Karrick had slipped away from Ty’s and Kaylee’s during all the commotion and started the walk home. His mind was in turmoil. How could he have not realized that she was having twins? And which baby had he felt the instant connection with? It made no sense. Rubbing a hand over his face he tilted his head back to stare up at the heavens. Maybe the deity that the humans called God would shed some light on this situation.
“Well?” he demanded after a few moments. He heaved a sigh when he still didn’t get a response then continued on his way home.
The old house that he and Kava shared came into view. Even from down the block he could hear the music blasting from the garage. He shook his head. He didn’t really feel like talking to anyone right now but if he missed their usual work out session Kava would nag him until he told her. Cutting across the yard he headed toward the garage.He winced when the garage door opened and the music hit his ears. It was some kind of rock music that she swore by and that he could never understand. He stood in the door way for a moment and watched as his sister pounded on the punching bags. She must have been at this for awhile, he realized since he could smell the fragrance their body put off when they were overheated. R'ouglians didn’t sweat. They didn’t have those glands but while the scent they gave off when overheated was offensive to them, most other species considered it a pleasant fragrance. He had even found merchants at the market that had been able to duplicate the scent and were selling it as a fragrance.
Sighing, he stepped into the garage.“HI-YA!”
Out the corner of her eye Kava noticed her little brother enter the garage. She inwardly frowned at the distracted look on his face. Steadying herself she kicked at the bags in rapid succession before swiftly bring her leg down and going for a right hook. Karrick walked by without even acknowledging her. She frowned. They had had always been close. Maybe because they came from the same donors and grew up in the same household. She tentative tried to reach out to him with her thoughts but quickly receded when she encountered a jumble of emotions and chaotic thoughts. Her frown deepened.
She had woken up this morning to realize that Karrick was already gone. When she had contacted The Wise they had told her that Kaylee had gone into labor and they wished to visit her for a minute. She had known then that Karrick had gone to see the birth of his true mate. She would think that he would be ecstatic at finally getting to meet the one person that had been created solely for him. She shook her head. She would never fully understand her brother.Karrick punched half heartedly at the bag as the music continued to thump around him. Twins. The Wise had to have known that Kaylee was carrying twins. Why hadn’t they told him? Maybe he could have spent more time trying to decipher which one was his future mate instead of assuming that he already knew. Karrick liked to be prepared. Sometimes he thought if he hadn’t went into the warrior caste he might have enjoyed the medical field. Facts and numbers rarely changed. When fighting one always had to be aware of every variable and then try to predict each and every outcome. It was taxing on the brain and body. Giving one more punch, that would have knocked a full grown man out but Karrick considered a tap, he walked over to the weight bench.
He studied the weights. Kava had been on here last. He usually kept the weights at six hundred and fifty but Kava insisted that she was trying to keep her girlish figure so she always dropped it down to five hundred. Adjusting the weights he absently began his repetitions as his mind wandered.
Okay, so there were two babies. A boy and a girl. Granted, it would be natural, at least for humans, to think that the female child was his true mate. However, R'ouglians didn’t pay attention to the gender. The reason was simple. His people were able to alter their genetic makeup. It was believed that the Creator had made them this way so their race wouldn’t die out.
So, going down that vein he thought, if the girl child was his mate he would have to be the one to change. The females of his race were the ones to carry the seeds while the males carried the children. They still had the same equipment as humans, Karrick had taken note of that in the locker room, it just looked and functioned differently.
Curious, he had initiated intercourse several times with human females and the result had been much like a sneeze. A tingle, an outburst and then it was over. They had laid their twitching and mouths hanging open like dead fish while he had calmly gotten dressed. He didn’t understand the fuss.Kava grinned as her feet beat a rapid temp on the treadmill. This was what she enjoyed. This is what she had been born for. Her body was an instrument and she enjoyed pushing it to the highest level it could go…and then going one step further. As Nirvana screamed about teen spirit, just what did that mean, she upped the speed until her feet were just a blur and her hearts were beating a rapid tempo in her chest. Absently she noticed behind her that Karrick was moving at a slower pace. Usually he would do reps of two hundred with his arms and then switch to his legs in the span of ten minutes. Today he was moving at such a slow pace she would be surprised if he finished before it grew dark. She scowled and then slapping the off button she hopped off the treadmill and walked over to him.
She stood staring down at him for at least five minutes as he continued to absently lift weights. He was somewhere else completely and if there wasn’t any focus while training the muscles in the body were just going by memory and weren’t being pushed to the limit.
“What do you need Kava?” he asked her suddenly.
“I need to understand why you’re so…distant Karrick. Your body is here but your mind is somewhere else completely. Brother, you met your true mate today. Why are your emotions much like Kaylee’s when she was PMSing?”
