"So, I heard that you led the football team streaking around ALT after your first win."
Ty's head snapped up from the homework he was diligently working on. "What? Where'd you hear that from?"
Kaylee grinned and watched as his eyes slid to the side then back down to his work.
"It was more of a naked hula," he muttered.
She cupped her ear. "Excuse me? I didn't catch that." She bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing when he scribbled furiously in his notepad. "It was more of a naked hula dance," he repeated without looking up.
"Hmm...yeah, and when I say led, I mean led the team!" She waggled her eyebrows when his eyes shot to hers in dawning horror.
"Oh, for fucks sake," he snapped rubbing the back of his neck. "It was a dare and I didn't know those girls were going to have cameras! Plus...it was cold!"
Running her tongue over her teeth Kaylee winked. "And they were so kind as to give me a copy." She fluttered her eyelashes as his mouth opened and closed in horror. "I keep it in my journal. The unedited version."
She burst our laughing when he buried his face in his hands. She watched as he tried to finish up his homework but when she rubbed her foot against his calf he slammed the notebook closed.
"How about we get some fresh air?"Kaylee batted away the leaf that Ty was twirling against her neck as she tried to focus on her biology textbook. She frowned as she tried to understand the molecular breakdown of a certain near extinct sea anemone. Scientist were trying to figure it out to see if they could perhaps clone the anemones and trick them into reproducing more frequently. If they succeeded in doing that- She flipped the textbook over when Ty tickled the tip of her nose with a brilliant red leaf. "Is there something you wanted?"
Ty stiffened and his eyes flared making Kaylee swallow dryly. Ever since that kiss a few weeks back they had been trying to take it slow. They would kiss or make out but it never went further than that. She could tell that he wanted it to and if she were honest with herself she wanted it to as well. Lord did she want it to. But...the memories were holding her back. The memories of Janet's revolving door of men and the sounds of sex coming from the next room. Realistic she knew she wasn't anything like Janet however, the doubts lingered.
"Hey, what are you looking so serious for?" Ty asked breaking into her thoughts.
She shook her head. "Nothing. Just old memories that don't seem to die."
He reached out and ran a hand through her hair. "I like the new cut. You look like a pixie."
"Hence the name pixie cut. You're such a dork," she said laughing up at him. When she stopped she caught him looking at her. "What?"
He shrugged. "When you laugh you're unguarded and...it'd beautiful to me. It makes me wish that you could be like that all the time."
She twirled two leaves in between her hands, watching the kaleidoscope of colors merge. "I'm trying Ty," she whispered.
His big hand landed over top of hers and he gave her wrist a gentle squeeze. "I know."
Sharing a look they both laid on their backs and watched as the sun filter through the branches and kissed the leaves shooting beams of mulitcolored lights on them. Reaching down Kaylee slipped her hand through Ty's. And when he gave it a gentle squeeze she knew. She knew she was falling in love with him and there was nothing she could do about it.

He looked around then shrugged. "No, not really. I think it's just because I don't have as many books cluttering up all my space." He grinned at her then feigned pain when she jabbed him in the side. She walked over to one of the numerous paintings hanging on his walls.
"Wow, these are great! Who's the artist?" She looked over her shoulder to see Ty rubbing the back of his neck. A sure sign that he was nervous or embarrassed about something. Then it dawned on her. Spinning back around she stared at the painting in awe.
"You did these? I didn't even know you liked to paint!"
She felt him come up behind her. "You inspire me to try new things. When we were in high school and I used to stop by your house nine times out of ten you had either clay or paint splattered on your clothes."
She started to turn around but froze when her attention was caught on the object resting on the table next to the bed.
"Tyrese Jameson! What is that?"
He coughed. "Uh, a plate?"
She slapped at his arm then picked up the plate. "It's a plate that I made."
He took it from her and placed it gently back on the nightstand. "And I brought it."
Kaylee stared at him and he stared back as if daring her to say anything else. Shaking her head she climbed on his bed.
"I've been meaning to ask you why you picked biology instead of art or something along those lines."
She shrugged. "I have bills to pay and when's the last time you've heard of an artist hitting it big right out of the gate?"
He gave it some thought. "True."
"Besides, I've always liked animals, especially sea animals. I want to work with them and hopefully one day live by the ocean. Something about it just calms me."
