in that kitchen with us but-”
“They forced his hand. I wonder why?”
“An excellent question and I’m sure the very same one that Karrick is asking. Ty, don’t you see? If we could pick someone for one of our children to love and grow old with…wouldn’t you want someone like him?”
“Well…” He laughed when she nudged his knee with her shoulder blade. He playfully nudged her back. “Yeah, you’re right. I would.”
“So, what’s the big deal?”
“Because I’m not ready!”
Laughing she got up and turned to face him.“Are you serious?” she asked as she planted her hands on her hips. “Do you seriously think anyone is ever ready when their kids are concerned? What about your mom? Do you think she was ready when you told her that you were in love with me?”
He drummed his fingers on his thighs before shaking his head. “No. She cried actually and then my dad got upset with me because he didn’t know what I had said to mom and all she could blubber out was that she was losing her baby.”
“Case in point. And wow, Fran is so dramatic!”
Ty rolled his eye. "Yeah, tell me about it.” His forehead creased as a thought crossed his mind.
“I was just thinking…if Isaac is the one Karrick is drawn to then…I mean technically…” He made this odd gesture with his hands.
“And I’m supposed to understand that how?”
Ty tossed up his hands. “Tab A wouldn’t go into tab B.” He blew out his breath when Kaylee only tilted her head. “Tab A,” he stressed widening his eyes and motioning with his hand, “Wouldn’t go into Tab B.” He made another motion with his hand in the general direction of her-
"Oh for God’s sake Ty! You men Isaac would be gay?”
He winced. “Would you lower your voice?”
Reaching down Kaylee slapped him upside the head. “Tab A,” she widened her eyes just he had, “Would fit into Tab B…if B stood for-”
Ty waved his hands in front of her face. “Okay, okay! I get it!”
“I will never understand guys! Why two girls getting it on is considered hot but when you mention two guys suddenly it’s-”
“Something that I don’t ever, ever want to talk about!”
She huffed out a breath. “So what if Isaac is gay? Or Dani? You wouldn’t love them any less.”
"No, no I wouldn’t.”
“So what’s the deal?”
Ty shrugged before standing. “I have no idea."“Have I told you lately just how much I love you?”
“Oh, you sweet talker you,” she said as she batted her eyelashes at him.
“No, I’m serious. With things being as hectic as they were for the last few months I don’t think I’ve told you as often as I should have.”
“Silly boy! You don’t have to tell me. You show me all the time.”
“Well hell! Who’s the sweet talker now?” Reaching out he brushed the back of his hand over her cheek as he stared into her eyes. “Kaylee?”
“Hmm?” she asked as she gripped his wrist and pressed her cheek against his hand.
“If I had to do it all over again, knowing what I know now, I’d do it in a heartbeat.”
She closed her eyes to hide tears she could feel building up. Turning her head she placed a gentle kiss on his knuckles before releasing him and giving him a shove toward the door.
“So would I. Now go make up with your best friend.”
Grinning he winked at her before racing out the door.He reached the car before he realized that he didn’t have the keys. Spinning around he raced back into the house to see Kaylee holding his keys with a smirk on her face. Reaching down he pressed a quick kiss on her mouth then grabbed the keys and ran back out to the car. Getting into the car he slammed the car into reverse and quickly back out of the driveway before speeding down the road.
Kava let out a loud cry as she balled her hand into a fist and punched the bag. An image of Ty crossed in front of her and she hit the bag harder than she should have. It smacked against the wall, bounced back and wobbled unsteadily for a moment before righting itself. Scowling, she shook her hair out of her face. She had been working out since Karrick had quietly asked her to give him some privacy. She had wanted to argue but seeing the pain on her brother’s face she had quickly decided to do as he asked.
Just picturing his face made anger bubble up again. She, who was always calm, was feeling anger like she had never felt before. She had never understood why humans got so upset but now she knew. And, of course, she hadn’t helped the situation but she believed in…how did humans say it? Putting all the cards on the table? Yes, that was right. She believed in putting all her cards on the table and dealing with everything out in the open. She just hadn’t expected things to get so crazy so quickly. And her little brother was in pain.
She grimaced when she tried to reach Karrick with her mind and only came up against a blank slate. He had closed himself off completely from her. Balling her hands into fists she gave a quick one, two jab before spinning around and kicking out with her foot. A movement out the corner of her eye had her crouching low and her hands hanging loosely by her side. She quickly straightened when she recognized the figure staring at her from the window.
