1.7 {Part II}
"No, no! That's NOT how you do it Dillian!" Exasperated Kaylee snatched his homework from in front of him and started to slash through his mistakes. For the past two weeks Dillian had been coming to her for tutoring but he never seemed to LEARN anything! She glanced up as shadow fell over the table.
"Kaylee, I-"
"Just put it on the table Craig and I'll correct it."
He grinned. "You're the best."
"Uh huh, that's why you both pay me so well."
"True, true!" Craig slipped his notebook in front of her. He started to say something else but then he noticed a girl walking by and he quickly followed after her. "So Kaylee, how come you don't have a boyfriend?" Dillian asked around a mouthful of food.
Kaylee groaned. "Seriously Dillian? Are we gonna have this conversation?"
He shrugged. "It was just a question. I mean...you're kinda hot in a dark, gothy, emo way."
Kaylee groaned, this time even louder, and rubbed her forehead with a fist. She wished it was Dillian's face. She didn't know how she had gotten to the point of hanging out with him. One minute she's eavesdropping on his conversation with Craig and the next he's in front of her asking for help in Calculus.
"So, how come?"
She glared at him. "I guess I haven't met a guy who's been attracted to my dark, gothy, emo ways," she snapped. He opened his mouth and she slid his homework across the table at him.
"If that were you test you would have made a twenty-five. No football for you and academic probation. What is wrong with you?"
Dillian stared down at his homework then shoved a spoonful of spaghetti-o's in his mouth. "You see, there's this girl in my class and she's-"
Kaylee put up her hand. "Wait, wait...let me guess. Kinda hot?" When he nodded his head Kaylee shoved away from the table and walked out of the room. Deciding that she would need a thicker sweater to put on to go outside she went into her room and pulled on another sweater. Then deciding that her jeans didn't go with the outfit she quickly changed those as well before heading out. She milled around outside for awhile before coming to rest under the oak tree in the yard. With a sigh she laid under the shade, the leaves rustling under her back as she shifted. Closing her eyes she listened to the sounds around her.
She could hear music blaring from the rec room, laughter coming from the study hall and a football game going on somewhere in the back. She heard someone shout 'go long' and it didn't register in her mind that the vibrations she was feeling were the pounding of feet until leaves were kicked in her face and she heard a deep, familiar voice say:
"Oh shi-...Kaylee?" Brushing leaves off her face she opened her eyes to see Ty trying to balance himself before someone slammed into him from behind and sent him flying over her. Sighing, Kaylee sat up. Glancing around she saw Dillian in the background with his hands on his hips and a smile on his face. She fought the urge to flip him off before she turned back to see Ty helping someone up before he turned to her.
"It IS you! When Dillian told me about the hot emo girl, his words not mine, I knew it had to be you."
Kaylee threw her hands up. "I'm NOT emo!!"
Ty looked her up and down and for a moment his eyes seemed glued to her chest before he cleared his throat. "Well, you do dress-"
"Dark clothes are easier to pair," she snapped before she saw him wiping blood off his forearm. With a sigh she grab hold of his wrist and dragged him into dorm. She had every intention of washing his scrap, slapping a band-aid on it and sending him on his way but once Ty entered the building he stopped allowing himself to be dragged. Instead he turned her around and pulled her into his arms.Kaylee buried her nose in his neck and breathed in his familiar scent. A small smile passed her lips. Somethings never change, she thought before he smile faded and she remembered part of the conversation she had overheard in the gym. And some things do. She pulled away from him.
"I missed you Kaylee."
"Could have fooled me," she muttered crossing her arms over her chest and looking over his shoulder.
He sucked his teeth. "Same old Kaylee. Not willing to give an inch."
That snapped her eyes back to his. "What are you talking about? I-"
"I'm the one that has to call. I'm the one who has to send an email. I'm the one who forced his way into your life. I'm the way who wanted a relationship. I'm the one-"
"Okay, I get it! You had to do everything. I did nothing. Happy now?"
"You're the one who's always closing herself off. I get that you had a hard life Kaylee. I may not know all of it but I know you didn't grow up like I did. But...you could have leaned on me. I would have been there for you. I was your friend...I wanted to be your boyfriend."
