Special Anniversary Post

Who would have thought when I started this story a year ago that it would still be going? Not me that's for sure! I had the beginning in my head, knew what I wanted my lead female character to look like, the angst I wanted her to go through and...that was about it. I never wrote out the story, never tried to force it into something it wasn't. See, my process is to take the pictures, edit and then post them up and while I'm looking at them I'm writing the story. Did I intend for Kaylee and Ty to hook up? Sure! But in college! Teenage Ty had another idea in mind though. He came off his house on the hill every day after he and Kaylee met and stalked...I mean visited her. So, I went with it. Did I intend for there to be aliens in the story? Heck no! But when I saw Ty in the store, in 1.11, pointing at the alien cashier with a horrified look on his face I, once again, went with it. And boy am I happy I did.

I know I haven't updated as frequently as I once did but with the plot becoming more complex I want to make sure I gather all the loose ends(the ones that I'm not intentionally leaving hanging that is) and tie them into the story. I've gained readers, I've lost readers, I've made e-friends(and probably e-enemies) but over this past year the one thing that has really kept me going is the constant support. The emails, the comments and just knowing that people are enjoying this story always bring a smile to my face.

So, I was going to do interviews but instead I decided on this. It might be crazy but then we all know that I'm not exactly sane. So, you can ask any question, of any character from RG. ANY character. ANY question! Of course except for: "How's it going to end?" That's something that even they don't know and it gives y'all a chance to get into their head because they're constantly in mine.

This is my thank you to y'all. You guys, both the people I know and the ones that I don't, make writing this much more enjoyable. Here's to a few more yeasr eh?

Pictures in no particular order and were done just for this post:

It's weird to see how much she's "grown". Very weird. I have three Kaylee's running around in different hoods. But I gotta admit she's pretty. Want to know a secret? The baby that Terry is holding in Janet's flashback scene is actually...a boy. Yeah. That's what Janet popped out. *sigh* She never does what I want.

Karrick. He was actually a throw away Sim. The first time we met him was in 1.17. I needed some male characters for Ty to invite to the engagement party. Then, after he spoke to Kaylee, I started wondering about his past. About what made him tick...and that's how his character developed. And he's growing out his hair for battle.

Kava, as we all know, is a warrior woman. She's going to be the one training Kaylee. Should be fun times. She made her first appearance in 1.22 after Kaylee pulled her dangerous stunt ie, visiting the lab while she was pregnant with the twins. Ty called Karrick and Kava was born. Literally. In CAS.

Damon is the person who Ty admires most. Damon would do anything for his family and he pretty much lets Fran walk all over him until he feels there's a threat. Don't be fooled. Damon is as dangerous as Hunter. Maybe even more so because he keeps it under wraps. And uh, he was dancing in this picture. And why was he dancing?

Because Kiki was rocking it out. Where do you think Terry got it from? Kiki is the grandmother that Kaylee didn't know about but once she found out about her, with some urging from Ty, she was determined to meet her. Kiki always hoped that Kaylee would find her one day. We briefly met Kiki in Janet's flashback scene(1.4 Part II). It's the same Sim just aged to an elder. But being with Kaylee has done Kiki a world of good. Look how much better she looks. It's just not me is it?

Isaac, Gabe, Buster and Dani. Buster was adopted from the pound and Gabe is Kaylee's half brother. Kaylee and Ty did adopt him however. The twins were somewhat of a surprise. I thought it was just one kid but yeah, not so much. Surprise, surprise Kaylee is preggo again in my game since those two can't keep their hands off each other. That probably won't come into play in this storyline though. The next generation will have to do with Gabe and the twins.

Fran. Ty's out of control mother. Who doesn't love Fran? She tells it like it is and will do anything for her family. We didn't physically see her or Damon until the kids were in college. They were made in CAS as well and Ty is their son. I rolled the dice for a toddler and then just aged him up to a teenager. I didn't really give a thought when I created these characters as to what their offspring would look like! *cough* Fran was named after my sister.

The Guardian and The Wise were created when Karrick had to go on his journery in 1.24. It was a pivotal point in the story for me. I didn't know what The Wise looked like or any of the R'ouglian customs at the time so I had to wing it. But I did know that I wanted them to have a sort of innocence about them since so much was going on. Hence, why they were children. I like this picture because it's rare that y'all actually see The Guardian smile but he's always playing with the kids since I have him as the only adult in that household.

And I end this random picspam with Ty. What can I say about him that you guys don't already know? He wears his heart on his sleeve, he flirts with every woman in the hood but only makes out with Kaylee and when he's bored he stands around and either does foot exercises(Freetime!), whistles(which is what he's doing in the above pic) or pounds out a beat on the piano.

Wallpaper!!! Van suggested it. Random pics. Old and new~ish. In two sizes since I didn't know what sort of computer screens y'all had. My monitor is a 1600x1050 and the first size works great. The second works for the screen on my laptop which is 1366x768. Just in case you don't know: Click on either link, then right click on the image that comes up. Set as background should come up. Click that and there you go. RG wallpaper!

This was a sweet scene for me. Those two were about to head off to college. Ty kept rolling the want to go steady with Kaylee but she's always the rational one so they're just friends. I just want to pinch both their cheeks!

Bittersweet scene for me to write. This is where Kaylee gets to meet her dad for the first time after his death and he gets to see how well she's grown up. Plus she's pregnant in this scene...

Pregnant Kaylee and Buster. I thought this was too cute. I had her go outside and Buster followed and just sat there with her. He does enjoy watching the waves.

Their first time waking up in their new place together. Okay, it was a dump but it was their dump. I love AL's interactions when I have the chance to enjoy them.

*sigh* I had such hopes for this set but for whatever reason it didn't want to work with me. This was the only picture I was able to get but I loved how it turned out.

This was my own wallpaper for awhile. I just love how it turned out. And look at tiny Buster.

Gabe. He looks so sweet and innocent here but at the same time sad. I don't know. It took me a minute to get this picture because he really was asleep so he had the floating Zzz's by his head.

Seriously? Did you seriously think I wasn't going to do one with just Ty?

Just looking those little baby faces that are replicas of their parents just makes me melt. It's weird how that turned out.

1280x1024 / 1024x768

Van  – (September 17, 2009 at 9:40 AM)  

Happy 1 year, Phoenix, and many more to come! The wallpapers are gorgeous--I can't choose which one I want! :D

Hmmmm... any question from any character... okay, this one might be venturing on spoiler territory, so don't feel obliged to answer, but here's one for Karrick: which twin? :P

I'm up early for a class and am therefore mainly asleep, unfortunately. Hopefully I'll be able to think up some better questions some time today.

Penelope  – (September 17, 2009 at 12:09 PM)  

Awwwww. The cuteness of Ty and Kaylee when they woke up that first crap hole they were renting!!!!

*tee hee* I'm glad that you went with the football image for Ty's flashback pic.

Congrats on your first anniversary, Phoenix!!!

*Pssst, Van! It's totally Isaac!*

S@n  – (September 17, 2009 at 12:27 PM)  

Happy one year anniversary Ravensworth Generation and Phoenix!!!!
I really hope we will have many many more chapters to come!!!

They all have grown and changed so much!

The wallpapers are beautiful!!! Thank you so much!!!

Go Cat Dave  – (September 17, 2009 at 1:56 PM)  

Great Job! Congratulations on your one year Anniversary, Phoenix!!!

Anonymous –   – (September 17, 2009 at 3:00 PM)  

Congrats on one year! The next will fly by ;)

I LOVE the wallpapers and the little profiles you did; thank you! =)

Sinclair –   – (September 17, 2009 at 6:09 PM)  

Oooo I'm oh so excited for this question. Ok I've thought about it and I want to know if you had to guess based on your current lifestyle and how things are going..how long do you forsee Ravensworth going? Another year? Two? Will you ever end it?

Andd are aliens going to be a constant figure in the story? Or will it ever go back to like the earrrrrrrrrrly chapters when it was like drama between people and what they were doing to each other. Not that the alien thing is bad but I'm just curious if it will ever get back to the slighty more believable kinda storylines you had going.

Anddd cause I just had to take advantage of this oppurtunity..Will Damon ever show us how dangerous he could be? And is Fran dangerous to? Cause after you said maybe more dangerous than Hunter my ears perked up immediately.

Phoenix  – (September 17, 2009 at 7:20 PM)  

Thanks Van!!:) Haha! I had to go through so many pictures! I'm glad you like them!



Phoenix  – (September 17, 2009 at 7:22 PM)  

I know!!! That pic made me grin. I remember everything leading up to that point! Ha!

I can't believe that's him. It's weird to see them young again.

Thanks Pen!! And totally!

Phoenix  – (September 17, 2009 at 7:28 PM)  

Thanks Sandy!!:D I'll keep writing as long as I figure it's worth it!:P

They sure have Sandy! It's funny to see that since they're Sims ya know?

Awww! Thanks! I had fun doing them!

Phoenix  – (September 17, 2009 at 7:29 PM)  

Thanks Dave!!:D I'm glad you're enjoying it!!

Phoenix  – (September 17, 2009 at 7:31 PM)  

Thanks Yui!! Haha!! You should know! I was going back and rereading The Cutlers! It made me nostalgic since your story was one of the ones that got me started!:P

I'm glad! And no, thank you for reading!

Phoenix  – (September 17, 2009 at 7:36 PM)  

Hey Sinclair! Hmm...I really don't know since I don't have things plotted out. I would say another year at least...but I have three other stories going so who knows? And yes, I'll end it.

Depends...the next generation is going to deal with the twins and Gabe plus Karrick but he's going to be in human form for the most part. As for drama...yeah. There will be drama. Unfortunately for you!:P

And yeah, Damon and Fran will show us just how dangerous they can be.

Anonymous –   – (September 17, 2009 at 9:33 PM)  

Happy 1 Year! This was awesome and so much fun to read! Thanks!

Can't wait to read more of the story!

Phoenix  – (September 18, 2009 at 8:48 AM)  

Thanks Marie!!!:D And I'm working on it now!:P

S.B.  – (September 18, 2009 at 9:08 AM)  

What a wonderful way to let your readers celebrate along with you! This has been such a great ride, so much fun to see where you've taken us. You constantly surprise, always delight, and just generally keep us hooked!

I love every single one of these pics!

Deep Blue Sea  – (September 18, 2009 at 2:42 PM)  

Happy 1st Year RG! Okay my question is for Kaylee - she seems to be taking this all in stride - this insane situation with Hannah, Hunter, her extended family and not to mention she is a new mom. I don't know where she gets the strength and now this war that's beginning OMGoodness! We know that she had it rough coming up and all but how in the world is she able to get it and keep it all together? Talk about your Girl Power. (and then some!) How does she do it?

Phoenix  – (September 18, 2009 at 7:29 PM)  

Thanks Kayvon!!!:D It's been sorta surreal actually! It doesn't seem as if it's been a year AT ALL!! I'm still so much in love with this story! *end gushing*

Kaylee says: "One day at a time. If I fall apart then Ty's going to fall apart and be all angry and want to do some serious damage when we're not at all ready for that so...yeah, I have to think about everyone else. Ty worries about me better than I ever could!"

And that was said in Kaylee's calm voice. LOL!!

Phoenix  – (September 18, 2009 at 10:53 PM)  

Thanks Beth! I just wanted to give something back to the people that took their time to read my story!:) And it had been a great idea! I've enjoyed it so much! And intend to enjoy it for a while longer! Hopefully!:P

I was going back through all those pictures and was just surprised at how everyone's evolved! Thanks!

Veron  – (September 19, 2009 at 8:30 PM)  

Happy Anniversary! This is so sweet of you! I'm sorry I fell off your stories, time has overcome me, but I can't wait to sit down and binge. Hope all continues to go well!

Phoenix  – (September 20, 2009 at 2:47 PM)  

Thanks Veron!! And girl, I KNOW!!! No worries! I still have to catch up on your story as well!! :P

Keysha –   – (September 20, 2009 at 6:39 PM)  

I still love this story--I went back and read the whole thing over again in one sitting. By the way I post under two different names lol, ShineSoul30 and this one. I never stopped reading, man!

LOVE for the whole crew (even Janet, dammit)!

Phoenix  – (September 21, 2009 at 12:11 AM)  

Oh hey!! I remember!! Haha! And thanks! *buries face in hands* I'm so tempted to go back and reshoot the first few chapters but...meh! They are what they are! And I can't believe you read through it all...again!! Crazy! :P But that's the best compliment!

I love the whole crew too!! Even Janet! She needs some love too!

cheripye  – (September 23, 2009 at 12:38 AM)  

phi!!!! I hope you dont mind my usual shortening and coming up with names...

Everyone of these shots brought tears to my eyes, I remember them all and feel the same way... GREAT now when I come to DE's 1 year I am gonna have to do something... But I dont have the skillz, LOL!

Thanks for this beautiful run through and I completely know where your coming from on all aspects. Especially with the writing just what comes to mind. 80)

BRAVO *Tossing a Bouquet* oops I think I spelled that wrong, LOL!

Phoenix  – (September 26, 2009 at 1:51 AM)  

LOL!! No, I don't mind.

Thanks Cherie. It's like it was yesterday for me. Some of these pictures were accidental but I love how they turned out. Ha! There was no skill involved in this. It was just me giving back.

You're welcome. Thanks for sticking with me during this run. It's been amazing. :)

Anonymous –   – (September 27, 2009 at 4:32 PM)  

Did you make that lot with Ty's parent's? It's gorgeous! If you downloaded it, then where?!

...lol, I'm crazyer than usual.

Phoenix  – (September 27, 2009 at 5:07 PM)  

Heck NO!! LOL!! Everyone knows I can't build! And it is gorgeous...but completely unplayable for me! :(

Gah! I KNEW I would find it! Here it is. I found it original on Sirona Sims. That place was one of the first places I went CC crazy!:P

Anonymous –   – (October 30, 2009 at 4:55 PM)  

hi there:) i stumbled upon your blog at SB's and I wanted to stop by and introduce myself. My name is christina and I've been reading SB's & Gayls & Karens & Sandys & Mao's various, wonderful stories and I'm really anxious to read yours. I hope to be one of those readers that keeps your work alive and beating for the next few years! cheers!

Phoenix  – (October 31, 2009 at 3:22 AM)  

Hey Christina! Thanks for stopping by! I've been by your blog as well! You're extremely talented!:)

RG is on a small hiatus! The hood where they reside is borked somehow so I'm trying to figure things out! It's going to keep going though!:)

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