Stalking across the room in a gait that gave nothing of her anger away she yanked open the door.“What do you want Ty? There is nothing for you here! We’re all dead remember? How dare you come here after the pain you’ve wrought! How dare you-”
“Kava! I don’t understand a word you’ve said.”
Flustered she realized that she’d switch to her native tongue. Rarely did she do that. Shaking her head she glared at him. “I said-”
“I could sort of decipher what you said.” His small smile faded when she only glared at him. “Look Kava-”
“No! You look! You hurt my brother. That’s not an action that I’ll forgive lately. Perhaps Karrick will but in order to reach him you’ll have to get through me and I know ways to kill you without leaving a mark. Don’t test me Tyrese Jameson.”
Ty held up his hands and took a quick step back. “I don’t know what to say. I never-”
“There is nothing you can say. You didn’t let Karrick explain anything before you went off the end of the deep.”“Deep end,” he corrected before clearing his throat and taking another step back at her glare. “Kava, you have to understand-”
“I have to understand nothing. You betrayed our trust. All you humans are alike. You accept us as long as you have a use for us but when that use is over you regulate us to some far off corner like an ill trained pet.”
“That’s not…I would never-”
“Why are you here? What did you hope to accomplish by coming to our home tonight after you ground Karrick beneath your heel?”
“Believe it or not,” Ty snapped. “I didn’t come here to argue with you. I came to say that I was sorry! That I was a fool. Kaylee-”
“The sister of my hearts has nothing to apologize for. She was trying to get through your thick skull but you ignored her just as you ignored the pleading of my brother. He would have walked away, renouncing his claim on your child if you would have been rational. It would have hurt him but you killed him Ty with your harsh words. My brother is all I have in this world and now I can’t…I can’t even get through to him.”
Kava blinked then absently reached up to wipe at her face. She was startled to feel dampness. Glancing down at her fingertips she realized that she was…crying? Impossible. Kavanh K’atri did not cry.
Ty’s heart clenched when he saw her eyes well with tears. He felt lower than dirt when she stared at her tears in confusion. It was obvious she hadn’t cried before. And her tears now were because of what he had done in anger.Touching his lips he placed his hand over his chest. Karrick had shown him this sign of sympathy. Closing his eyes he bowed before Kava in a gesture of respect. “I humbly ask for your forgiveness Kavanh K’atri. Please forgive my thoughtless words and callous behavior. Never should those words be spoken in the company of friends…let alone family. For this I am sorry.”
Kava took a step back. “Karrick…Karrick taught you some of our customs?”
Ty nodded but didn’t look up. “He’s shown me a lot. He is the brother that I never had. And families argue Kava. I realize my mistake. Will you forgive me sister?”
If Karrick had taught Ty some of their customs it was obvious that he thought of him as family. Really...what choice did she have? Her brother loved him and he would want her to gran forgiveness. And she could feel his sorrow coming off of him in waves.
Her hands landed on his shoulders before her lips pressed against his forehead in the gesture of forgiveness. “And will you forgive me, Tyrese Jameson, for causing more trouble with my provoking words?”
“It is forgive.”
She nodded and squeezed his shoulders. “It is forgiven.”
He slowly rolled his shoulders as he straightened. “Where is Karrick?”
Kava closed her eyes for a moment before a look of astonishment crossed her face. Her eyes popped open and rushing past Karrick she raced up the stairs.“Kava! What’s wrong?”
“It’s Karrick. I see now why he was blocking me. He should not be trying this without the proper guidance. It’s been attempted before but almost always met with failure…and sometimes even death. Why? Why would he do this?”
“Kava! What are you talking about?” Ty demanded as he raced up the stairs after her. An icy tendril of trepidation trickled down his spine.
“To try and travel outside of one’s body without proper guidance. His spirit! Oh great T’anice.”
She burst through the bedroom door and rounded the bed. Ty came to s screeching stop in the doorway and stared in amazement.Karrick was completely naked and seemed to be frozen in a state of suspended animation in a yoga move that looked very uncomfortable.
“Is he…is he alive?”
Kava poked at his ribs and he didn’t even blink let alone jump in surprise. It was as if…his body was here but his spirit was somewhere else. Kava looked at him and for the first time he saw fear on her face.
“He’s alive but I don’t know for how long. A body without a spirit is like an egg without a yolk. A shell encasing nothing.”
Ty looked down. “How long can he survive like this?”
Kava looked away from him. “I do not know.”
Ty walked over to Karrick and bent down until he was level with his ear. “Karrick! Come back! Do you hear me Karrick? We have things to iron out between us. Karrick!”
On a different plane Karrick’s spirit paused in it’s aimless wandering. Was someone calling his name? Why were they calling his name? He just wanted some peace. He had never handled rejection well but this time he had felt as if there was a wound he could not heal. He just wanted to rest without Kava pressing at him and without the weight of Ty’s disdain tearing at his hearts.
Suddenly his spirit was pulled in a different direction entirely and before he knew it he was squinting his eyes against a blinding light.“Karrick K’atri! You are not yet a warrior! And if you intend on becoming such you do not have time to dally. Push the ontaki through the water. If you can push it through the seeming insignificance of water imagine how easy it will be to push the blade through rib cage of a Yzavi. Now PUSH the blade."
No, there's really not more! Apparently my brain can't funtion from when I switch over to wordpress back to blogger! Why does blogger not have a 'more' function button?! Grr!!
So, sorry if this loads slow for you guys! I'll try to work on it tomorrow to get the read more to work! :P
Well, it's good to see that Ty came around. Also, I love how protective Kava is of Karrick--those two have such a sweet brother/sister relationship.
Oh man, I hope Karrick's okay...
That's her baby bro! She can't help herself!:P
Yeah...Karrick's okay! He's just about three years back into his past! ;)~
Photobucket hates me! I'm never using it again for blogger! Too much work! :P
I'm SO glad she (or both of them, really) talked some sense into Ty! Sometimes that one is such a turd =P
*laugh* Have been looking forward to seeing Kaylee chew Ty out. *laugh* Her underwear was a good touch.
I'd say I hope Karrick's okay, but I'm sure he will be. ;) After all, I can't wait to see those cute alien babies. *squee*
LOL!! I know right UYS? He's something else! I'm glad that those two talked it out! Now I just have to do some set building! I SUCK at set building!
LOL Marie! Yeah, it doesn't happen a lot but when it does she doesn't hold anything back! Thanks! I'd just downloaded them from Liana Sims and knew I had to use them!:P
He will be! He's just not someone that expressions emotions easily...which will probably be a stumbling block with his mate.
Hahaha!! Oh gosh! I hadn't even thought of that yet!
I am glad Ty came around! And Kava was about to throw down!!! Ty deserved it though!!
Oh Karrick!! Go back to your body you crazy alien!!!
Kava was wasn't she? Ty wouldn't have known what hit him! And he did! Karrick's little sad face! :(
He did go back to his body...just a few hundred years in the past!
I kind of sympathize with Ty's reaction. He overreacted, but it certainly was a bizarre thing to hear and deal with. Everybody needs to calm down and explain things!
Poor Karrick. That last paragraph was frightening! Hope he comes through ok.
Great writing and really lovely shots.
Yeah...I know I would have flipped out although with how tight he and Karrick are...maybe that's what made it worse...the fact that he kept something like that from him.
Karrick will be fine...I think! Haha!
Thanks Beth!
hahahahahaha "yep there goes a nipple" and tab a and b omg funniest things i've read in a long time. hilarious.
im so glad to see I dont have to hate Ty anymore. I was feelin Kava's anger for a bit. And nice to see she speaks her mind immediately. Such a breath of fresh air.
And I hope Karrick is ok. Any chance we can see his nude body? Im kinda curious :D
Kaylee fixed it!!!! I knew she would. I'm kind of glad that Kava ripped into Ty a little bit. It really shows thair brotherly-sisterly bond. Like she is truely the big sister.
ooooo, what is going on with Karrick? Good thing or bad thing? It just seems interesting that he's taking weird mind trips after such an emotinal experience.
Awesome sauce!
LMAO Sinclair! That last bit about seeing Karrick's nude body almost made lemonade shoot out of my nose!
Dude, I could just see Ty's face as he made all those hand motions! Haha! He's hilarious! Yeah, Kava is a straight shooter. She doesn't mess around. Especially when it concerns her baby bro!
Karrick will be fine...I think...I hope! I mean I know he will be...eventually! LOL!
Haha Veron! Yeah, she fixed it. She doesn't like things up in the air. She's lived like that for a long time ya know?
Yeah...Karrick and Kava really kept to themselves before TY and Kaylee came along. They're really the only ones they let in and to be treated that way by Ty really hurt.