"Yeah, you always were in the pool. In that little tiny bikini top and those sexy boy shorts." He waggled his eyebrows.
Kaylee shrieked with laughter. After wiping the tears from her eyes she glanced over at him. "What about you? Why'd you take up Psychology?"
"I want to understand why people do the things they do. I've always been curious about the inner workings of the human mind. The little things that make us tick and..."
Kaylee stared at Ty as he continued to talk. He was so driven. So focused. Whatever he put his mind to he was bound to succeed in. She felt a glowing pride for him. He wasn't just your stereotypical football player who took the minimal amount of courses. He wanted to be challenged. He wanted to be more than Ty Jameson, star quarterback of ALT.
"So, do you want to work around here?" he asked picking with a loose string on his quilt.
She grinned. "There aren't many oceans around here," she said with a chuckle then shrugged. "I don't really have a certain place in mind. I guess the first place that offers me employment." She looked over at him. "What about you? What are you going to do after graduation?"
"It all depends."
"On what?" she asked curiously. He stared at her for a moment then shrugged his shoulders.
"It...just depends." "I don't want to see that movie!" Ty made a face. "What about that new horror movie?"
Kaylee rolled her eyes. "How many times can they remake that movie?"
They stared at each other for a moment then as if by silent agreement they fisted their hands.
"One, two, three," they said in unison.
"Scissors beat your paper!" Kaylee crowed, doing a little victory dance.
Ty scowled. "Best two out of three."
"You always say that!"
"And yet, you keep asking. Don't be a sore loser Ty." She glanced at the clock on the wall. "Are you going to drive me back to the dorm or should I call a taxi?"
"I'll drive you back," he said sullenly. Kaylee turned away and swallowed back a chuckle. Ty hated to lose. She started to walk out to the parking lot but stopped when Ty called her name. "Hey...uh...there's this dance coming up at the end of the year and I was just wondering. I mean...if you have the time...if you'd like to go with me?"
Kaylee quickly calculated how much money she had to spare and then deciding that, for once, she was going to do something just for her, she nodding her head. She saw the flicker of surprise cross Ty's face then a huge grin bloomed.
He slung an arm around her neck as they started out for the parking lot. "Man, and I had some good arguments ready this time."
Her laughter echoed across the lot.
The months seemed to fly by. With school, football games and trying to squeeze in time to see Ty Kaylee was shocked to look at her calendar and see the day of the dance staring back at her. Glancing at the clock she saw that she had least than three hours to get ready before Ty came. Which was two and a half hours more than she needed. Opening her closet she stared at the dress she had found in a second hand store. It wasn't something that she would normally wear but something about it had drawn her eye.
Two and a half hours later she grinned when Ty whistled. "You look amazing Kaylee," he said as he bent down and gave her a quick kiss. She started to slip her hand around his neck to pull him back but he shook his head.
"I have something I want to give you."
She stared down at his empty hands. "Where is it?"
He grinned. "Back at my dorm. Come on." After helping her into the car and making sure he didn't catch her dress in the door he rushed around to the driver's side and slid in. He shot her a grin before pulling away from the curb.
"Close your eyes," he demanded as soon as they stood outside his door. Giving him a curious look she did as instructed. He gripped her forearm and guided her into the room placing her just so.
"No peeking!"
She laughed. "I'm not!"
There was shuffling and moving around before she heard him come stand somewhere to the right of her. She heard him blow out a breath then:
"Okay, open them."
She had to blink back tears in order to see the painting more clearly.
And when she did she cried even more.
Ty slip his arm around her waist. "Hey, I didn't mean to make you cry. It's just that you looked so happy that day and-"
Kaylee palmed his face before leaning forward and capturing his mouth with hers.

She stiffened when Ty rolled over. She held her breath when he slipped an arm underneath of her and curled against her side. He placed a soft kiss against her shoulder before going back to sleep. Tentatively Kaylee tried to ease away but his grip only tightened. Slowly she put her arm around his shoulder and he seemed to relax. She felt a grin pull at her lips as her fears dissipated. This was Ty. He wasn't some faceless man. Lulled by his even breathing she allowed herself to drift back off to sleep.

He was like a big kid. He could be serious if he wanted too but more often than not he was trying to get her to do something that that she would have never thought of on her own.
"Ty, someone jut raked those leaves," she hissed as he looked from the piles to her then back again. She recognized that gleam in his eye. "No, I am not going to do that."