She looked away from his piercing gaze as everything he said came home. It was true. She had did everything in her power to push him away and when that didn't work she became his friend but still kept a distance between them.
"I'm sorry," she whispered before turning and walking away. She made it to her room and was just about to shut and lock the door when it was gently pushed open.
"Oh no you don't. Kaylee Bianca Ravensworth, we're going to talk like two adults."And they did talk. It was as if a dam had broken and once she started to talk Kaylee couldn't stop. Sometimes she rant and rave. Other times she'd cry gut wrenching sobs. And Ty sat there and he listened. There was no condemnation in his eyes only sadness and...pride?
"Why are you looking at me like that?" she demanded leaning back against the wall. She felt drained. As if speaking about Janet and everything else had purged her and she was just empty inside. Hollow. Angry and resentment sure did take up a lot of space, she thought in bemusement.Kaylee walked him out to the TV area. Usually crowded there wasn't a person in sight. Ty touched her shoulder. Turning she stared up at him. Everything else seemed to recede as she stared up into his hazel eyes. She took a small step forward...and heard his phone go off again.
He cleared his throat. "Kaylee? Will I see you tomorrow?"
"Yeah. Where at?"
"How about my dorm? Otherwise Dillian is going to want to talk to me ALL night about football. And you and I...we have some catching up to do." Reaching out he brushed the back of his hand against her cheek before turning to leave.
The next day seemed to move slowly. At least for her. She kept giving herself little pep talks and she resolved to give Ty that kiss she's been wanting to give him yesterday. He said she never did anything, she thought to herself as she walked toward his dorm. We'll he'll be in for a surprised. She took a moment to watch the sun set before walking into the dorm. Spotting Ty she started for him.Ty was just standing there, grinning at his parent's as his dad hummed and twirled his mother around. Kaylee stood in the door and watched as Frances laughed as Mr. Jameson dipped her. Anyone looking at them would see how much they were in love despite, or maybe because of their differences. Not wanting to intrude Kaylee stepped back and decided to explore. She ended up on the roof, staring at the stars.
"What are you doing all the way up here?" She grinned when Ty appeared by her side. She shrugged.
"The stars are beautiful tonight," she murmured. "So, tell me about your parents," she demanded turning to look at him. He saw the surprise flicker across his face but was quickly followed by understanding. He shrugged his broad shoulders.
Kaylee reluctantly pulled away when she heard footsteps coming toward them. "Ah," Ty's dad said in his booming voice, "Your mom and I use to spend A LOT of time up here. This is probably where you were conceived."
If she thought Ty was big he was nothing compared to his father. Damon was twice as big as Ty and smelled just as good. Kaylee closed her eyes and allowed herself to be engulfed in a father's hug. She grinned as he patted her head before he set her away from him.
It felt good having her friend back. This time she was going to be open to the possibilites.
bwahaha! Poor Ty. Will he ever get that that kinds hot gothy emo chick?
LOL!! I know right!? I love their relationship! But I have to say...if I was Kaylee I'd want a piece of Ty! ;)~
Thanks for reading Penelope! I'm trying to catch up on yours...and a couple others! LOL! I came in late to the game!:(
Me too! I just started playing about two years ago and I started reading stories less than a year ago. Then of course I started my story in July.
Ty is so sweet. I'd tap that. :D
~Ty is so sweet. I'd tap that. :D
ROFLMAO!! Amen sister, AMEN!!
Ok first off I love the writing!!!
You have thoroughly captured my attention without the need for pictures. Your descriptions detail it all. 80)
The capture of the area and emotions between Kaylee and her tutorships was spot on, and how you used the sounds to add to the atmosphere, Wonderful!
LMAO! the leaves in her face, and Ty nearly stomping her head... You captured their relationship so well in this chapter. 80) and I love the the little twist. How he had his friend call him up ROFLMAO!!! just like a guy. Yet how very sweet! he definately has an attraction to her!!! and well she towards him too!!!
The description of his parents, her emotions towards them and his reaction, Brilliant!!! absolutely wonderful, I felt like I was meeting my mother in law for the first time again. LOL!
As well I absolutely love how you portrayed her sense of emotion towards him too. And the scene with her talking about her past, Ty listening, wonderfully done!!!