A in between thing that I have to make a set for! *facepalm* It'll be a learning experience for him.
Haha! Thanks Veron!
WOW! VERY INTERESTING INDEED!! TY has been aggressive I likey! but now he is calm now... I lovey! THE BEST CHAPTER SOOO FAR...
oh.. and hopefully its the GIRL KARRICK IS AFTER INSTEAD OF ISSAC(*:
Well if I can pull my jaw back up off the keyboard...wow this was intense! And who was that sneaking up when Ty was leaving? Was that Hannah? Holy crap is Kaylee in danger? And the babies?
I know it was hard for Ty to grasp what was going on and his reaction was to be expected I think. He is so new to all this and the babies are so small, so new. It's hard to grasp that they will grow up and leave the nest. But I am glad they all came to an understanding finally...well except for Karrick who looks like he is in a pickle.
Hey Little Sis,
I know most people don't read the comments, but if you are reading this Cool Colada...you are so stupid...LOLOLOLOL!! What up cuz?
Cheryl, thank you for not letting the fight linger. I feel much better now.
Ty better watch his sexy behind! Kava will snap him in half! And he's learning to speak the alien language! Oh Ty, I'm so glad your head is out of your butt.
Karrick's yoga position freaks me out a little bit. He's like a dead bug.
LMAO!! Mada you're about retarded!!! LOL!!
Yeah, Kava is about 50 years older than him so she takes her sisterly role very serious!
LOL!! I'm not saying anything! I keep thinking one, then flipping and then going back! Blah! You'll know when I post and not before! Family or not!! :P
Hey Gayl! I think you're the only one to see that! Good eye! I didn't want to make it so flippin obvious ya know?
Yeah, it is hard for him. It would be hard for anyone actually! Sometimes you just have to step back and think. Unfortunately Karrick is more emotional then he thinks which leads us to this! *sigh*
Hahahaha!! Hey sis! Mada is stupid isn't she? Girl has no sense whatsoever! You gotta love her though!:D
Fran, you know how I HATE for things to stretch out longer than they need to! Seriously? I could have done several chapters with Ty being mad, Kayle mad at Ty for being mad at Karrick and Kava being mad at everything and everyone while Karrick moped but...not my style!
Maybe it's the reason why I flip to the end of books to read the ending before reading!:P
Kava sure will! Yep! Karrick was teaching it to him! Maybe I'll explain why in the next chapter or two! Hmm..
Haha!! Work through the pain to get to the center of the storm. One lesson all R'ouglian warriors learn early on...as we'll see.
Awww, poor Ty! I knew he would feel bad about what happened, who wouldn't?! Kaylee and Ty have the sweetest relationship, talking everything through solves a LOT more than letting it fester. And Kava was cool in this one, pushing her anger aside and giving Ty mutual respect.
Karrick! Ah! What is going on? Come back dude, it can be fixed! Cannot wait to see the next part of this, I'm still playing catch up, what else? LOL.
Great update Phoenix!
Yeah...plus Ty's a big ol' softy anyways! LOL! That's what makes him Ty ya know? I love his and Kaylee's relationship! I hate to drag out the mistrust and all that...things can get some confusing doing that!
Kava could have just snapped Ty in half! Haha! But she didn't! She's awesome!
LOL!! No worries Emily! Take your time! Next update might be awhile yet! Set building! Yuck! Thankss!!:D
I feel sorry for Karrick! The poor guy was so upset! Please say he'll last long enough to get back to his body! I liked how realistic it was when Kava got mad at Ty. I didn't really get the last dialougue but I probably will twenty minutes from now. (OMG! I didn't beg for a longer update! I must be sick today! Maybe I can get out of school tommarrow...)
Yeah! He'll last! I have plans for him ya know! ;)~ I've grown attached to him! Thanks! Kava could have snapped Ty in half but then she would have had Kaylee to deal with!:P
Last bit of dialogue...*leans in and whispers* Karrick has went back into his past. He's going to revisit some friends and such and that's the first memory that set him on his current path! But...you didn't hear that from!*
Haha! I know!! What's up with that?! ;)~
WOW what an update!! wonderful chapter, I'm happy that Ty realized how wrong he was! hopefully Karrick will come back from wherever he is... hopefully it wont be too late!!!
and that fishy old woman, what was she doing outside Ty's house....!!!
Wonderful update!!