1.4 {Part I}
Turning the doorknob Kaylee walked into the house. It was quiet. Almost as if no one had been at home all day. Kaylee knew that wasn't the case since Janet had quit her job a few days earlier and pretty much just lazed around the house...unless she was otherwise occupied. She paused when she reached Janet's door. It was standing wide open, another odd occurrence since Janet was fiercely protective of her space. She hated Kaylee going into her room but since that's where the computer was, and Kaylee needed it for school, she had no choice. So, we started dating. We went to different schools of course, so we tried to squeeze in every moment in between school, Terry's job, and my parents' suddenly suspicion. Six months after we'd started dating I was just climbing into bed when I heard the most beautiful sound. School was over and summer came and Terry and I were inseparable. My parents caught wind of it and tried to ban me from seeing him. So I started sneaking out of the house and spending time at his house. His mom was amazing. She held two jobs to make ends meet but she always had a kind word for me whenever she saw me. It was the last day of summer and we were laying on the grass staring up at the clouds. You get that from him, you know. Anyways, he asked me to meet him that night. He had a surprise for me. Of course I was going to meet him. He never had to doubt that. "Get your butt back upstairs young lady. We are not going to have any daughter of ours chasing after some two bit con. Why aren't you thinking about your future?" I froze and looked up to see my father blocking the door. Damn, I thought they were asleep. "I am thinking about my future," I said stubbornly, crossing my arms. "I love Terry and he loves me." "You're seventeen years old. What do you know about love?""More than you and mother," I muttered thinking of their strained relationship. "What did you say?" Father snapped. Without another word I turned and walked back up to my room. I called Terry and told him I wouldn't be able to meet him. He understood. God, I was so in love with him. Our relationship became my whole world. Senior year started without a hitch but then my father started to enforce strict rules which were put into place to keep Terry and I apart. The last time he caught me sneaking out he gave me an ultimatum. "It's either that boy or this family." It was one of the easiest decisions I'd ever made. "You'll be sorry, young lady!" my father yelled as I walked down the sidewalk with Terry. I never looked back. Maybe I should have. Maybe...
Seeing the light from the computer monitor caused her to frown. Janet always booted down. Taking a hesitant step forward Kaylee felt a knot forming in her stomach. Taking a deep breath she rushed the rest of the way in and stood in front of the computer. Gripping the edge of the chair she stared at the twirling lights of the screensaver.
"Jeez, get it together Kaylee," she muttered to herself before yanking out the the chair and plopping down. Clicking the mouse to remove the screensaver she got online to check her emails. She started to scroll through her email for junk mail when a familiar email addy caught her attention. jnetluvsagoodx@gmail.com seemed to leap out at her. She hesitantly clicked.
Hey kid! No one can say I'm fearless. I hate confrontation. Always have. Only time I feel invincible is when I'm liquored up. By the time I'm at that stage I don't care what anyone thinks. I wasn't always that way you know. Of course you don't know. You weren't even born yet. Let me tell you kiddo, you only get a few first. And I remember the first time I saw him.
God, I was the typical rich girl, who was born to parent's who didn't really want a kid and didn't know what to do when they had one. Except to treat me like a miniature adult. I was the cliche even though it pains me to remember that. I was an overweight, braces wearing, no style wearing, bookworm. And your dad. Your dad was the boy that ever girl wanted but knew they would never have.
I did meet him the next day. And the day after that, and the day after that. He would try to get me interested in his band and when I would wrinkle my nose as he pounded away at the drums he would just laugh and push my glasses up my nose.
It wasn't long before I was drawing hearts with our names in it and imagining myself in love. But I knew he would never like me back. Me, Janet Wells, who never had a witty thing to say like the other girls. I was a disappointment to my father and my mother...well she was off in her own little world most times. Then one night, after I was complaining to him about how yet another girl was making fun of me he leaned over and slipped his arm around my shoulder.
"Janet, you can't always worry about what other people think of you. Their going to think what they want anyways."
"I know but-"
"Janet," he said with a sigh. "Look at it this way. We're Juniors in high school. In another twenty years those same people that are making fun of you now probably aren't even going to remember each other, let alone you."
"Geez, thanks," I muttered shrugging his arm from my shoulders and looking away from him. I heard him blow out a breath and then he nudged my chin toward him.
"But I'll remember you. I'll remember every moment that I spent with you."
Looking back on it now, that first kiss was so awkward. I didn't know where I should put my hands or if I should purse my lips or open them but Terry didn't laugh. No, he pulled me closer and when we broke apart he took my heart with him. I know! How cheesy does that sound right? But I swear, it was true.
He grinned up at me then with agile skill he scaled the wall and climbed up on the balcony.
"I didn't know you played the violin."
He shrugged, almost as if he was embarrassed. "I don't. I mean...I didn't. I've been practicing."
"For how long?" He shuffled his sneakers and I playfully poked him in the chest. "How long Terry?"
He heaved a sigh and rubbed the back of his neck before he glanced over my shoulder. "About six months."
I stared at him in amazement. He had done that for me. He had taken violin lessons to impress ME!!! I guess my continued silence made him uncomfortable because he narrowed his eyes at me.
"Look Janet, I-"
I launched myself into his arms. "I love you Terry,"I whispered against his chest.
I felt his heart pick up and then he squeezed me closer to him. "I love you too."
That night was another first for me.
I just stumbled across your story and I absolutely love it! The characters are all painted so well. Can't wait for the next chapter. :)
Thank you penelope!:) You don't have to wait! I'm getting ready to put up the next chapter right about...NOW!! LOL! Thanks for stopping by!
Another great chapter...
that Janet always confuses me... now she is telling Kaylee her story, I wonder where she is going with this...
That first love, you never forget! :D lol I'm off to read next chatper! lovely pictures...
do you use the in game camera? or are you using any other program to take the pictures?
Hey Sandy! I'm using the free version of Fraps. And I have gunmod's camera hack installed.
Janet is being Janet. I know she wouldn't let me alone until I told her story! I wrote it all in one day when I was on my lunch break. You know everything has to be about her!
Phoenix, what a wonderful look back at Janet's teen years, the anguish of a first love, you captured that very well indeed!
Janet is certainly stubborn and headstrong. It will be interesting to see how she went from a studious, uptight rich girl to the blowzy, boozing Janet of today.
Well done!!
Hey Karen! Thanks! You know it's funny! I hadn't even intended to do this chapter but I like how it turned out!:)
Haha! You'll see in the next part update!;)~
Thanks once again!
Wow. This is so interesting to see this side of Janet. It's always interesting to see how people become who they are. Janet sure did a 180.
I'm actually scared about what's going to happen, Janet's tears in the earlier post didn't help any either.
Janet had to have her own chapter! She just couldn't have a graceful exit! LOL!
It's pretty sad that I love and dislike her at the same time! But she is who she is!
This is taking a very interesting turn. I love a good mystery!!!
Oh, wow! So, that's Kaylee's father! Wow! That is so sad, everything started so beautiful between them, the sweet romance of youth... :( I wonder what happened to end it?
Oh, Phoenix this story is sooo beautiful, you captured the moment of 'first love' perfectly! Especially the part about the awkward first kiss, lol! Oh, boy, lol did that ever bring back memories! LOL! Okay, we won't go there, lol! :D
So, you're a little over 18, lol! That is hilarious, I saw your main page, but did not realize there was a different 'about me', lol! That is awesome, that you created such an elaborate set/blog for Kaylee! I love her 'Journal', her 'About Me', and of course her story! :wub:
BTW: I couldn't figure out how to leave a comment on your main page (brilliant I'm not, lol)but I wanted to tell you what a lovely family you have and that your little niece is absolutely ADORABLE! :)
Hahaha!! I think everyone has those memories! First kisses usually aren't how books and movies portray them that's for sure!:P
Oh...I think you have to hit the comment button and then there's a link to leave a comment! More work than normal! But I shall change it! LOL! And thank you! I love my fam...don't know what I would do without them...and my niece is something else! Haha! I love her sooo much!
Thanks for your compliments!:)
Okay, so seeing this side of Janet is confusing. Like her? Loathe her? Not sure! Something must have happened along the way to turn her into the bitter woman she is now and that was her in the shots in prologue wasn't it? I'm sure I will feel sorry for her as I read more :D
It's too bad she couldn't tell Kaylee all of this instead of leaving her an e-mail. Now I'm really interested to see what happens next! :D
Hey Emily! Yeah, like any other human she has her different sides but...for the most part Janet stays...Janet! LOL! Yep, that was her in the prologue! Happier times yes?
I'm glad you're enjoying the story this far!:)