“Fran, this is Nana. Nana, this is my mother-in-law Fran.”
The two women studied each other. Kiki was looking at the woman who had watched Kaylee grow into the woman she was today. Fran was looking at the woman who for years had written to her granddaughter in hopes that she would get her letters. A slow smile broke out on their faces as they embraced.
“Girl, I have so many stories to tell you about Kaylee!” Fran said.
“Oh, I can’t wait to hear them!” Kiki said.
Ty laughed and nudged Kaylee in her side as the stared at the two women in dawning horror. “You wanted a family remember? This is what families do! They embarrass the hell out of you!” Everyone jumped when Damon bellowed from the front porch.
“Hello! There’s a perfectly nice house right behind you! With chairs and everything so you can all sit and talk and get out from in front of the street!”
Fran sucked her teeth. “That’s my husband Damon,” she told Kiki as they all walked toward the house. Kaylee moved at a slower pace. There was a twinge in her back that had been bothering her for the last few minutes.Stepping up on the porch she looked over to see Damon scanning the streets. He was holding Gabe in his arms. Her brother was resting his head on Damon’s broad shoulder as he played with his tie.
“Everything okay, little girl?” Damon asked suddenly without taking his eyes from the road.
“Yes, why?”
“You look a little pale. Why don’t you get in the house and rest?”
“Damon, what are you looking for? Who are you looking for? Have you heard anything from Hunter?” she demanded.
He rolled his shoulders. “He’s went underground. Don’t worry. I have some people looking into it! Go into the house and chat with your grandmother.”“And that’s one of the last shots taken at the wedding. Kaylee looked gorgeous of course. I took a video so I’ll bring I over one of these days so you can watch. Those two were meant to be together.”
“Yes, I can tell,” Kiki said as she looked at the wedding picture. Kaylee had such a happy look in her eye and even from this angle she could see the grin splitting Ty’s face.
“How did they meet?”
“Well…”Fran folded her arms. “After Janet left, Kaylee went for a walk and walked right in the middle of a football game. Ty hit her in the head with the football and….the rest is history.”
“He hit her with a football?” Kiki stared at Fran incredulously then they burst out laughing.
“Where’s she at?” Kiki wheezed out. “I want to hear it from her how it happened and then I want him to tell it. Those two.” Shaking her head she wiped her eyes and looked around to see Ty walking in from the deck.
“Where’s Kaylee?”
He frowned as he ushered Buster in. “I thought she was out here with you two the way you were cackling.” He ducked as his mom threw a playstation controller at his head. Damn, she was still quick.
“Maybe she’s in the bathroom. She has to go all the time now. I’ve tried getting her to wear Depends or something because she-”
He shrugged at the horrified look the women were giving him. “What? I’m just saying. She can’t even watch a movie all the way through anymore. And I hate pausing it all the time,” he grumbled as he headed toward the bathroom in search of his wife.Kaylee came out of the bathroom and was just getting ready to kick off her shoes, there was no way she and Ty were going off to that football banquet now, when a dull pain gripped her. Doubling over she gripped her stomach and gritted her teeth. The pain rippled across her stomach for a long moment before it slowly loosened then disappeared. She staggered and was about to sit on the couch when she heard Ty’s voice. It sounded as if he was heading toward the bedroom. Oh God, she thought wildly. The last thing she wanted or needed was for him to start flipping out.
“Hey babe, what are you doing?”
Slapping a smile on her face tugged the sheet upward. “Just making the bed. Nana might want to have a look around and I don’t want her to see the bed in shambles.”
He stared at her for a moment and she licked suddenly dry lips. He shook his head and she relaxed when he began to strip.
“Well, since we’re not going to that thing tonight I might as well get comfortable. I hate wearing ties,” he said as he gave his own a yank. He continued to chatter on but Kaylee wasn’t really paying any attention. She was racking her brain trying to figure out what all the books that she and Ty had read together had said. She was early but just because she was having contractions didn’t mean that the baby was going to come tonight. If this kept up she’d head to the doctor tomorrow. With that settled in her mind she rounded the bed and started to make up his side. He came up behind her and kissed the curve of her neck.
“You’re awfully quiet. I thought you’d be ecstatic with your grandma here.”
She leaned against him for a moment, letting his strength become her own before she pulled away. “I am happy! Thrilled. I just want everything to be perfect.”Ty rolled his eyes. “She didn’t come to see the house babe,” he said before he turning.
“I know,” she said as he walked out the door. Another pain gripped her stomach and her knees nearly buckled. Thankfully Ty was already talking to someone in the living room.Coming out of the bedroom after changing clothes Kaylee had to smile as her grandmother continued to play with Buster. It was good to see those two getting along. Animals were a good judge of character. Even as a puppy Buster had shied away from Hannah when she came to the wedding.
“He’s a gorgeous dog,” Kiki said as she patted him on the head.
“He is. We got him from the pound when he was a puppy. Didn’t look anything like that but then again you never really know what you’re getting when you get a puppy from the pound,” Kaylee said with a laugh as Buster came racing over to her. Bending down she patted him on the head as he tried to lick her face.
She looked up to see Kiki and Gabe staring at each other before Gabe started speaking.
“Oh you precious boy!” Kiki said as she bent down and placed a kiss on his forehead. When she looked up Kaylee saw there were tears in her eyes. Suddenly remembering how her dad had gotten his scar her heart ached for her Nana. She didn’t know what kind of life she had before but, Kaylee vowed, she’d be perfectly happy here. She looked over to see Ty studying her.
He shook his head. “Nothing. You look a little pale. Why don’t-”
“If one more person tells me to lie down I’m going to scream,” she snapped.
“Ooookay! Mom and dad told me to tell you bye and that they’ll see you tomorrow.”
Nodding Kaylee went to pick up Gabe.
“Bed time?” he asked.
She nodded and walked into his room.“I love you Gabe,” she said as she bent down and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
“Love you too Kaylee.”
She was so proud that his speech was getting better. She had worried for awhile but then Ty had reassured her by saying that everyone learned at their own pace and they couldn’t rush Gabe. Especially seeing as how he didn’t really have a normal background.
“I love you as much as the moon is big. No matter what.”
He clapped his hand then cupping her face stared into her eyes for a silent moment. “I love you more and more and more!” he finally exclaimed.
She laughed and brushed a hand over his face.He gripped her hand in his smaller one for a moment before waving at her.
“I think you’re going to become an uncle sooner than we thought Gabe. How do you feel about that?”
“Uncle? Me?”
Kaylee stood over his crib as he kept muttering uncle over and over again before he finally passed out. Shaking her head she turned then stopped as a dull ache spread across her back.Tilting her head back she massaged the area as she stared up at the ceiling. She wasn’t used to carrying around this much weight and her back had been giving her problems for a few weeks now. It was no big deal. As soon as she finished lying to herself she went in search of her Nana so she could show her around the house. She couldn’t believe she was being so rude.
“You can have this room if you want. We’d change it of course,” Kaylee said. “Or, there’s another room on this floor facing the beach. Where ever you want to sleep Nana, just let us know. None of this has to stay in here. We just haven’t gotten around to redecorating the rooms yet. If-”
“Bug, the room is fine. I like the wall paper.”
“Well…there’s more rooms upstairs. Maybe you’d like to stay up there? Make it seems as if it’s your own apartment. We could put a refrigerator and everything up there. Come on, let me show you.”“…and there’s a room here and here. Each one has its own bathroom. Ty had a pool and card table installed up here for when we have company.”
“How much?”
“W-what?” Kaylee took a step back as she stared at her in horror. “We’re not going to charge you to stay here!”
Kiki put her hands on hips and stared at the wounded look on her only grandchild’s face. “Kaylee,” she said on a sigh. “I can’t stay here for free.”
“Yes, you can. You’re family. And we’d already told you-”
“How about I play you for it? If I win I’ll give you some form of rent. If you win well, I guess I’ll just be a freeloader.”
Kaylee eyed her suspiciously. “What are we talking about playing?”
“Okay. It’s a deal. When I win I don’t want to hear you mention rent again, okay?”
“Sure,” Kiki said innocently.“You conned me!” Kaylee cried out as she watched the cards fall neatly into Kiki’s hand.
“I didn’t con you Bug. You just didn’t ask all the right questions. Now ante up.”
Two minutes later Kaylee frowned when Kiki pulled in her haul. “I think you stacked the deck. How about we play the best out of three?”
She eyed her grandmother when she agilely worked a chip over her knuckles. I am so screwed, Kaylee thought.“What? You guys are having a party and no one invited me?” Ty demanded as he came upstairs. He pulled out a chair. “What are we playing for?”
Kaylee shuffled the cards. “For Nana to not have to pay rent. She keeps insisting on it. I told her if I win she won’t ever speak of it again.”
“Deal me in.”