He slid up behind her and kissed her neck. "Come on! You know you want to. And if it will make you feel any better I'll rake them back up."

Spitting out a leaf she glared at him mockingly. "This means war buddy boy!" she growled.
He made a come on motion with his hands. "Bring it on emo!"
Giving a mock war cry she charged at him and before she knew it they were laughing and tickling each other in the piles of leaves. Kaylee lay panting with a grinning Ty straddling her waist.
"God, I'm starving! Let's order some pizza!"

"Kaylee, I've been thinking..." He blew out a breath then shook his head. "Move in with me."
"W-what?" Well, that's certain not what she had been expecting.
"Next year I'm not going to live in the dorms. I figured I'd get a place somewhere in between ALT and PSC so neither one of us would have far to go to school. I mean, you're here more than you're at your dorm anyways. And then you wouldn't have to worry about paying boarding fees which would cut down on your loan from Rachael. Something that you're worried about because you haven't received the check yet. I've been thinking about this for awhile."
"I see that," she said before slowly sitting up.

"Are you seriously asking me that after they story I told you about my parents?"
She had to grin at that. "True. But...I wouldn't feel comfortable living with you. You have to understand. I-"
"I understand that you can't let go of your past enough to look to the future. Christ, Kaylee! I fucking love you! I would ask you to marry me in a heartbeat if I thought for a moment you might say yes! But I know you won't because you'll feel like you're holding me back when all I've ever wanted to do, since the moment I met you, was just hold onto you."
Kaylee's heart was thundering in her ears. Ty loved her? Had thought about marrying her? Without conscious thought she slid off his bed. She looked around blindly. There was too much to think about. The only clear thought in her head was that she had to leave. She had to leave before she did something stupid and agreed to move in with him, agreed to marry him. He had so much going for him and she had nothing.
"I have to go."
"Kaylee..." He stared at her for a moment before he smiled. "Alright. I'll-"
"I'll call a taxi." Bending down she placed a kiss to his forehead. He smiled up at her.
"Okay. I'll call you tomorrow."
Nodding jerkily she turned and walked quickly out of the room.

Ugh, this kills me! Look at Ty's sad little face!!! And Kaylee thinking that she isn't good enough for him! *sniffle*
LOL! Those shots were snapped in a space of five seconds! I hadn't expected him to do that face(was just going to get a side view) but once I saw it I knew I had to put it in the story!
That's all Janet's doing! *grumble* I want the happily ever after but nooo...look @ that morning after face! Soooo not what I was expecting! LOL!
Thanks for reading Penelope!:D
OH MY! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Girl, putting something that delicious looking on the very 1st pic, you know how long it took me to move to the next shot?! MAN, temperature is still skyrocketing here! He is H-O-T!! HOT! HOT! HOT! FINE looking body, shame it’s only a Sim! Lol! :D Darn bowl getting in my way! :< ;p
One hour later: OKAY, NOW I’M HAPPY! THANK-YOU JOURNAL! *big ass grin on my face* :D ;P
My dear Phoenix, I LUV the way you have Kaylee tease poor Ty about his little (big) prank, lol! ;p He is so adorable when embarrassed, lol! :D
I LOVE Kaylee’s new look, that hairstyle looks awesome on her, and the new Tats, are awesome! :rah:
The route and format you have taken with this story, is allowing your readers to fall in love with this BEATIFUL couple, at the same time they are falling in love with each other! :wub: We are experiencing thoroughly all their firsts, all the closeness, and the happiness of new love! ;wub:
Oooo, I luv that pic of him cornering her up against the wall in his room, oh, man that derrier of his won’t quit! NICE, VERY NICE! *wiping drool* ;P I knew there was no way they were going to a dance after that! What a beautiful gesture he did for her painting her like that! :wub: :wub: That love scene was very tastefully, and romantically done! BRAVO! Ty is such a wonderful, loving, hardworking, and respectful young man…oh if only those really existed… ;(
I can completely understand Kaylee’s fears and self-doubts. If her own mother did not think enough of her, nor did she want her, how can Kaylee expect anyone else to want her and love her? I hope that her own fears don’t push that wonderful Ty away! :wub: :(
AWESOME chapter! LOVED IT! :wub: :wub:
Ok I am going to do what I do to everyone else, LOL! I am going to comment as I read. So sorry for the book you are about to receive, LOL! 80)
Kay and Ty are so cute in the first opening shot. The writing evocative. I love your description of Kaylee’s running her tongue over her teeth, LOL! And Ty’s saying let’s get some air. LOL! Ever the gentleman isn’t he? 80) and Naked Hula dance ROFLMAO!!!