Then there is the final aspect. I love how she is making him wait, kissing him and leaving!!! What a wonderful way to add s.Tension yet keep the intrique.
Absolutely Beautiful Update! BRAVO!!!!!!!!
Thank you Cherie!!:D I love Ty and Kaylee's relationship(or whatever they call it)! I already have an idea for the next chapter...just have to go in game and take some shots! HOPEFULLY I'll have my new computer back by then! YAY!! LOL!
Thanks so much for your encouragement! I really enjoy writing this story...I already have an idea for another as well! LOL!
Awww that was such a nice chapter!! I loved every bit of it... and I agree with Cherie, your descriptive writing is wonderful!!! Love it all
They kissed!!! :D YAY I couldn't be happier!!! well I could, if she had accepted to spend the night, or at least accept to date him!!!
Ty's parents are adorable, beautiful couple and so in love with each other, and they way they treat and talk to Kaylee is just so sweet, they both have my heart....
What else did Kaylee whats? A very handosme boyfriend and two wonderful parents in law!!!!
I love the conversation in the roof that was so heartwarming,the way Ty talks about his parents and then when his father comes to talk to Kaylee!!! Beautiful!!! Bravo... this has to be my favorite chapter till now!! :D lol
Great job!!!
Thank you Sandy! Haha! I can't keep them FROM kissing(I have ACR installed and that's all those two every want to do) LOL!
I love Ty's parent's. They're the same way! They're always tickling each other and, of course, hopping into bed when I'm not paying attention! ;)~ If I were Kaylee I would want parents like that!
And thank you for your wonderful compliment! Wow, as talented as all of you are I'm greatful that you all read my story!
Hope your computer problems are solved soon!
ok I take it all back about Ty! I'm a total cynic. But what a guy and what awesome parents!!
I love the color and the atmosphere you create. the leaves, the trees, the light that is almost purple. Wonderful, romantic and hopeful!
and thanks for asking about my computer problems. I think many of us are struggling.
Hey Beth! I meant to comment on your screenshot! I think it looks perfect...and I'm jealous of your graphics card! LOL! Keep your chin up! Things will get better! They have to right?!
*crosses fingers*
I had to have SOME kinda balance what with Janet being all...Janet and all! Ty and his fam are perfect! I love them! :)
And...I'm a cynic too! haha!
Thanks for commenting!:)
AWESOME CHAPTER!! Oh, Phoenix you did a MARVELOUS job with Ty's parents! Besides the fact that they are both GORGEOUS they are the KOOLEST parents EVER!!! :D
I loved that whole exchange between father, son, and Kaylee! YAY! Ty has no girlfriend! YAY!! I'm so happy for Kaylee, I hope things look good for her in the future...UNLESS...you are a wicked person, and in that case I'll LIKE YOU'RE STORY even more! LOL! :D
Haha! Thanks Z! Imagine growing up in a house like that! LOL! Good times!! I need something the polar opposite of what Kaylee had for the last 8+ years of her life!
LOL! Man, I still don't know where this story is going but...I do have an idea...and it's just a little wicked! Just a little! Bwahaha!!!
Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read Z! Now...when are you coming out with another chapter?!!! O_o
Hmmm I wanted to post this on your other blog but Blogger had other plans.
Don't take your computer to Best Buy for repairs!
Oh girl...don't I know it!! *sigh* I used to shop there all the time. Never again!
Hmm...I wonder why you couldn't post? I'll fiddle around with it and see if it was something on my end!:)
*edited! It was mine end. For that particular blogger template you can't have the comments embedded! Works now!
Awww, Kaylee & Ty back together at last! I love his parents too, they are hilarious. :D
Such a cute relationship they have, both a little scared to truly reveal how they feel and sort of getting around to letting it out. Glad she told him about her past, it's good to let someone in once in a while! Ty is very sweet too, can't wait to read more.
Haha! They are aren't they?
Their relationship is going to continue to progress and grow...and hopefully they'll continue to open up to each other!:)
Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading!:)
That was very romantic - I'm happy for Kaylee and Ty :-)
It's taking me a bit to get used to the very muscular physiques of Ty and his dad!
LOL!! I had to throw the slim bodybuilder and the Huge bodybuilder mesh in there!