He sat down and he and Kiki eyeballed each other across the table. Kaylee looked back and forth between the two of them She was suddenly reminded of a western as she imagined these walking down the street at high noon. She had to stifle a laugh at the image.Fifteen minutes she nor Ty were laughing,.
“Shit on a stick," Ty grumbled as he tossed his cards in. Kiki cackled as she pulled in her haul.
“Ty!” Kaylee wailed.
‘Bug, I’ve heard and said worse. Leave the boy alone. If he wants to blow all his hard earned money then let him.”
Ty glared at her. “Just deal.”
“Someone is getting cranky,” Kiki said with a chuckle.
Shaking her head Kaylee stood. A twinge went through her back. Gripping the chair she stood silent for a moment before clearing her throat.
“Well, I’m tired. I’ll just leave you two to play.”
“Night babe,” Ty said absently as he looked at his cards.
Kaylee bent down and pressed a kiss to his head before rounding the table and doing the same to her Nana. She stepped away but Kiki gripped her hand. “Good night Bug. I love you.”
Feeling tears welling up Kaylee bent down and threw her arms around her neck before giving her a gentle squeeze. Stepping back she walked behind her, mouthed to Ty what cards she was holding in her hand, before walked down the stairs.
She grinned when she heard Ty laugh and Nana snap out:
“How about all or nothing?”Kiki used to hustle pool back in the day but Ty was a lot better than she had every been. She had a feeling that she was going to staying here rent free. On one hand it warmed her heart but on the other she felt odd not helping out. All her life she’d had to scrimp and save and now…well now she had the feeling if she absently mentioned something that she wanted she’d have it by the end of the day. She groaned when her ball didn’t even hit her intended pocket. She watched in silence as Ty worked his way around the table then once he was finished he leaned on his stick and stared at the empty table a moment before he put his pool stick down and walked over to her.
“Look, my wife, your granddaughter, wants you here. I want you here. And Kaylee doesn’t want to take your money. I know you’re a proud woman. Apparently all the women in your family are,” he muttered before shaking his head.
“Anyway. How about we compromise? In exchange for not taking your money for rent you watch the kids while Kaylee is at work and I’m away. She’s been stressing about this. She didn’t want to hire a nanny and while my mom volunteered she and dad don’t like to be tied down for long. I know you’d be excellent with the kids. Gabe already likes you. What do you say?”
“You’re using my weakness to sooth my ego.”
“Of course I am. I had to learn how to do that when I started dating Kaylee. But seriously Kiki. I’d like it as well if you’d watch the kids. I know you’d let nothing happen to them. And if it gets to be too much for you we can hire some help for you but at least you’d be here.”
Kiki gnawed on her lip for a moment before she stuck her hand out. “Okay, but only because you’re such a handsome, smooth talker.”
He winked as he shook her hand. “And how do you think I got your granddaughter?”
Shaking her head Kiki watched as he walked down stairs before inspecting the bedrooms. All the bedrooms were gorgeous, the house was gorgeous but she felt drawn to one of the room.She undressed, noticing that Ty had put her suitcase in this bedroom, almost as if he had known she would pick this one, and climbed into bed.
She fell asleep with a smile on her face. She was finally with her granddaughter.Kaylee woke up to silence. She stared at the ceiling, wondering why she had woke up when a cramp knotted her back. Sucking in a sharp breath she swung her legs from beneath the sheets and got up. She walked around for a few minutes and that seemed to relieve the tension. At least for the moment. Padding back over to her side of the bed she started to get back in when the baby kicked her.
Grimacing, she rubbed at her stomach and continued to pace. Every now and again she’d glare at Ty who continued to sleep peacefully.
She hovered over him for a moment, breathing in and out like the doctor had told her,. She thought she sounded like how the big, bad wolf had sounded to the pigs. Her hand hovered over Ty’s head, she could just smack him awake, but instead she decided to take a bath. Maybe that would calm the baby.
“There’s no rush, little one,” she whispered as she padded into the bathroom,. “No rush at all.”
Relaxing in the tub she dozed off and on as the aches and pains came and went. Changing into a comfy pair of pj’s she debated crawling back into bed. Knowing that she wasn’t going to get any sleep any time soon she headed out to the living room to watch some TV. As she flicked on the light to the living room a soft knock rattled the glass of the door. Startled, she looked up then with a sigh walked forward.“What are you doing here?” she whispered as she stepped out onto the porch. Karrick was breathing heavily as if he had raced over here.
“I was trying to mediate but I kept getting distracted.”
“By what?” she asked Karrick as she put her hands on the small of her back. The wood planks creaked as she walked back and forth.
