1.7 {Part I}
Kaylee sat down at the computer to check and see if her Bio professor had graded her term paper. Craig and Dillian were horsing around in the commons area, as usual, before they started talking about football right behind her. Dillian was a running back for Pleasantview State and thought he was the best thing since...well since time began. She just didn't see what the other girls saw in him. Kaylee stared down at the list of classes in front of her. With a groan she dropped her head into her hand and tapped her pencil against the edge of the notebook. She still didn't know what she wanted to take up. Rachael had told her that she could take her time and decide but Kaylee didn't want to waste time.
"Alright," she muttered to herself. She started to check off all the things that she had no interest in. That whittled the list down to over...she pursed her lips. There was still over two dozen options on her list.
"Great," she snapped, rubbing her forehead. Frowning she started to meticulously go over the list again. She wanted to declare a major before her first week in so that she could work towards it and finish it as fast as possible. She wasn't going to play around.
She glanced up when she heard laughter. All around her groups and people were milling around. Parents had come to send their kids off and friends were hanging around in groups talking about how much fun they had had over the summer. Shaking her head she turned back to her list.
"Biology," she whispered. It seemed as if it had suddenly jumped out at her. She had always enjoyed Bio in school and at one point in time she had wanted to work with animals. Maybe...gnawing on her lip for a moment Kaylee went over the list again but nothing else seemed right. Heaving a relieved sigh she went over to the computer and declared her major. The next morning, her first day of college classes Kaylee thought with a small thrill, she stood in front of the mirror and studied herself.
"Okay, this is what you always wanted to do," she said, speaking to her reflection. Straightening her shoulders she pasted a smile on her face. "Now, instead of feeling as if you're going to vomit, go and make an impression on your professors! After all, there are seventeen thousand people on this campus."
Oh my god, Kaylee thought to herself putting hand on her stomach. Her little pep talk was so not helping! She was just one of the masses. What had she been thinking to-
"Hey, hey, HEEEEY!"
Kaylee had been so deep in her morbid thoughts that she hadn't heard the girl come up behind her. Startled, she jumped and spun around. A girl in a cheerleading outfit stood behind her.
"It's a looovely morning! Oh my god were you just talking to yourself? 'Cause I do too when I'm trying to make up a cheer. I'm like, Jenna. I'm captain of the squad. Cheer captain, ya know?"
She did a little motion with her hands and slapped a smile on her face.
"Are you a freshman?"
"Yes," Kaylee replied bemused by the girl's, Jenna's, boundless energy.
"Ohhh...that's fabulous! You'll LOVE it here!"
"Riiight," Kaylee said as she started to edge away. To her dismay Jenna followed behind her chattering until she spotted a group of girls. With a quick wave to Kaylee she rushed over to them. Kaylee soon found out that college was different from high school. She had a ton of homework. Between essays, term papers and projects her freshman year seemed to zip by her. Not saying that she enjoyed it. She loved being at Pleasantview State college. She didn't have a lot of friends but those she did have she enjoyed hanging out with. The one damper on her year was Ty.
They had promised to email each other, to keep in contact and at first, they did.
She'd open up her email and there would be a long email from Ty telling her all about his freshman year at Le Tour.
He was now the starting quarterback, a freshman quarterback was unprecedented in the history of the school and already he had scouts after him to drop out with promises of fat bonuses and NFL contracts. And he would call just to say goodnight. But halfway through the year his schedule became too hectic apparently, because emails became few and far between. She hated it but she knew he had dreams and she wasn't going to interfere. She wasn't all about school though. She was for the most part but when a class was giving her trouble or she just needed to think she'd shoot some pool(it did help her with her trigonometry and physics as she tried to figure out angles). If she had an especially difficult problem she would head to the gym.
The steady hum of the machines, the rhythmic slapping of her feet, the thrumming of the blood in her ears all relaxed her. It was during her weekly workouts that she felt at peace. Maybe it was the repetitiveness of it all but whatever it was it just soothed her.
She couldn't see his face but...there was something about him that reminded her of someone she knew. She studied him for a moment then glanced over when she heard the girl on the treadmill next to her hum. The girl was looking past her and licking her lips.
An annoying rang sounded and Kaylee looked in the reflection of the TV to see him scoot up and dig around in his pocket for his cell phone.
Walking into her room she shut the door before digging underneath of her bed and pulling out her neglected journal. Nudging aside her textbooks and papers she sat cross legged on the floor and began to write.
The rest of the year zoomed by. Having made the dean's list Kaylee waited until everyone was fast asleep before having her own celebration. She didn't go home for the summer. With her scholarship money she took advantage of some summer classes so she was able to stay on in a campus house.
"We have a game against Le Tour in a couple of weeks. Man, that Jameson is awesome! Do you think we have a chance at winning?"
Dillian snorted. "Are you kidding me? There's no way PSC is going to win against ALT. For one thing they were undefeated last year and for another I heard Ty trained with some NFL players during the summer. Man, he's good. I hear he's been offered a sign on bonus but he turned it down because he wants to finish up school."
"Yeah, he's a pretty cool guy. We hang out sometimes ya know? And he even gives me pointers. He's supposed to be stopping by sometime in the next couple of weeks to..."
Kaylee's mouth went dry. Ty? Here at PSC?
Sorry about the smaller post! :( My computer is acting funny! *sigh* And my new one is in the shop! Soo...I'll try to get the next part out sometime tomorrow! Hope you enjoy!