AWWW!!! Ty and Kaylee are so sweet, I love your descriptions that perfectly match the shots. How sad for Kay that she is still stuck on her moms bad choices, yet totally understandable. The emotions in this particular piece were absolutely beautiful, I can actually feel Ty’s love for her. And Kay is falling fast and hard herself. 80) YAY! I just hope it will keep up. 80) I especially loved the simple action of twirling the leaves and enjoying the kaleidoscope of colors. Such beautiful descriptions. *sigh* 80) Oh yes have to say I love Kay’s new look, I too like too change em up every so often. Lol! 80)
Ok DOUBLE AWWW!!! He actually has a plate she made, and she inspires him to try new things. Oh they are so utterly perfect. Ugh! If they don’t work I am going to cry!!! Lol! 80)
LOL! Waggled his eyebrows… LOL! Ok I think I am going to stop, you have me repeating myself, with all the love and sweetness between these two. They are so wonderful together *crossing fingers* *Holding breath* Oh I remember what it was to feel like that when I first fell in love. Although so much better now. LOL! Absolutely beautiful capture of their relationship. You are truly drawing in your audience to your characters and their feelings. Bravo!
Hey I know that outfit, I have it for when a certain character comes out of their shell. Lol! Just like kids, playing RPS and enjoying it… LOL! I love your capture of the shy boy toeing the dirt as he asked his crush out. And her surprising acceptance. Go Kaylee!!! And two and a half hours, lol! There are some of us that need minimal time to ready I suppose, I know I usually get myself ready in twenty minutes, lol! Unless I have to look perfect. Ugh! I hate those days. 80) Although I seriously think that Ty wouldn’t care if she looked like a hobo. 80) lol! And whatever is back at Ty’s dorm???? Oh my I am on the edge of my seat here!
Oh WOW!!!! Ty is an amazing artist, I am um… blinking away the tears, although they would have really flowed had he proposed, LOL! 80) Great story Phoenix!!!Beautiful succession of screens. Oh I am in utter awe! And I love the tattoos and the fact they never made it. LOL! ;O)
I am breathless, poor Kaylee her fears are so deep rooted with everything she experienced with her mother and now she has this sweet caring man, yet she can’t seem to accept. At least at first. 80) LOL! Love the leaf explanation! Absolutely!
OK DOUBLE WOWIE!!! He asked her to move in and he knew about Rachel’s loan??? Why do I feel like there is something ominous about to occur???! OH BOY!!! Kaylee I plead with you don’t be look against love because of your fears! And how Ty’s words so ring true….
What an excellent cliffhanger, I am truly on edge for next update!!!
Beautiful descriptions, excellent writing, and magnificent screens!!! BRAVO!!! and once again sorry for the book. 80)
Hey Z! Hahaha!! Yeah, I figured why waste a perfect shot but...I didn't want to put it here sooo...private viewing only! LOL!!
Kaylee and Ty's relationship was, and always will be, friendship first. Soooo...of COURSE she was going to tease him! LOL! And I love his sheepish face! Love, love, LOVE it!
I had that hair somewhere in the pile of all my CC. Don't know why I didn't use it before but when I switched it she screamed and clapped in front of the mirror so I guess Kaylee liked it as well! :)
Noticed the tats did you?! I love tats in real life, have a few myself, so I figured what the heck!?! Tat her up! Hahaha!
Thank you so much for your lovely compliments Z. Sometimes I feel like I'm rushing the story but I don't want it to drag either so I try to find some kind of balance! :) I'm glad it's working for you!
Hey Cherie! You most have been posting while I was responding to Z's comment! LOL! Hey, book away! I love to know what people are thinking!
Kaylee and Ty are so sweet they make me sick! LOL! They can't keep their hands off of each other thanks to ARC so I have to watch them or keep them seperated! LOL! I love them though!
*sigh* It's about to get a little rough for Kaylee! Already have a couple shots done for the next chapter and I think I kinda, sorta know what direction I want to go but...you never know!