“The baby. It’s coming.”
Kaylee sucked her teeth. “No, it’s not. It’s just active tonight. No worries Karrick. It’ll be fine.”
“Kaylee-” He reached out to touch her stomach but she put a hand out to stop him.“Please, don’t touch me. I feel I’m going to break into a million pieces already I’m so tense.” She groaned at the hurt expression on his face.
“Karrick, I wouldn’t want Ty touching me right now.”
“Where is Ty?”
“Sleeping. I didn’t want to wake him up and worry him needlessly. I figure I’d go to the doctor tomorrow and see what’s up.”
“Kaylee, you need to go now. The little one is ready to meet you now!”
“Karrick! Read my lips! I…am…NOT…having…the…baby…to-”She doubled over and would have fallen if Karrick hadn’t caught her. He quickly stepped back and then looked around as if he expected someone to appear out of thin air.
“What do I do? The men on my planet have the babies and there is none of this…pain! It’s blinding me Kaylee.”
“What?” she panted.
“Your pain. It’s blinding me to any other emotion. On our planet-”
“Screw your planet Karrick and GET MY HUSBAND!” she roared.He jumped, smashed into the wall then righting himself, pulled open the door and dashed inside.
Righting herself Kaylee walked over to the edge of the porch rubbing her belly as she went. As she turned around she saw a flicker and then a shape began to form. She froze then continued to her deep breathing as Dr. V came into focus. Sort of. He was still see through.
“Doc, I’m not having this baby tonight.” She strove for a calm tone but it ended up coming out pleading.“The babe thinks otherwise. It roused me from my meditative state.”
“What’s up with you all mediating so early in the morning?” she snapped.
“All the earth is calm and readying herself for a new dawn. Reaching out to her at this point reminds you how small we all are at this-”
“Alright, alright! Thank you Dr. Freud. All I want from you is to tell me that I’m not having the baby tonight.”
“You’re not having the baby tonight.”
She blew out a breath of relief then stiffened as he continued to talk.
“Since technically it’s the morning.. No matter how many times I deliver a baby you humans amuse me. You try to fight the pain instead of embracing it and working through it. In fighting it you’re just making it that much harder on yourself.”
“Well, I’d like to see you have a…baby.” She rolled her eyes when his red eyes twinkled at her in amusement.
“Ha, ha….oohhhh!” she moaned as particular hard contraction ripped through her body.
“I believe Karrick has finally been able to stammer out why he’s hovering over your husband by now.”“Kaylee! What, who….oh my god! It’s time! I’ll grab the suitcase and…Doc what are you doing here? Go to the hospital. We’ll meet you there. Kaylee, let’s go, let’s go.”
Kaylee and Doctor V shared a look.
“I don’t think I’m going to make it to the hospital Ty.”
“What? No, I didn’t read up on this. This was NOT in the books I read. Kaylee, you have to get to the hospital now.”
“Ty, go wake up Nana.” The more agitated Ty became the calmer Kaylee grew. She walked back into the house and changing out of her pj’s put on a robe.
Doctor V flashed out for a moment then came back with some supplies. Well, that’s one good thing about having an alien doctor. If he’s not prepared in that moment it would only take another to get ready. He gave her something to drink, something that would enable her to get up soon after childbirth before she climbed up on the bed.Ty shoved pillows behind her back, trying his hardest to calm her in near hysterical tones. Reaching up she brushed a hand over his face before taking a deep breath. Doctor V stepped toward the foot of the bed.
“It won’t be much longer Kaylee. The baby is readying itself. Any moment-”“HOLY CRAP!” Kaylee flew up from the bed as an intense contraction wracked her body. Gripping her stomach she tried to remember how to breathe as she grabbed at her stomach.
“Kaylee, remember what I said. Embrace the pain. Work your way through it. Don’t-”
“I’m going to work my fist through your face doc. You didn’t tell me it would be like this.”
She could swear she heard him mutter humans as the contraction faded and she dropped back to the bed. She panted. Turning her head she saw Ty wringing his hands. She tried to give him a reassuring smile but another contraction crippled her.Clenching her hands into fist she tried to push down. Anything to get this demon spawn out of her body.
“Kaylee, don’t push. The books said-”
She slowly turned her head and the voice that came out of her wasn’t her own. “I am going to KILL you.”
Ty’s eyes widened and he swallowed as he looked around the room. Nana was talking about getting some ice chips, Karrick looked physically ill, and the doc looked amused. Kaylee began to breath loudly and Ty thought she sounded like a rhino about to rush at him. He took a discrete step away only to rush back when she whispered his name. Grabbing a towel he wiped at the sweat on her forehead.
“Come on baby, you can do this. You’re going to be a great mother.”
She slumped against him for a moment then stiffened again.Doctor V edged Ty out of the way as he placed his hand on Kaylee’s stomach.
“It shouldn’t be long now.”
“I’m not ready,” Kaylee cried out then looked down as her water broke. She looked horrified.
“Ty, the sheets!”
“Forget about the sheets baby. Just focus on you okay?!”She gripped her stomach and let out a low moan. “This is it. We’re done. You’re never touching me again and if you do I’m ramming a poker through your eyeball.”
Ty winced and looked over at Nana. She was staring at the wall with a small smile on her face. She turned to him.
“Don’t listen to anything she says right now. It’s the pain you know. You two will be back to pawing at each other in no time.” She patted him on the shoulder then went to go speak to the doctor.Kaylee didn’t hear anything. She couldn’t. Air was rushing in and out of her lungs and her heart was thundering in her ears. She felt as if she was being ripped open from the inside out. She was getting so tired. She didn’t know how much time had passed and she didn’t really care. She just wanted it to be over. She turned her head on the pillow and out the corner of her eye she thought she saw the figure of two small alien children. She blinked sweat out of her eye and when she looked again there was nothing in the corner. She rubbed her stomach as she let out a deep breath.
“Okay Kaylee, now I want you to push when I saw so alright. Kaylee? Look at me.”
She looked down at the doctor as he gripped her knee. Her mouth felt dry. A croak escaped her and before she could ask for water Ty slipped an ice chip in her mouth. She gave him a weak smile just before another contraction pushed at her.
“Push Kaylee. That’s it. I can see the head. Just a few more pushes. That’s it. Come on.”
Gritting her teeth Kaylee gave one finally push and suddenly felt a rushing feeling and then an emptiness.
The room feel quiet and the doctor stepped away from the bed. He turned away from her.
“Doc? What…where?”“Here you go mom. Say hello to your son.”
He placed the baby on her chest. Kaylee lifted her head and tears blurred her vision as she touched his small hand. Bringing it to her mouth she placed a gentle kiss on his tiny hand.She touched the soft skin on his cheek and he gave a large yawn before nestling against her..
“Ty? Do you-”
“I see him. He’s beautiful.”
She looked over to see tears streaming down Ty’s face as he leaned over the bed. Smiling she got up, that stuff the doc had given her needed to be bottled up and sold, she thought absently. Walking over to Ty she passed him their son.“Hey little Isaac! Hey baby boy,” he crooned as he carefully held him. "He has your eyes Kaylee."
She smiled. "He has your nose."
“Um, Kaylee?”
Kaylee smiled softly and looked at the doc over Ty’s shoulder. “Thank you Doctor V. I really apperciate everything you’ve done. I don’t know-”
“You’re not done.”
There was a beat of silence then-
“Excuse me?”
“His sister isn’t far behind I don’t think. I think you might want to-”
“WHAT?!”Fifteen minutes later, to the stunned amazement of both her parents and to Karrick who had to wonder which baby he had felt the connection to, Danielle joined her brother in the world.
“Why didn’t you tell us we were having twins?” Kaylee demanded.
The doctor smiled. “And what would you have done about it? The same thing you’re doing now. Falling in love.” He winked one bright eye at them before blinking out of the room."Ty?"
"We've made some beautiful children."
He leaned over and kissed her before adjusting Isaac on his shoulder. "Yes, yes we did."
*edited to add: I just wanted to thank SilentLucidity for her brilliant OMSPs. Without them the last part of this chapter wouldn't have played out the way it did!
Sorry this chapter is so long! I was going to cut it but decided not to be cliched and just finish it up! LOL! I didn't intended for this to happen but I have that hack you see and randomness abounds! I'll work it in somehow!:P
Thanks to everyone for reading! I hope you enjoy this!
TWINS! They're sooooo cute! And I love their names! Eeeeeeee!
YAY! Babies!
Great chapter girl!
LOL!! What are you still doing up Van? Yeah, I should NEVER click the random button on the pop up window! Haha!! They are cute! I was surprised! I can actually see some of Kaylee and Ty in them!
Thanks FRH! I told you 4 didn't I? ;)~ Thanks for dropping by here and reading!
Okay, here's a sick thought - maybe Karrick has a connection with both! (insert evil laugh - can you handle a menage when they're all grown up?) ;-)
When that doctor teleported in, I thought at first that Kaylee's dad's ghost had come visiting again ... just to make sure his little girl was okay.