Awww :( TY forgot about her? and he got a new girl? :( If I were Kaylee I would have stood in front of him and asked him where the hell he had been!!! (I'm assuming that the guy in the gym was TY)
I really like that you are moving really fast thru her college years! :D It is really nice that you just point out the important parts!!!
It was a great chapter, I'm really looking forward to see Ty and Kaylee together again, maybe just talk, hang out and who knows... maybe seeing each other in the eye will bring back memories and feelings :D
Great chapter!!!
Hey Sandy! Man, know I remember why I don't play Uni! LOL! I finish their semsters in the first day and then there's nothing to do! LOL! So, I wouldn't want to put y'all through that!:P
I already have the next part already lined up. Just have to write the story! And with the way blogger changed things then edit the html code and yada, yada, yada! You know! It'll be up tomorrow!
I'm glad you enjoyed reading my small update!:P
Oh I can taste the tension! especially after the whole Babe thing. LOL!
How interesting that ty is going to be hanging out in Kaylee's dorm. Will he see her and recognize her, will he suddenly fall in love again? oh so many questions so little space, LOL!
I loved this update!!! Your a talented story teller and picture taker editor, LOL!
Cant wait to see what happens next. 80) although I do fear a little for Kay's heart. 80)
Hey Cherie! I know right? I would have done the same thing Kaylee did...run out! LOL!
Get this...I'm playing them both @ Uni(I go back and forth between the two each semster) and they both roll wants having to do with the other. Call Kaylee, call Ty. One of Ty's when I first moved him in was: "Kaylee goes to University" I was all like "awww!!" haha!
And you know...the whole gym scene? Unplanned! Ty just strolled in while Kaylee was working out so I took advantage of it! LOL!
Wow, thanks Cherie! That means alot coming from you! I know how much time and effort you put into your stories!
Next update will be out tomorrow! Blogger is just annoying me with all the editing I have to do in html! Grr!! @_@
Thanks for commenting!:D
we all do that is the fun of being a sims 2 writer, LOL!
And how cool is that! I have a couple of sims that want nothing but reaction with the other... lol! Cant wait.
So sorry and I feel your pain with Blogger. 80)
Dear God, Ty is enormous! And he's finding time to hang out with the Pleasantview State footballers but not for Kaylee. That's a sadness.
Is it just me or is Kaylee REALLY starting to look like Janet?
And Biology is so not what I thought she would go into.
LOL! Hey Penelope! Yeah, I know right? It's the slim bodybuilder mesh from Insim. You should see his dad...which you will in the next update!
THAT'S what I thought! I was like wow...I did't see that when I was in CAS...I don't know if I want to fiddle with her or not though! She's my Kaylee! haha!
She rolled the want to be Hand of Posiedon and since I'm playing as well as storywriting I didn't want her to go into aspiration failure! LOL! I cheat enough without having her stay @ perma-plat!:P Don't worry, she's still gonna be do all her artistic stuff though! I couldn't keep her away from the easel on campus! ;)~
Oh my gosh.. Penelope is right!!!!! Kayleen looks like Janet!!!! WOW...
I thought she would choose Arts or music or something like that, lol but she went for Biology, lol !! :D anyway I'm really looking forward to next chapter!
OMG! I'm like Kaylee in her journal, lol! OMG! That man is HOT!!!! OH, IS HE HOT!!! I think I lost track there for a minute, just drooling over those biceps...:wub: ;p
Okay, back to reality! :D Wonderful chapter dear Phoenix! You made her transition to Uni perfect! The details about choosing her major, the classes she liked or not, the nerves about going to class the first day, AND THE ANNOYING CHEERLEADER, lol! If this was the one in the T.V. show 'Heroes' they would have let her die, lol! *wicked grin* :D
Kaylee looks GORGEOUS as a YA, I love her style, and her determination! :wub: Wonderful pics! Ty, with a girlfriend...that is sad! FOR ME! LOL! ;p
LMAO Z!! I know right?! When he got out of the taxi at Uni(I sent him and some kids from the pleasantview hood) I was like..WOW!! :O~ <~~drool right there! Haha!
'Save the cheerleader. Save the World!' Man, I need to get those DVDs! I missed the last season!! GRRR!! That cheerleader just showed up out of nowhere...and stared...and stared! So, I made her part of the story! LOL!
It was brought to my attention that Kaylee looked like Janet...and after staring at her in game...I realized it was true!! LOL!! Gotta change her look just a little so she's not an EXACT replica! Haha!
Oh, I don't think you need to change her. She does look like her mother, but that is to be expected. Their eye color is different, and it felt to me like Kaylee's eyes were a little more slanted. That's just my opinion! :D
:D I just changed her hair! I couldn't stand to change her face! LOL! I've grown attached to it!
I agree with what Sandy said about just pointing out the important parts, so much better than dragging it out. And I hate Uni too, so long and boring! I'm really enjoying this so far, can't wait to see when or if she gets to talk to Ty and tell him how she feels! Love his name BTW, my son is going to be named Tyler James and I think I will call him Ty a lot! :D
Hey Em! Yep, I'm only hitting the major points but making sure I still give minor details of every day life so it's not like the story is on fast forward and no one really KNOWS Kaylee and Ty...if that makes sense!:P
Awww...that's a cute name!:P I would call Tyler Ty as well!:P
I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter!