First three(?) pics are NSFW type images. It's tasteful(at least I think so) but still...yeah, there's some nakedness. Just a warning!Kaylee silently laughed as she watched Ty struggle with his pants as he stared down at her. She casually lifted her arm over her head and arched her back. She bit her lip when his nostrils flared and his breathing grew louder.
"It might help if you actually look and see what you're doing."
"Can't. You're fucking gorgeous. And I'm about to get some for the first time in six weeks."
"Ty, we've gone longer than that without sex when you're away for practices and games."
Her own voice was husky as she watched him hop around on one leg as he tussled with his pants.
"That's different. You're not there. Can't touch you. Before I could touch but couldn't taste. Now-"
Her laughter was smothered by his mouth as he pounced on her. It quickly faded into a moan as he wrapped his arms around her and pressed his body against hers. Then the only sound in the room was the sound of their breathing, the rustling of the blanket as they strained to get closer, Ty's groan as her hand wrapped around his erection and her sharp exclamation as his hand brushed against her breasts. He pulled back sharply."Did that hurt?"
"Wh-what?" Her mind was foggy and her body seemed to be one large erogenous zone and he wanted to talk?
"I asked if that hurt. 'Cause you've never done that before. I know you're breastfeeding and everything and I don't want to-"
"You're killing me and the mood Ty! No, it didn't hurt!" Snatching up his hand she plopped it back on her breast as she glared up at him. His mouth went slack and his eyes lost focus as he gentle cupped her breast in his larger hand.
"Are you-" He swallowed dryly and licked at his lips as she arched into his palm. "Are you sure it doesn't hurt?"
"Positive. They're sensitive is all."
"Oh...okay. I'll take it slow. Maybe...probably not. Fuck! You're beautiful."
"Oh, you sweet talker you." She batted her eyelashes and he grinned down at her before he removed his hand and planted it by her side.
"I tell you that I love you all the time. Now, let me show you."
Her eyes slid closed as his mouth came closer to hers. Kaylee was startled when his mouth brushed against her eyelids, her nose, the corners of her mouth before finally coming to settle fully on her lips. She slipped her arms around his neck as his tongue licked at her lips before slipping inside to gentle rub against hers. At first the kiss was teasing but soon it became all consuming. Ty's hand trailed down her side and gripped her kneecap to shift her leg. She lightly scratched her fingernails down his back as he shifted. His fingers gripped the edge of her panties as he started to tug them downward. His erection throbbed against the inside of her thigh.
"Oh god Ty. You-""Do you think now is the time to say something sister?"
"Sshhh J'enshi. They are not yet done pleasuring each other. And from the looks of it, it looks as if Ty can pleasure a female for a very long time. Not bad for a human male."
"Hmm...I see what you mean sister. Yes, he is very well endowed. What would you say? Eight? Eight and a half?"
"I don't know. I would have to get out a ruler and I don't think that-"
Kaylee had shoved out from under Ty and dove under the blankets the minute she had heard the voices in the room. Scrubbing a hand over his face Ty looked down at himself before rolling over and glaring at the two girls who were staring innocently back at him.
"What the hell are you doing here?"
"We told Kaylee that we would come to speak to her at a later date."
He didn't know which one was which but he glared at the one who had spoken. "Haven't you ever heard of knocking?" he snapped.
"For what reason would we knock?"
"For the same reason that you just interrupted."
"If you wish to continue to fornicate we will wait."
"Un-fucking-believable," he muttered as they actually scooted back on the couch and stared at him. His head whipped around when he heard Kaylee's snort of laughter. Her eyes danced with laughter as she peeked out from under the blanket.
"So happy that one of us finds this funny at least. I'm dying here!"
Cupping himself he eyed the two girls. They were whispering behind their hands as they stared at him. He edged one leg off the bed and with his foot patted around for his underwear. He scowled when the door flew open."Did I not tell you two to wait until Ty and Kaylee had finished before coming into this room?"
"They were taking forever!"
"It matters not Nirvana! You both know how humans are about their privacy during the sex act."
"Not true! Remember that time we watched that pay-per-view channel? They were not wanting privacy!"
Kaylee's eyes bugged then she shook her head. Sometimes she forgot that The Wise weren't really children. That was just how they presented themselves to her. She eyed Qu’hari. He had refused to say anything else about Hannah. Not until he had sought counsel from The Wise. She had known that they would eventually show up. Especially after she had heard from her grandparents lawyer. She pushed that thought to the back of her mind. She didn't want to think about the grandparents she never knew...or their horrifying end.
"That's different J'enshi. They're paid to do that. What Kaylee and Ty do is done out of love not-"
"It would have been done out of love if we hadn't been rudely interrupted! Do you have any idea man, how fucking close I was to settling down for a nice, long ride?"
Kaylee cleared her throat when Qu’hari frowned in confusion. "He means sex."
"Ohhh!" three voices said in unison.Ty climbed out of bed and placing his hands on his hips glared at The Guardian. He quickly dropped his hands in front of him when the girls started giggling again. Taking a deep breath he tried to will himself to deflate but the taste of Kaylee was still in his mouth. Just thinking about that silky skin, that kissable mouth...
His eyes stared to drift close but he snapped them back open when The Guardian, Kaylee had told him his name but he could really care less right now, cleared his throat.
"I humbly apologize Tyrese. I know it's been weeks since you've been intimate with your wife. It was not our intentions to interrupt such a moment but we have news."
"I don't give a fuck if-"
"His language deteriorates when he's upset," Kaylee said as she wrapped the blanket around her and taking it with her got off the bed.
"Or when I'm horny. Jesus!" Ty tilted his head back as he stared at the ceiling before his eyes came back to the Guardian.
"This better be good."
"Good? No, it is not good. In fact-"
"He meant that it better be worth the interruption."
"Ah, I see."
"Humans and their speech still confuse me."
"Me too sister."
"Get the hell out of the room so we can get dressed."Ty came out of the nursery with Dani in his arms. It seemed as if his baby girl had known something was going on. She had been laying awake in her crib. The moment he had stepped into the room she had stared flailing her little arms around. Isaac had done the same thing to Kaylee. All of this had been done silently. The kids rarely cried. He sometimes wondered if The Wise had done something to the children. Not something bad just...something. Speak of the devil.
He paused when he saw The Wise bouncing on the couch. They were shrieking with laughter but the noise had never penetrated the nursery walls. He studied them. They were in the form of children but their eyes...if you looked into their eyes there was such sadness and such knowledge it made his heart ache. Now, however, they were as carefree as any normal child. The Guardian sat stoically between them and Ty wondered what sort of life he would have lead if he hadn't been chosen to guard The Wise. Sometimes he would catch him staring wistfully at the babies before his normal expressionless mask fell over his face.
"Alright. Are we ready now?" he demanded as Kaylee came out of the nursery with a freshly diapered Isaac. He was sucking on his fist as he stared up at his mother. J'enshi looked at him as she did a flip.
"Nope. We're still waiting for...oh! They're here."
Ty blinked.Kava grinned at him from her perch on the kitchen counter before she turned to watched The Wise continue to bounce on the couch. Karrick crouched down and patted Buster on the head and Nana came out of Gabe's room with him in her arms. She came to a stop as she looked around the crowded living room.
"Uh...I'll just take Gabe and go upstairs," she said nervously as she tugged at her night gown.
"No, we need you here Keylane. You are as much a part of this as anyone else. You too shall play a part."
"Play a part?" Kiki asked. She hadn't really spent much time around these children. Kaylee had told her about them but it was different hearing about them and seeing them. There was a different energy in the room, an invisible energy surrounding them.
"Hello Gabe!" Nirvana said waving at him.
Gabe grinned back at her and gave a shy wave.
"Well, he's going to be a heart breaker," Nirvana said under her breath. She shot Kaylee a look. "If he lives up to his potential that is."
"What? What do you mean?"
"Some things done can't be undone. It has started Kaylee."
"Damn it Nirvana!" Kaylee snapped then took a calming breath when Isaac shifted in her arms. "Just tell me straight out for a change."
"In time Kaylee."
"Are we all here now?" Ty demanded.
There was the sound of a car coming to a stop in front of the house then the slam of two car doors.
"Pop pop! Nan!" Gabe exclaimed as he peered through the glass in the door."All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances," J'enshi said softly before looking over at her sister. Nirvana nodded her head. They had grown attached to these small group of humans. Ty, who would have made a fine warrior on their planet except for his one fatal flaw: his heart. Kaylee with her generous spirit. She could have become just as twisted as her mother but instead she forged a new path for herself. Her flaw was allowing herself to be used time and again before she grew tired of it. Frances and Damon were like wolves protecting their pack. Teeth and claws at the ready. Their flaw: underestimating the enemy. Karrick and Kava were fine warriors. Kava's flaw was that she was trying to make up for the mistake that she had made centuries ago. Karrick's was that he should have never been a warrior at all. Kiki was stout of heart but frail in body. There was much that had to be said and little time to prepare...and then there was always the unknown which could throw any plans into chaos.
And they had to prevent that from happening."What are you two doing here?" Ty demanded as his dad closed the door behind him. He grinned when his mom reached out for Dani.
"Who's the prettiest little girl in the world? Yes, it's you! It's you!" Fran cooed as she started to take her granddaughter from Ty.
"Mom, watch her head. It's-"
"Boy, who do you think watched your big head? Give me my granddaughter."
Passing Dani over Ty reached up and felt his head. He glanced to the side to see Kaylee shaking her head at him.
It's not big, she mouthed. He grinned and his chest puffed out. Kaylee hid a grin.
"We got a call from that guy right there," Damon said as he nodded in The Guardian's direction. "He said it was important."
"Oh really? You guys got a call? That must be nice!""Ty," Kaylee said softly as she walked over and handed Isaac to Karrick, "They said they were sorry."
"Yeah, yeah. I know," he grumbled.
"Hold his head Karrick. Yeah, that's it. There you go."
"He's so tiny," Karrick whispered as Isaac gurgled to himself before nestling against his chest. His eyes shot to Kaylee's before darting to Ty. Kaylee was smiling and Ty was looking out the window at the car at the end of the driveway.
"New car dad?"
"Yeah, I was tired of the other one."
"You would think you'd have been married five times already."
"And why's that?"
"The way you get tired of things so quickly."
"You mom took up yoga," Damon said as he nudged Ty in the ribs. Ty's face scrunched up in disgust before he shot a look Kaylee's way.
"Don't even think about it," she said.
He shrugged and laughed. "It was worth a try."The room fell quiet and everyone turned to look at the couch. J'enshi and Nirvana were sitting calmly and The Guardian looked bored.
"Nice threads Qu'hari," Kava said to break the silence.
The Guardian pulled at his sleeve. "Thank you."
"He spends way too much time watching that modeling show."
"I don't blame him after the first earth outfit you put him in," Karrick said.
Kaylee studied them. They were laughing and joking but there was a somber air about them. They were trying to break the tension but it wasn't working. Whatever they were here for it wasn't going to be good.
"We should get started now," she said softly. The Wise looked over at her.
"Agreed. We should go upstairs.""I will watch the children."
Kaylee looked behind her as everyone walked upstairs. Qu'hari put down a piece of paper for Gabe to draw on and then he walked over to the twins and squatted down. For the first time she saw a smile cross his face.
"Hello pretty baby. You're going to be a shining star aren't you?" he whispered as he fiddled with the toys hanging over her head. He glanced over at Isaac.
"And you...you're going to be all of our future aren't you?"
Kaylee slipped upstairs with a smile.After everyone had settled down the two girls paced in silence for long minutes before Ty cleared his throat. Nirvana rubbed at her chin.
"Don't rush us Tyrese. This is not something that we can speak lightly of."
"What we say is only what we see. It's not set in stone-"
"It's a probable. Any one thing could change the whole course of the future so-"
"We must be careful of how we phrase things. We don't want to give false hope-"
"Nor do we wish to cause distress."
Kaylee rubbed at her arms as they completed each other's sentences and continued to pace. The chair Karrick was sitting in squeaked as he tipped it back and rested his arms on his stomach.
"What they're trying to say is that the future isn't linear. Our course isn't set."
"Kaylee, there was a high possibility that you and Ty were going to meet in college but with Janet leaving it changed the course of your future. Do you see what we mean?"
"I-I think so."
"Hannah always wanted the power but she never intended to kill off our people. When Anatasha died it sent her into despair. She and Anatasha were true heartmates. Few people knew that. Hannah carried Qu'hari and they intended to use him as an experiment. He doesn't like to speak of it but he stumbled upon us one day, nearly drained of his blood and so his destiny was changed."
"How did no one know Hannah was with child?" Kava demanded.
J'enshi spun on her heel and started walking in the other direction. "She disappeared for awhile. At the time Hannah wasn't important in the grand scheme of things-"
"Which was our first mistake.""Wait...wait! I'm confused," Damon said as he watched the girls pace back and forth. "What does this have to do with anything? With us?"
J'enshi looked up at Kaylee. "Have you told them nothing?"
Ty straightened. "I asked her not to. They had enough to worry about."
Fran turned and looked at him. "Tyrese! What are you talking about?"
"It's a long story."
"So shorten it son," Damon growled. So Ty did. After he had finished telling them everything a short, tense silence fell on the room before Damon closed his eyes and tilted back his head. Fran laid a calming hand on his shoulder.
"And why didn't you think that we needed to know about Hannah paying Kaylee a visit three weeks ago?"
"It was done. You already have the house as secure as it can possible be but it doesn't matter when they can just beam in."
"And just what does Hannah want from Kaylee?"
"She knows that Kaylee is going to be the mother to a whole new race. She just thought that Kaylee would be on her side. That's why she hired her. She saw a probable and thought it was a certainty. Now she knows that all the centuries that she spent trying to be the savior of our people have been a waste. She thinks that if she takes Kaylee and the babies that everyone will turn to her."
"She did not expect to come up against such resistance."
"Nor did she expect to see her son standing against her."J'enshi came to a stop in front of Kaylee.
"It was always going to be you."
Kaylee blew out a breath. "Okay, okay," she said motioning with her hands, "If I accept that fact I have to accept the fact that Hunter isn't as big a part as we thought."
"Oh, he's a large part of this. He wants what Hannah has. He wants to live longer so he can have his revenge."
"And will he?"
J'enshi tilted her head as if she were listening to something before she shook her head.
"He won't?" Kaylee said in excitement. If he didn't live then Gabe-
"No, I can't tell you that. If I tell you then you might do something that goes against your judgment and cause the opposite to happen."
"God, do you always have to watch what you say?"
"It is our burden."
"And we bear it willingly."
Kava climbed down from the pool table and Karrick got up from his seat to walk over to a window.
"Why have you called us here?" he whispered.
Kava sat down in his vacant seat. "You know why they've called us here Karrick."
Everyone shared confused looks. "What are you talking about Kava?"
"Tell them."
Nirvana climbed up on the pool table and placed her hands on her hips."Hannah has followers who would die for her. Serenity Cove isn't the only place where our people reside. And they are coming."
"They're coming?" Kaylee whispered.
"They would die for her...they would kill for her. She seeks to destroy the future that we all are looking forward too. You have a choice Kaylee. Stay and fight and perhaps die. Or flee and forever live looking over your shoulder. The choice is yours and whatever you decide we will stand beside you. For we are your army...and we would die for you."
"B-but you're The Wise. You can't-"
"Old customs are dying and new ones will be formed. The choice is yours Kaylee. Make it and make it quickly."
Kaylee and Ty never get any sexy times right? I was gonna set up a romantic scene and everything but The Wise just walked into the room when I brought them onto the lot so I went with it! Haha! Maybe one of these days right?
FYI: My sis is coming for a visit. She'll be here on Friday and be staying for a week so I'll possibly be MIA. So if I miss anything I promise I'll get 'round to it! For serious! Also, RG can be found on LJ as well for my LJ friends who like to stay on LJ. Story is the same the pics are just smaller! Link is at the top of the page! Pics are smaller for this update because I'm testing out the new layout. Umm...
I got nothing else! I'm tired but wanted to get this out before I get uber busy with things! So any mistakes...my own! And any head hopping(or whatever the crap it's called) is because that's what I do! :P Night y'all!
Ok now that I got that out of the way...maybe better reread that first scene and check for 'hopping' of any kind LOL!
Beautiful, incredibly sexy.
And funny as hell! Get a ruler LMAO!
The long and increasingly tense and ultimately frightening ascent you did after that is like a roller coaster slowly cranking up the big big slope. And you look down and say holy crap - I'm going THERE?
Wonderful writing! Just wonderful! Poor Kaylee to be given such a choice.
WOW! I don't know which choice I would want Kaylee to make......either way I have a feeling that we're going to lose somebody.......poor Ty! Six weeks is a long time to wait only to be interrupted!
Ha! What a Ty-tastical chapter. Everything about Ty is love. And he and Kaylee have probably had enough sex for several lifetimes. He can go another day. LOL!
And Issac is the Chosen One. *cue dramatic music*
Oh boy...and they are all so cryptic! Except for the end. Fighting and dying. That part was very clear.
Phoenix you really know how to ramp up the tension! I sure felt it when the Wise were pacing, sorting their thoughts in order to carefully choose their words.
Wonderful update!
hahaha omg get a ruler! to funny. shame on them. would it have been less awakard if The Wise were in adult forms?..nahhh lol.
So Issac is the chosen one. Does that mean hes the one who hooks up with Karrick?
The Wise are just to funny. Everything they says just makes u wanna laugh.
Aww lol, poor Ty! Can't say I blame him... getting caught sucks, but to have to wait a while, geez.
Big stuff coming up! Oh man it's going to be so awesome (because you're amazing!) but very trying for everyone! I hope they manage to come out of it okay.
Also, have to say I like this new layout even more than before because the text and background color doesn't hurt my eyes =P
Aw, I love The Wise, they're hilarious! And the sexy time with Kaylee and Ty was done very well, and I couldn't stop laughing when The Wise were sitting there watching them. And did I get a little reference that Isaac was going to be Karrick's partner? And god, Hannah is such a witch. I really do hate her, she just enjoys making everyone miserable. I liked this update, lots going on :)
LOL!!! I know right? I couldn't resist S.B!:P
Thank you! I got some clutter and I was like ohh...I could use that and that...and that's what came about. But The Wise walking in cracked me up!
Oh wow! Thanks so much! Haha! That's an awesome analogy. I did NOT know I was going to go there. I kept getting distracted during this chapter but I like how it turned out.
I know. I put Kaylee through so much don't I? She'll be happy when I get to Generation 2 huh? Ha!
I know TFL. I mean, I know what one I'm going to make her choose but I think that she would have chosen the one that I picked. She's always been a fighter. And who wants to look over their shoulder for the rest of their life?
Haha! Yeah man! Especially considering how close he was! Poor guy!
Thanks for reading!:)
LMAO!!! Ty-tastical? You kill me! I love Ty too! He's awesome!! His facial expressions make me laugh.
Oh god! Can you imagine though? That close only to be yanked back!
Dramatic music and the chosen one! Haha! Oh god! I really laughed out loud at that!
You know she's not going to run!
I know they are. It annoys me to no end but they're voices in my head are ALWAYS that way! Blah!
In fights there's always death. Always. It'll be a bittersweet ending for sure.
Haha! You and Beth are one to talk about ramping up the tension! Y'all do it so much better! Seriously! But thank you! Like they said they always have to choose their words carefully. People cling to them. Something like that would really be a burden!
Sinclair, you know those two are a trip! It SO wouldn't have been less weird.
Maybe...probably! Yes, yes he is! And yeah, it does. I wanted to give everyone a heads up that gets freaked out by male/male action. Although, Isaac probably won't just fall into line with that ya know?
They are aren't they? I do laugh when I'm writing them. For the most part. Sometimes I just want to strangle them and tell them to just talk right! :P
I don't blame him either! Man, that would suck! All in the mood. He's already picturing everything and then...nada!
Big stuff! HUGE!!! OH!! Hahaha!! O_o Thanks Yui! They might...most of them...some of them! *cough*
LMAO!! I still have to get used to it myself! I'm still fiddling with the colors and what not! OMG! How come you didn't say something earlier? O_o
LOL! I'm glad you think so! Thanks Indie! I was nervous about that scene but I knew I had to throw some sexy times in there ya know? They have two kids. Ty's probably wanting some more.
That scene cracked me up as well. Poor Ty. Yep! A little reference. Just a heads up for everyone. Although I'll probably throw a loop in it ya know me! :P
Hannah! Blah! She's gonna get what's coming to her...but not without a price.
Thanks Indie! I was worried about it being so confusing so I cut it short! But I'm glad it turned out alright!
Oh man, late to the party! Sorry about that.
Awww, tough times ahead for Kaylee and Co. I have a feeling this ain't going to be pretty...
No worries Van! :D
Yeah, definitely tough times ahead!
:P Poor Ty!!!
and the Wise!!! hahahaha, they are hilarious!!! :D lol
I can't wait for more, I don't know what is coming Kaylee's way, but hopefully she will stay and fight, whatever it is, she got great people supporting her, and it is better to live a life without regrets than live a life always wondering what if... what if I had stayed... and what if....
Wonderful chapter! and it seems I'm all caught up with your stories :D lol
ROFLMAO!!!! Phoenix what are you doing to me, LOL! That was exquisite writing you captured the moment and the tension and the beauty and… and…. The reality of Kay and Ty’s relationship so utterly perfect!!! ‘They are just sensitive’ I could almost hear the plop, LMAO!!! Then to have the WISE!!! Show up and discuss his uhm… well his attributes! LMAO!!!! I cant stop laughing here…
PAY-PER-VIEW! DID I NOT TELL YOU TO WAIT! *Picking self off floor* I love the way you write everything is infused with humor and yet sincerity!
*CANT BREATH!* Get A Ruler!!! LOL!
Ok now I didn’t see any H-H here it was wonderfully and truthfully written very real to life! I love the wise as I love all your characters and OMG!!! Kaylee!!! I do hope she stays to fight, especially after what Janet did to her own parents, perhaps she will do the same to the bastard. Excuse the language.
Isaac is the ONE!!! Ok I don’t want to get ahead of myself here so I will stop now…
BEAUTIFUL UPDATE!!!! Stunning and magnificent writing and as always great capture of emotions and Screens!!!
LOL!! I feel bad for Ty! This is NOT what he signed up for but he's sticking it out regardless because he's so in love! He makes me sick! haha!!:P
Well said Sandy! That's exactly how I feel Sandy! I wouldn't want to spend the rest of my life looking over my shoulder.
I know! I can't believe you read through them so quickly! You are too much!
Hahaha!!! Thanks Cherie!! Going back into RG is always fun for me! There's so many avenues that I can explore with them. Humor and seriousness and love!
Thanks so much Cherie! I'm glad that everything comes through with my writing. I kept getting distracted with this update for some reason so I thought it might be kinda lame. I'm so self conscious about my writing.
H&H is confusing for me. I never even think about it really. And I try to keep everything RL. Not to abstract even when I'm writing fantasy characters. *shrug* I just write for fun and I hope that shows. I don't want it to get TOO bogged down with RL though! Hahaha!!
LMAO!!! Y'all are killing me calling Isaac 'the one' like he's Neo from The Matrix!! hahaha!! Oh god! The poor boy is gonna be in so much trouble!
Thanks so much Cherie! I really appreciate it! :D
Gah...so I'm only two months behind on this one! I just kept saying, "oh, I'll get back there" LOL. Well, I finally did!
And man did you drop a big old bomb! No wonder they made all of their friends and family come over, big decision time! Although I'm sure Kaylee is a stay and fight kind of girl! :D
LOL at Ty and Kaylee not being able to get some woo hoo time! That's so hilarious that they just went in there on their own like that!
Fabulous chapter, will try and catch up on the rest soon!
Ha! Not technically two months since I was slow in updating!
Kaylee sure is. I mean even if she wasn't she'd still feel duty bound to do it ya know?? Especially with everyone looking at her! O_o
Haha! Man, I know Ty was upset about that. I know I would be if I had Ty all ready for some sexy time!:P
No worries Emily! The story will be here!