Kiki's going to be an awesome nanny - those babies are going to be sooo spoiled!
WoooOOoooo! Aww, look at their little heads.
Man, that was a fast delivery. Dr. V and Karrick amused me mucho. And Ty with his Depends. LOL!! Dude is crazy.
I'm a little confused though- I thought they were naming the boy Isaac?
Great chapter!
OK.. I have to tell you this, I was soooooo very shocked, when I saw Isaac!!!
Ok I told to myself, if Karrick ever gets near that baby boy, Ty will sure kill him, and I mean like really really kill him!!! OMG!!! You scared me girl... good thing there is also a baby girl!!! hurray!!!
hahahaha.. this was a very touching/funny/entertaining chapter! I loved it...
I'm glad Nana is finally home and that she is feeling like home!!!
Wonderful chapter!!!!
Karrick did freak me out when he showed up in the middle of the night, lol but the doctor showed up too, so I think that's normal for them :D lol
You have to tell me how you got her to hold the baby while in the bed!!
Aww oh my gosh, twins! They're so beautiful *cries*
EDIT to the previous comment: Ohhhhh, that does say Isaac! The font made it look like something beginning with J and ending with E.
Awww another great chapter! They are going to be sooo busy with a toddler, 2 babies, and their jobs! Nana came along just in time! Grandpa is making me nervous though, the way he's watching the street. He's heard something bad but he's not telling.
TWINS!!!! god i so happy for them and they are adorable i can't wait to see them get older
:o i wanna know which one picks karrick! the suspense is killing me badly!! not knowing is the worst T_T
This was a fantastic chapter! I wondered if that was false labor but apparently not! Twins, OMG what adorable children! They are gorgeous!
This was hysterical and so touching at the same time. And Ty is really something. I love how he handled Kiki. What a treasure he is!
Spectacular shots! Those OMSPs are a real find aren't they? Brilliantly done girl!
YAAAAAAAHHHH!!!! TWINS!!!!!! *is so happy I want to weep* Oh, they're gorgeous!
Twins! And one has Ty's skin and the other Kaylee's! How fantastic!
I loved this! The gambling between Kiki and Ty; Kaylee's determination not to have the baby; and everybody telling her what she ought to do it was so realistic and so funny!
Incredibly touching and emotional chapter! Wonderful, wonderful update!
Absolutely magnificent writing, all the emotions, joy at Kiki's moving in, the love and absense between Ty and Kaylee. I loved your descriptions of them. Sometimes I swear that boy is an idiot, how could he be so blind as to not see through Kaylee's false statements. LOL!
Then her absolute stubborness! 'I'm not having this baby tonight' I laughed so hard when she had a son, and sat there going to myself, oh so Karrick is uh... LOL! then laughed even harder while he was trying to figure out which baby he had felt the connection to. 80)
Loved that the wise made an appearance! is it possible one of the twins is destined for that... Hmm...LOL!
And your screens were Gorgeous!!!
*SQQQQQQUUUUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* They're so CUTE! And the names are just precious! I like the long chapters! Do more! Seriously! PLLLEEEEEEAAAAAASSSSSSSSSEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!1 And how do you come up with such awsome chapters? ...I probably shouldn't have drank 2 1/2 Monsters before bed. *hyper twitch*
OOOOOOOOOOOOMGGGGG!!!! theyre so cute. They look hot as babies. So hot. These are gonna be some crazy sexy ass teens. Any chance u wont give Danielle the bull ring in the nose? She has the look of an ice queen with stunning model beauty. And Issac...I sense another sim crush on the way. Curse ur good cas creations.
On another note what are the chances of a love triangle between Karrick and the twins?? Since he had a connection with the "baby". Which raises the question how did he not know there were twins? But seriously watching them both duke it out over him would be the best! Or at least get Issac to feel some man love. Watching Ty handle a gay kid would be soooo funny.
OMG!! No, there will be NO menage going on between the siblings! It would be different if they weren't related(or maybe if I had two boys...yum! Anyways...) but *shudders* That just freaks me out! LOL!!
No, she won't see her dad again...at least not for awhile I think...
Oh god!! Not just by Kiki! Fran is going to spoil the HECK out of them! *slaps forehead*
LOL! I know they do look tiny right?! I was staring at them because I kept thinking: Is that lip gloss on their lips?! And then I was looking at Danni and thinking...oh gosh she had her daddy's eyebrows!!
Nah, it wasn't really a fast delivery...I just didn't want the story to drag! Besides the fact I have no first had knowledge of it so I had to call my sis and wake her up to ask!:P
Hey, I like that font! ;)~ Yeah, it does look confusing doesn't it?!
Thanks Pen!
Yeah Sandy...twins! I am never, ever hitting the random button again! I should have just stuck with the original option! Haha!
LOL!! Just because there's a girl doesn't mean she's for Karrick...I was driving and thinking about that and I think I've come up with an idea...
Thanks so much Sandy! I'm really glad you enjoyed it! This wasn't were I had planned to take the chapter but....*shrug* I like how it turned out!:P
Awww!! Thanks Yuichen! They are cute! But babies are kind of boring in game...I'm going to have to see what I can do!:P
*gives Simcere the evil eye*
And just where have you been missy? :D I hope everything is alright!
Thanks so much! And yes they are! I'm glad I decided to move Kiki in when I did. LOL! Now it doesn't look like I just moved her in to be a nanny!:P
Damon keeps things pretty close to his chest. And he's a bear when his family is concerned. They'll have to get through him to get to Kaylee the the fam!
Drey! Thanks so much! I just worried about having ugly kids because they're so cute now! *shudders* I mean I don't need to have beautiful children but I had some...interesting looking children in my game before! *coughs*
LOL!! I can't tell you that...and neither can they!:P
Thanks so much Gayl! Although it's nothing in comparison to yours! I was just scrolling through the pictures again today! Wow!
I thought about having a false labor but then I thought: "Eh...just go with it!" She and Ty kept rolling the want to have the baby soooo...I try to fill a few of those now and again! Haha!
I know! Ty is something else! He is who he is and won't change for anyone...except maybe Kaylee...he'd do anything for that girl!
YES!! I LOVE those OMSPs! There's so many things I haven't done yet!
Thank you si much Gayl!
Hi ShineSoul30(I like that name btw)!
I'm glad that you're enjoying this!:D Haha!! They are cute! I've never really paid any attention to genetics in game before but when they popped out I thought: "Oh, he has Kaylee's eyes!" "Oh, she has his nose!" LOL! Insane!
Thanks so much for stopping by and reading!:D
Haha! I sure wasn't expecting that Beth! I'm glad that I can a mix of the two parents! Previously, when I played just for fun, I used to just get one skin tone! :S I can definitely see their parents in Danni and Isaac!
Thanks so much Beth! :D
LOL!! Cherie...are you forgetting that, first and foremost, Ty is a guy?!:P
Hahaha!! Sometimes chapters just write themselves with little effort and this was one of them! It might have taken me a moment to get motivated but when the muse hit she slapped me upside the head with a sledge hammer! LOL!!
Kaylee is important to them. Not just because she's birthing the child that will change their race but because she's just a shining, sparkling soul after everything that's happened to her. I think she's a beacon to them. Since they've been through so much as well. Kindreds maybe? *shrug*
Thanks so much Cherie! I didn't do anything to the screens except lighten and crop! Haha! Well, except for the last pic but I HAD to do that one special!
EJ...no more Monster's before bed for you again! LOL!!
I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter! I was going to break it into two parts but I figured what the heck just do it all in one! This, I believe, is my longest chapter to date, and the one with the most pics! Six written pages wasn't enough for you?! Hahaha!! I'll see what I can do!
Sometimes it's better to have a short and sweet chapter rather than a long, drawn out thing!:P
Hey Sinclair! Thanks! They are cute little buggers huh? Haha!! I don't know yet...I have to see how she is as a child and a teenage. I tend to let them choose their own style. Like with Kaylee she would gag when I would take her over to the mirror and take out her piercings. Up until recently for some reason. I just fiddle with them until they clap or get excited about their appearance...
LOL!! Oh god! Isaac's eyes are going to be killer! I don't even think that Kaylee's eyes are such a brilliant shade of grey.
NO love triangle!! Ew, ew, EW!!! I'm all for a menage but not with those two! Siblings? No, no...unless of course there were two hot twin guys and I was in the middle. That would be completely different of course!:P
As for why Karrick didn't realize....the one that was meant for him touched his mind first and that's all he saw/felt.
LOL!! Yeah, Ty wouldn't know what to say...although he might surprise me!:P Thanks for reading!:D
S@NDY!! This is in response to your question about how I got Kaylee to lay in bed with the baby. Several people probably had the same thought so I thought I'd just post it as a separate thing! Anyways:
I got one of SL's OMSPs and placed Kaylee on it before she went into labor. As you know they can still interact and do everything on those trays. Then I moved the tray to the bed, lowered it until it was level with the bed then made it invisible. I belive I picked the 180 degree one. I'll have to go in game and check. Then once I did that I unfroze the came, she went into labor and because she was on the tray she looked as if she was laying in bed while holding the baby instead of standing like they normally would! :) I hope that makes sense. If not let me know and I'll try to explain better.
BTW: The ones that I use you have to have AL in order to move them up and down! Just for reference for anyone else reading this!
Thank you so much Cheryl!! You are the best... your explanation about the invisible tray and OMSPs does make sense! I would have never thought of that!!!Thanks for the tip!!!!!
And going back to your chapter, and about what you said about "just because there is a girl, it doesn't mean she is for Karrick!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh well...
as long as they are happy, it is all that matters.... is it?
I can't wait to see what you come up with!!!!! :D
Are you going to take it easy? or are you going to jump into the future? lol
LOL!! I was just checking back over here to see if you had noticed my message! Otherwise I was going to email you so you didn't think I'd forgotten! Haha!
Oh wait...when I said the OMSPs I meant SL(the link is at the bottom of this chapter if you don't already have them.) This way you don't have to use a magis tray(or whatever it's called). You just placed her/him/it on SilentLucidity's tray and volia! If you want I can send you pictures and what not...I was fixing to go in game and take some shots for Lycan Tales and well as some more baby pics!:P
LOL!! LOL!!!! Hahaha!!! I have to see what's going on with either of the babies first. *shrug* Who knows! And you're right! As long as they're happy!
Thanks Sandy! I have a few loose ends to tie up here(namely Hunter and Hannah so I foresee at LEAST ten more chapters of this arc before I jump into the future! Maybe 10, 12 years...
Awww, twins, thats so adorable. And lol to that whole giving birth scene, poor Ty, he thought for sure Kaylee's demon was gonna eat him up hehe. She did sound kinda demon like, I would to if I had to do that. Haven't though, sounds to painful :-)
Thanks Taryn! Oh god, I can just imagine. I remember calling my sister when she was in labor to see how she was and she sounded...well...not herself when a contraction hit.
It does sound painful doesn't it? I don't feel the need to go through it myself! LOL!!
Thanks for stopping by and reading! I appreciate it!:)
Wow. Wow! Sorry, I cannot get over the labor shots. How clever of you to put her on one of those trays, the ones of her holding the baby are so beautiful! Took me back to a few weeks ago *tear, sob, beautiful memories!* even though I didn't have to go through all the pain! (evil snicker) Don't get me wrong though, recovery was a bitch! :D
Those twins are indeed beautiful! Escpecially the girl. You did have me scratching my head about Karrick at first...a boy? Glad a girl came along! LOL.
Nana's arrival was so sweet and love that she's such a strong woman, not wanting to take anything for free. I think the babysitting will be a good trade though. :D
Great update, and it was not too long at all!
Awwww....*hands Emily a tissue!*
Thanks! I was just fiddling around with stuff and I thought 'I wonder if this will work' and this is what came about with my wondering!:P
LOL! Like I said just because there's a girl doesn't mean that she's the one for Karrick. Karrick's people aren't much into the whole who's gay and who's not thing. Love is love....it doesn't matter the form!
Yeah, Nana has to feel as if she' doing something constructive! I think this will work for her!:P
Thanks so much Emily!
Wow, you really did an awesome job with those pictures. I'm so impressed what storytellers can do with that OMSP. Another fabulous chapter!
Thanks Forestpixie!!:) I really appreciate your compliment! Those OMSPs are genius! And very easy to use!
Thanks for reading!
I am all caught up and this was a delightful chapter, the twins are just beautiful! Love the shots of Kaylee on the bed, you are so good at that! And Nana is a treasure, and she came along just in time! Great update!!
Thanks Karen! I'm attached to the twins already! haha!!
Yes, Nana did come along just in time didn't she?!:D
“Screw your planet Karrick and GET MY HUSBAND!”
Ohmygawd, I lost it at this point. It was hilarious. The whole birthing scene was great. And I love Kaylee; what silly woman thinking she had any say in when the babies come.
LOL!! That's Kaylee for you! Gosh, I love that girl! Sometimes she can be so dense!:P
Thanks so much! Yeah, since I've never been through the birthing process I took somethings from my sister's experience. Especially the whole planning thing since all my sister's plans got flushed down the toilet with the birthing process!:P