Kaylee had just walked outside to get the paper when she heard Ty call her name. Squinting against the setting sun she let out a low whistle when she saw him.
"Well, what are you all dressed up for?" The Ty she knew wore hoodies and baggy pants every chance he got even though his family was rolling in money.
He laughed then leaned in to give her a quick hug. Instead of stiffening as she had done the first few times he had given her a hug she gave him a squeeze back. Over the past two months she and Ty had formed a friendship of sorts. He hadn't really given her a choice, she thought with a small smile. She raised an eyebrow when he shuffled his feet.
"I got in."
She blinked. "What?"
"I had an interview today at Le Tour and I got in! I start a few weeks after school is over. To get ahead of the game and all that. I can't believe..."
Whatever else he saying was lost amid the buzzing in her ears. She had known that Ty was going to go to University eventually but she hadn't thought in a few short months she would never see him again.
"Hey, are you okay?" Ty asked placing a large, warm hand on her arm.
Nodding, she slapped a grin on her face. Reaching up she gave his hand a squeeze. "I'm so happy for you Ty. I know how badly you want to go to school."
"Yeah, and to my mom's old school no less. Speaking of which, I better get home and tell them the good news. " What kind of friend was she, she asked herself as she watched him walk away, that on one hand she was so happy for him but on the other she was insanely jealous? Ty worked hard in school. He just wasn't all about football. He had goals in life, things that he wanted to accomplish. He wanted so badly to make a difference in the world. He deserved to get into whatever school he wanted. Sighing she walked back into the house, the newspaper laying forgotten on the sidewalk. Grabbing her clipboard she walked around back.
And all she had to looked forward to was restocking shelves. Gritting her teeth, she swallowed against the tightness in her throat and did just that.
A few days later she was restocking again, now that she had started to make vases and different flower arrangements it seemed as if she couldn't keep her shelves stocked, when she heard a car pull up around front. Peeping around the corner she saw an elderly man get out of the passenger side of the car and walk up the sidewalk. Tapping the pen against her lips she debated on if she should see who it was or not. Curiosity getting the best of her she put the clipboard down and walked back into the house.
Kaylee's heart began to pound. Oh my god! What if he was a social worker or something and he was coming to take her away? Her eyes darted around the house, taking in all the changes she had made in the last six months. She couldn't leave. She wouldn't let them take her. She... After escorting Mr. Garrett to his car Kaylee went back inside and started to make a list of everything she would need. It would have to be simple, yet elegant. Expensive but at the same time not reeking of money. After making her list she yanked her journal out from under her pillow and wrote down all the thoughts bubbling up inside of her.
Kaylee stood across the street from Pleasantview Hall, the building that would be housing the gala, and eyed it critically. She wanted it to be simple enough where the seniors could feel comfortable, yet elegant enough where Mr. Garrett and other family members wouldn't feel as if they were getting their money's worth. Satisfied that everything looked great she turned and headed home.
"Hey you two! You're dancing entirely too close!" Startled Kaylee stepped away from Ty and looked over his shoulder. A woman wearing a stern expression on her face was wagging a finger back and forth.
Once again they heard a throat being cleared and once again Ty grabbed her hand and pulled her back into the Hall where they proceeded to dance let into the morning. When they couldn't dance anymore Ty drove her home. He walked her to her front door.
Kaylee showered then taking her money from where it was hidden underneath of a floorboard she counted it out. Eight thousand five hundred and fifty six dollars. It might sound like alot but once she started thinking about it she realized it wasn't. Not really. Maybe enough for one year but what about the next three or possibly more? She couldn't keep staying up and throwing clay and making flower arrangements once she was in college. She would have to focus on her school work. Putting the money back Kaylee padded over to the phone.
Soon school was out and Ty was getting ready to head to Le Tour. He stopped by the day before he left just to hang out. There was no awkwardness between them and even though each wanted to be more to the other they knew that, at this present time, it just wasn't in the cards for them. College was going to be hard enough without having the stress of a relationship. And while Ty understood that he hated it at the same time. But, because he knew Kaylee would clam up and push him away, he didn't push it.
Well, at least she's going to get to go to college. But she'd better look out, that Ty is going to have girls all over him at LeTour!
LOL! That was quick Penelope! :) Yeah, she's going to college but I'm pretty sure there's going to be all kinds of drama there too!;)
I know! Isn't Ty a cutie?!! I was surprised how cute he came out off CAS! :P His dad isn't half bad either! ;)
Thanks for reading!
Absolutely beautiful writing, althought I do have to say. No meeniness intended, LOL! Bigger please? 80)
You have truly managed to write a fabulous story hear, between Kaylee and her mom, Kaylee and Ty.
Oh my heart is aching, I just feel like she is falling in love with him and well... HE is already in love with her, 80).
I love how his mom referred her to the school, and I love her reaction to the man. Social worker, LOL! but I am so concerned about her calling um... is it Rachel?...
Could it be that her dad isnt dead after all??? Nah I dont believe so ;).
Although I must say I am so utterly happy she is going to college, it will help Kaylee immensly. Somehow though I dont think she will find it nearly as satisfying without Ty.
Great Job!!!
Wonderful story here!!!!
Sorry I meant bigger screens Please 80) *blush*
LOL! Hey Cheripye! For some reason my pics won't go bigger! I did the same thing I ALWAYS do and...no dice!! :( I'll fiddle around with it today, after I get offa work, to see what the heck is going on! :P
Yeah, her calling Rachael is wacked out but I had to give college some realism! I mean who can REALLY go to college on 2 grand? Haha!
As for her and Ty...my lips are sealed! ;)
Thanks for reading and commenting Cherie! Thanks for the support!:D
You dont have to mind me, I am blind young woman, LOL! But it is strange, here at work they are nice and large, so maybe my screen at home was having a fit of some sort. 80P
And I did forget to comment on the lovely poses and shots. 80) and I love the dance scenes, Kaylee looks so lovely. 80) and your artistic effects are GREAT!!! and how do you get them to sit or lay on the bed?
Everytime I try even with the omsp and magisplay it wont take. Oh yes and Moveobjects on of course. 80)
Haha! Hey Cheripye! No, it's not your computer! Before I left this morning for work I fixed it. For some reason it had a height, width in my html code. It's never done that before so I had to go in and delete that and...my big pics are back!:D
Thank you! Just a little tweaking with the photoshop! Nothing major! Mostly because I don't know how to really WORK photoshop! LOL!
When I want to get them on a surface(with moveobjects on of course) I put the omsp down then get the magistray. I pose them how I want, place them on the tray and depending on the shot or not I make it, and the omsp, invisible. You just have to make sure you have the right height otherwise they look like they're floating! LOL! Do you have the one that was made JUST for Sims and not just other objects? That helps for poses too!
Let me know! If not I can scrounge up the link for you!:D
no i dont have the one just for sims, only bed, counter, table, end table and coffee table. I didnt know there was one strictly for sims. Boy would that come in handy. 80)
When I get home I will do a google search as well.
Oh yeah! I try to avoid using photoshop to do any edits, like the plague, LOL! And my most recent update I had to do alot in it. All the night scenes I had to lighten because they were so dark... lol! and then overlays ack...80)
Ta-da!! That link will take you directly there! ;)
All my dance scenes were so dark! I built that building JUST for that shoot! LOL! And I didn't realize it required regular lights as well as the stobes! *sigh* So I just hit the fade correction button and...they came out like I posted! Thank goodness!
Ohh...I so want to do overlays but I can't get the hang of it! Everything just merges flat! Bah!
wonderful update!!!
I'm sad that they can't be more than friends at this time, but hopefully they will meet againin the future, when she is all settle, when he is all settle and then maybe they will walk together hand in hand and grow old together!!! Awww I'm such a romantic!! They do make a beautiful couple, I bet their babies would be so cute!!!
I'm glad she called Rachel... it is ok to get help from someone else, and I'm still hoping Rachel would be just a good soul in this rotten world who only wants to help Kayleen!!! :D
The dance scenes were fantastic, and the kiss scene were so sweet, I loved them dancing closed together, those pics. were fantabulous!!!
Great job!!!
Well, hey Sandy!! LOL! I was just over at your place!:P
Yeah, I wish they could be together too but..Kaylee has alot of things she still needs to figure out and she and Ty are going to different schools and it would be way more stress than she needed! She's already be stressed enough you know? As for the happily ever after...I'm not saying anything!! o_O
Those dance scenes were a pain in the butt! haha! They were soooo dark that I could barely see what I was shooting so I kept pressing F10!:P They did turn out lovely if I do say so myself!
Thanks for stopping by and reading!:D
Thank you 80P I will most certainly go to it. And your pictures are 100 x's better than mine, LOL! I am at a loss with paintshop. Plus I Had to re-read, and yet again MAGNIFICENT!!! 80)
I love the way you're not afraid to mix it up! Different size shots; different lighting; whatever you need to do to get the point across!
As much as I'd like to believe in a happy ever after for Kaylee (and she definitely needs a break!!) and Ty, I sort of doubt it's going to happen.
What a total nightmare Kaylee has to deal with. There's hard to find a single bright light in the dark.
as usual, your writing is just stunning! and your shots are phenomenal!
Hey Beth! Thanks! I like to draw focus on whatever I'm writing...not all my animation boxes in the background!:P No, seriously I do it that way because I get distracted when reading other stories that have too much going on in the background and...I don't want people to feel that way when they're reading my story!:)
Weeeellll...you never know with Kaylee and Ty! It won't be easy IF they do get together! *sigh* Kaylee has some trust issues(naturally) and Ty...well he's lead a charmed life.
Thanks again for your lovely comments! How are you computer problems coming?? Computer problems have come and hit me now! *sigh* It's a mess! Hope you get everything figured out! In the mean time I'm trying to catch up on your story!:P
My dear Phoenix, first let me thank-you for all those wonderful links you took the time to give me! :D I will definitely be checking them out! :D
Now this chapter! WOW! The more I see Ty the more GORGEOUS he gets! :wub: Oh, my! :wub: Shame on me, I'm old enough to be his older...'sister', LOL! (I wish it was only that old, lol)
They make such an adorable couple, and he and his mother have been such good friends to Kaylee! But, Kayle made the right decision to wait until she has better control of her future!
I'm glad she got that job offer, but I can see why she would still need Rachel's help. I'm really enjoying this story! Your writing is very engrossing, and upbeat! Your pics, BEAUTIFUL, especially the one were Kaylee and Ty kissed....SO ROMANTIC!!! :wub: :wub:
Hey Z! Not a problem! I love sharing the linkage! Why have someone search for something I already have?! ;)~
He is gorgeous but I think it's his sweet nature that gets me! He would serious appear out of the blue at Kaylee's house! LOL! So cute!
Yeah, Kaylee has too much on her plate to try and have a relationship! Two jobs AND trying to keep people from realizing that she's living on her own!
Thank you! Sometimes I just capture shots accidently and the kiss was one! I just kept pressing the f10 key and when I looked back through the pics I knew I HAD to use that one and then I fiddled with it until I got it how I liked it best!
First kisses...you never forget them! :D
Such a great chapter! Glad things are beginning to turn around for Kaylee, although taking help from Rachael might not have been a good decision. But who knows, she could actually turn out to be a good, honest person! :D
I hope she doesn't have a grudge against her because of Janet, that would just be cruel.
Like everyone else pointed out, the shots were amazing in this one. I loved all the lighting at the dance, you really felt like you were there. And the first kiss was adorable! Loved that shot too.
Off to college, oh boy! That should be fun! :D
Hmmm - at least she 's going to College - I just hope she didn't have to make a deal with the devil to do it...
Weelll....she didn't have to make a deal with Janet so that's a good thing right?!:) Okay, I'm done following you now and am going to start on your story!:)