1.4 {Part II}
Maybe I should have looked back, but I didn't and before I knew it the years had flown by. We still didn't have that much money when I found out that I was pregnant with you. Your father was thrilled and his excitement was contagious. He insisted that I stay home from work and every chance he got he was cuddling with me and talking to you. You loved the sound of his voice. You'd become so active when he'd croon to you how much he loved you.

He had given up his dream to become a musician around the time I moved out of mother and father's house. To this day I still feel guilty for making him give up his dream. Although back then he would always insist that I had nothing to feel guilty about. You came into this world so serene. You didn't cry or anything and for a moment I feared that you were still born. Until Terry picked you up and started to hum to you under his breath and you blessed him with that killer smile that you still have...that one that anyone rarely sees anymore. From that moment on you were daddy's little girl.
We had just found out that I was pregnant again when, out of the blue, your grandparents called and said they would like to talk to us. To clear the air. We agreed but I was feeling so ill that Terry insist on going by himself. I didn't want him to. I knew my father too well. He was conniving. What if he said something to make Terry decide that he didn't want to be with me? That he didn't want to be with us? We hadn't gotten married yet. We were young. There was still time for all of that later, we thought.
Terry went to meet your grandparents alone. I gave him a hug before he left. He looked at me, gave me that sly grin that had I fallen in love with then bending down he picked you up and swung you around. I still remember the sound of his laughter as he gave you a smacking kiss on the lips before he got into the taxi.

We went to the playground right by the apartment complex. Do you remember how much fun we had? Then you decided that you needed a bath at three in the afternoon because you had just gotten a new pair of pajamas. So, I gave you a bath and you went into your room to try them on. Terry had been gone for over three hours and I was starting to get worried so I called my father. He picked up on the first ring.
"Is Terry still there dad?" I asked without preamble. There was a moment of silence and then his voice came over the phone. I'll never forget how cold he sounded.
"There's been accident."
"W-what kind of accident?" I demanded.
"Terry and I had a little...disagreement and he stormed out of the house. He wasn't looking where he was going when he crossed the street."
"Dad, what are you saying? Is Terry okay?"
There was a heartbeat of silence. "I'm sorry pumpkin. They airlifted Terry two hours ago. I'm afraid he didn't make it."
I didn't find out until after the funeral that Terry hadn't been crossing the street. A nosey neighbor happened to be looked out her window and she saw Terry and my father arguing. Terry started to walk down the sidewalk when out of nowhere a car jumped the crub, smacked into him and then, without even a pause, kept right on moving. She said that my father stood over Terry's bloody form, just watching, before he turned back toward the house.
I mourned like an animal. I didn't want to see anyone. I didn't want to eat. All I wanted to do was sleep because I thought I might wake up and it would all be a bad dream. But...it wasn't. I lost the baby and I couldn't stand to look at you. You looked so much like him it just tore my heart in two. I know it was wrong and by the time I finally resurfaced I was just so numb and I didn't want to bridge the gap that had formed between us. Loving people just got you hurt. So, I closed myself off and turned to alcohol. And when that wasn't enough I turned to bodily comfort. And dear God, every man I've ever had never touched me like Terry did.
Anyways, I'm pretty sure you heard that conversation between me and...well, I'm sure you heard it. And I'm glad you did. There's no happily ever after kid...and people don't change. You remember those two things and you'll never be disappointed. So, I guess this is good-bye. I've screwed up your life enough right? I left you some money under my pillow. Do your homework, keep your nose clean and...make something of yourself. Leave a legacy behind.
absolutely lovely, heartbreaking and insightful!
Great job explaining everything, although I still think Janet is being selfish. She loved Terry so much and now has a beautiful daughter a fruit of her love and cant see past her own reservations. lol, Not really ranting I swear 80)
Cant wait to
That was so sad... Even so, how could Janet just leave her kid like that? Because she wanted to teach Kaylee a life lesson? Because she didn't feel like being a mother anymore? Ridiculous! Kaylee is lucky to have turned out as normal as she did.
@cheripye: Janet IS selfish! She wouldn't even let me get out the chapter I had planned until I told her side of stuff! LOL! Chapter four was supposed to be something else entirely! Anyways, I guess she figures Kaylee will do better by herself! *shrug* Who knows WHAT that woman thinks?
@penelope: Janet didn't really have any attachment to Kaylee at all. Not after the first couple of years. She's just cold. To be honest I still don't know how Kaylee turned out like she did either! LOL!
Thank you both for reading!:D
Hey, I'm enjoying these stories. That Janet really is cold!
I'm glad you're enjoying the story! Thanks for commenting! Janet is something else isn't she? And to think...that's not how I intended her to turn out when I had this story in mind! LOL!
What the !!!!
I agree with Cherie, you did a great job explaining Janet's situation... so she abandoned her daughter 'cause she looked like the man she loved...
well at least she didn't mistreat (beat) Kayleen...
Poor Kayleen... now she is all on her own... Janet is gone for good! :D I bet she will be back, crying and asking for forgiveness!!!
Janet will get old and nobody will look at her like before, she will be alone and she will have nobody... that's exactly what she deserves!
Great chapter!
LOL!!! I think Janet's just tired of living a lie. Moving to this new town was all a facade and after reverting back to her old ways I think she felt a little guilt for how she was treating Kaylee.
I already have part of the next chapter written down. I'm kinda stuck on one part...between two choices sooo...it should be up sometimes next week!:P
And thanks for reading! I love your comments!
Wonderful Phoenix, well, that answers my question about Janet's transition, LOL!
How horrible, such tragedy and heartache.
But, I feel sorry for Janet in one respect, I find her somewhat reprehensible for her treatment of her daughter, then and now.
Kaylee turned out far better than her circumstances, and what will she do now?
Nice work!!
LOL Karen! Janet's played her part(at least for now ;D) and now it's time for fully focus on Kaylee!
You're guess is as good as mine as to what she's going to do! LOL! I have a vague sketch but it has so many twists and turns...*sigh*
I should have a post up sometime this week!
Thanks for reading!
Wow. Just wow. Janet is SO selfish.
I'm still kind of torn about that! Is she really selfish or is she looking at the greater picture and realizing that's she toxic to whoever she's around?!
I can't believe I'm defending her leaving her daughter! LOL!
Okay, I can I say again how great this story is and how proud I am of you. I mean I have read many of your stories before, but this is by far the best one that I have read of yours. I have sooo many questions, but I know that as a writer, you may not have the answers yourself. I understand that these characters have taken on a life of their own...a credit to your skills. I really feel like I am reading a published book. I am hooked.
My comments for Janet, yes we love to hate her, but the truth is, she lives a realistic life. SHe isn't the first woman to get so completely caught up in a man, that her life no longer is her own. She left her daughter with what she considered her own grains of life knowledge. We may not like it, but it was life wisdom as she saw it. Life isn't always a happy ending, and sad but true, most people never do really change. The way I see it, she at least kept the girl around until she was of an age to take care of herself and perhaps get ready for a life of her own.
As I like to say "Everyone has their own path" and I can't wait to see where Kaylee's takes her.
Can't belive my baby sis has me responding to a blog.
Awww!!! ((((SIS))))
I didn't even think you were going to read it, but I'm glad you stopped by, read and enjoyed it! It means alot to me since you've read some of my old, OLD writings and you've noticed a change!:D
And knowing you I know if you didn't like it you wouldn't have posted, you have just called me and told me you read it and you thought it was good! LOL! I love you girl! You're support is important to me! And...
Just cause you're my sis doesn't mean you're going to get any insider secrets...except for the one I already told you! LOL!
And check out my blogs and links to the left! There are some awesome writer's out here!!
Love you!
OMG! This was so heartwrenching! :(
I feel horrible for Janet, to have the love of her life taken away like that! :(
(I suspect the father hired someone to run him down!) >{
Oh, but what hurst the most is for Janet to have taken out her pain on poor Kaylee! :( It's such a sensless act, when all she had to do was remember Kiki,and how it felt to have the loving feeling of a 'mother' in her! :(
AWESOME story! :wub: :rah:
I know!! I felt bad for her as well! :(
As for the father *Cough* I can't say anything because it will come up later! ;)
But the saddest thing is...people really do turn out like that because of one incident!
Thank you!
Okay, so now I do feel sorry for Janet. And I guess she did the right thing leaving Kaylee by herself, gotta give her that. So the fresh start really happens but not how we expected, great twist! Now maybe things can look up for her.
So sad really because if that had never happened to her dad, she probably would have had an ideal chidhood. :(
And grandpa is suspicious! :D
Oh, that is so heartbreaking. I honestly knew Janet was good the whole time. I'm sure it was hard for her to leave Kaylee but she knew it was for the best.
The last paragraph had me on borderline tears. I love this story! I've only just begun to read an will finish the whole thing today, I'm sure. Happy New Years! <3
Hello Nora! Well...Janet is Janet...and that's all I'm going to say about that until you finish!:P
Aww...thank you so much! The best compliment to someone who writes is to tell them how moved you are by their writing! I really appreciate you stopping by and reading!!:D
Happy New Year to you as well!:)
Well, at least now we have some insight into why Janet acted the way she did - I just wish she didn't run away... Your story is bloody engrossing!
Thanks Simstate! I just clicked on your url and am going to dive into your story as well!:) Ohhh...I think you will as it progresses! I think you will! Janet...well...is Janet!