I LOVE that outfit! I took a couple of shots of them standing together just for fun! I'll have to post them!:)
Wow, thank you Cherie for you amazing compliments! I'm in awe of YOU and all the amazing structures and shots that you do!!
I've always loved to write and I want people to be as immersed in my story as I am in writing it. So, I try to visualize a scene and the sounds and everything go on around the characters and go from there!:) I hope I don't get long winded! Like I told Z sometimes I feel like I'm rushing things so it's good to know that it's not confusing for you.
Thanks for your wonderful comments Cherie! LOL! Trust me I don't mind the "book"! I'm glad that you're enjoying my story!
might I ask what ARC is? lol! You have mentioned it in the past yet I dont know what it is. Although the moment you tell me I will feel foolish, lol!
And I love your writing and screens!!! I am a fan. And poor Kaylee.
Ohh...I LOVE ARC(Autonomous Casual Romance)! This site can explain it better than me....
It pretty much gives a touch of realism to the game what with adding casual romance options and the like. Sooo...your sims don't have to be in love or even have a crush on each other to woohoo it up! LOL! Now, I don't use all of the different things I probably could but...I like the interactons I do use!
THank you I have never heard of that one. 80) and believe me I have a bunch of hacks. 80)
You're welcome!
LOL! Me too! I don't remember how I stumbled acrossed it but...it makes for some interesting unplanned pregnancies...esp since I have the hack where there is no jingle after the woo hoo! So I usually don't know until they start vomiting...because I have headlines off! LOL!
Good times, good times!:P
Another great chapter!!!!!
YAY I'm so happy for Kaylee and Ty!!! :D They were together!! finally!!!
And it was so sweet and loving! I really hope she moves in with him.
Looks like Janet will always haunt our Kaylee, even if the evil witch is so far away she will always have a way to mess up dear Kaylee! Hopefully Ty will give her the support and confidence Kaylee needs! He is a great beautiful man and he is perfect for Kaylee!
I would love Ty to give me hula dance lessons :D !!! :D naked hula lessons I mean... lol he looks WOW!!!! and they both make a beautiful couple!
I hope they will make things work and continue to grow up together!!!
Beautiful chapter, so romantic!! and sweet, it is nice to see that things din't change after sex! :D
Thank you Sandy!! :D This chapter was pretty easy for me to write seeing as how Kaylee and Ty are just having fun, for the most part, in this chapter!
She spent all her life with Janet. Most of the memories aren't very fun to think about. And you try not to think about them but they spring out of nowhere when you least expect it!
LOL @ TY! He looked soo embarassed! I thought it was the cutiest expression so I had to toss it in here and that line just popped into my head so I ran with it! Haha!
I hope things work out for them too but...the next chapter is going to be...how should I put this...not as cheery as this one was! *sigh*
Thank you for your lovely compliments! How's your computer acting?! Still giving you fits?
Aww Thank you for asking about my stupid computer :D lol well looks like the game is working fine now :D lol
I just saw Ty's pic at Kaylee's diary.. if I were her, I wouldn't let that man go away from me!!! :D lol he is gorgeous!!! :D and oh my god!!!! he has a big big big personality!!!! :D
No problem! I just had to return my tower for repairs...and I didn't even get to play with it yet! :(
LOL!!! He's delicious that's for sure!! Poor guy...me showing him off like that!! haha!! But I just couldn't resist!! :P
OMG!! thank you so much for reading my blog! you're really nice! :D:D
and OMG x2 you have a sims blog! i'm totally gonna read 'specially cuz you're awesome! haha :D
yeah kayla is really close to kaylee, haha. i'm already trying to figure out what i'm gonna name my first person and what i'm gonna do. i can't wait!
okay i'm gonna go and try to get caught up with your story now! :)
LOL!! *waves at Kayla* Hello! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Hope you enjoy reading!
That being said...I hope, whenever you decide on your plot or storyline, that you just have fun with it!:) I really enjoy writing and I'm excited to see where this story is going to take me! LOL!
Have fun!!:D
okay i'm back! idk if it's against the law to comment twice but i'm gonna anyways.
this is an AWESOME blog! seriously, how cute are kaylee and ty?! kaylee (pretty much love the name now that i see who has it!) being the sweet little rebel and ty being the hopeless romantic. what i love is that you would never expect those two people to ever come together, and look at the love they found. awwww!
umm, WHERE CAN I FIND A TY OF MY OWN?! geez, did you really have to make ty so perfect? xD I WANT HIM!! but i won't do that to kaylee, and i'm guessing that he's like 5 years older than me soo... I WANT HIS YOUNGER BROTHER!! haha :D! yeah how many guys in this world do you find that will paint a picture of his girlfriend, tell her that he loves her, and never pressure her into having sex with him? there are probably like 3 in existence. bah humbug! D:
okay well i can't wait for the next update! WOO! thanks for renewing my vigor for wanting to create a sims blog!
P.S.: how did you even find my blog? xD
P.P.S.: okay, i just read over the comment you left on my other comment. and yeah, i really hope i can keep up the blog because usually when i start one no one reads and i end up never updating or anything :P but yeah, i LOVE writing short stories but i never get around the finishing them because i can never think of anything good to do and i just start a new one haha. so hopefully it'll be different for my soon-to-be-awesome sims 3 blog!
Haha! You can post as many times as you want! :P
Thank you!:D Like I said I'm having fun writing it! You should check out some of the links on the right! Some awesome stories let me tell you!
I know! I think I made Ty too sweet for my own good because now I feel bad when he looks at me all crazy after I make Kaylee do something to him! Haha!! I love Sim faces!:P
Just have fun with it! Seriously! Don't worry if people comment or don't comment! Someone's reading trust me! For whatever reason they just don't comment! *shrug*
I'm thinking about getting Sims 3(probably will) but might not install it until I see how other reviewers are doing with it! Plus, I'll miss my hacks and stuff! :(
Can't wait until you start your blog!:)
Yay! Loved seeing those two having fun together, so sweet-and that painting he did for her! He is too perfect, isn't he? And that first shot was gorgeous! Not just him but the way the angle is and everything, it's a beautiful shot, like some Greek God work of art, lol!
I love the little realistic touches you put in your dialogue too like them playing rock, paper, scissors and she says "And yet you keep asking" Love the sense of humor there.
Great chapter!
-Oh yeah, I meant to ask about the cuddling thing, I have the AL animation box but I've never seen them actually do that. Is it something they just do after they woo hoo? I did notice they sleep differently, it takes them forever to get up sometimes and one has their arm wrapped around the other one. Was just wondering, I don't make them woo hoo very much, unless I want them to have a baby. *Okay, that sounds cruel!* :D
LOL!!! Last question first...nope, they don't have to woo hoo to cuddle! As far as I know just send them to bed and unless one has to wake up to go to the bathroom or eat then they will auto cuddle! And them taking forever to get up? Yep, just pan in close and you'll see whoever woke up first cuddling with the other!:P I love that interaction!
They are cute! When I took that shot and was looking at it I knew I wanted it in the story sooo...I came up with that angle! Haha! And thanks! I tried to work around the fake that he was naked(since I didn't put a warning on the blog) and since the bowl was there...*shrug* I couldn't resist!
Thanks! Really, I take pictures first...I have a sense of where the story's going but I don't add the dialogue until I set it up in blogger and then...whatever happens, happens! :D
Thanks for reading Em! I'm trying to work on packaging my sims for you!:)
I know I'm so late commenting, but I just found this blog. but this is the best chapter so far! omg. I honestly got misty eyed lol
I don't mind 'late' comments!:P That means that more people are starting to read...at least that's what I tell myself!:P
Thank you so much for taking the time to read and commenting!:)
I love the way you transition your story. It just flows so lovely. I love how the picture was blurry when she was crying but became clear when she quit. How did you do that. It was awesome. I am so proud of you and I love you dearly. I always knew you could write. Way to go kiddo. Much love.
LOL Mom! That's photshop! I'll show you some day!:P
Awww...thanks! I just started this for fun! I'm just glad people are enjoying it! Thanks so much for your support! It means alot to me! I love you!
"as the sun filter through the branches and kissed the leaves shooting beams of mulitcolored lights on them"
This was so beautiful and poetic! loved this chapter - I just wish kaylee would stop pushing ty away.
Does she get pregnant? I noticed they didn't mention birth control...
Oh! Thanks! Haha! I've always loved fall and spring so I could just imagine them out there under that tree!
Nope, Kaylee doesn't get pregnant...Ty took care of that part! I didn't mention it because I really didn't go into too much detail here with their sex life.