“When she was what?”
Kava shrugged. “Its something that human woman do apparently. One minute their happy and the next their blubbering all over the place. Annoying actually. It’s like watching a grivcha eat its young and then wail about losing it.”
Karrick smiled. “Ah yes. A grivcha. Do you think they survived?”
She shrugged. “I don’t know. They probably ended up making themselves extinct. Come Karrick. Don’t change the subject. What bothers you?”
“Do you realize that you speak to me differently? Your more apt at picking up human slang than I am but yet you still speak to me as if we were on our home world.”
“That’s because you are my home brother. Now sit up so we may talk.”Smiling briefly Karrick did as instructed then planting his hands stared straight ahead. “Kaylee had her babies.”
“Yes, I know.”
He looked at her in surprise. “You knew she was having twins?”
Kava nodded. “I spoke to The Wise several months ago. They said-”
“You spoke to The Wise and you didn’t think to tell me that Kaylee was having twins? I was most surprised at this turn of events.”
Kava shrugged. “Karrick, you know that I don’t care for babies. I consider them parasites at best.”
“You like Gabe.”
“Gabe is a warrior. I can understand him. Babies…I will never understand them.”
“Kava, do you not ever think of having children?”
Her reply was a short curse in their native tongue. “No. Karrick, I am a R'ouglian female. We don’t get the urge to have children. You males are.”
“Even after all these years on Earth Kava? Don’t you-”
“No Karrick. I am a warrior. I would not make a good mother. But this isn’t about me. So, you met your true mate this morning. What I don’t get is the long face.”
Karrick stood. “I couldn’t figure out which one was for me. What if I’m never able to figure it out and I pick the wrong one?”Kava slapped one hand into the other. “Karrick,” she snapped. “Use your head. These children were just pushed through a dark, damp channel and thrust into this loud, noisy world. They have to adjust before they’ll open themselves up again so that you can sense them.” She sighed and threaded her hands through her hair.
“You always were the shy one Karrick. You’re a fantastic warrior but when it came down to the killing move you’d always hesitate before finishing it.”
“I don’t enjoy war Kava. I like to think that those we fight were forced into it. I try to search for a little remorse before I granted them peace.”
“Peace is not to be found for us Karrick. Not until there is peace everywhere.”
He tilted his head. “We don’t fight so much on Earth.”
“That’s because if we even came out scientist would want to swarm us, poke at us, prod us. Make us their projects. You know this Karrick. Why else would you disguise the way you look when you go to away games?”“Kava?”
“I-I thought I had came to terms with having a true mate but now meeting the person who I will love beyond anything…it’s a scary thought. Why me? What do I know of love?”
“It is your path Karrick.”
“And what is yours sister?”
She looked away. “My path is my own. There is nothing I can do to prevent it even if I wanted to. I embrace it.”
He leaned in touching foreheads with her. A symbolic gesture between family members. “What would I do without you?”
She cupped his cheeks. “You will live and tell your children about their kick ass aunt of course.” She pinched his cheeks when he rolled his eyes.Karrick enjoyed cooking. Living in the barracks with the other warriors and living on rations was what he had been used to. After being here on Earth he couldn’t imagine going back to that bland food. He hummed to himself as he stirred the ingredients in the bowl. Although he did miss some of the traditional food of his planet. Those foods couldn’t be duplicated with Earth ingredients.
“Kava are you going to eat?” he yelled. After coming upstairs his sister had headed into the shower.
“No, I have a date!” she yelled back from the bedroom.
The bowl clattered on the counter and Karrick quickly righted it before the contents spilled. He frowned. “A date? Do I know this man?” he demanded.
Her laughter reached him.He had just finished eating when her arm came over his shoulder and she picked up his bowl.
“How do I look?”
Karrick studied her. Kava never wore dressy clothes. Ever since crash landing here she had been fascinated with the ‘alternative’ culture. Now, his sister looked as if she’d never even stepped foot into a pair of jeans or a leather corset.
“You look beautiful Kavanh K’atri. More beautiful than our female donor and I always thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world.”
Kava brushed a hand over his head before rounding the table and heading to the sink.“He wants to take me out somewhere special so suggested I wear something nice.”
“Who is he?”
She shrugged. “Just some rocker that’s out to impress me with how much money he has.”
“Does he not know who I am?” Karrick asked, offended. Sure, he wasn’t as big a name as Ty but still…
“Nope, why would I tell him that you could buy and sell him? I’m enjoying all the effort he’s putting in to try and bed me. Then I’m going to rock his world and leave him begging for more.”
She shrugged. “No worries Karrick. As I haven’t been so lucky as to meet my true mate I still don’t have a womb.” She shuddered as she dried off her hands. “Can you imagine me with a womb? The horror!”
Karrick had to laugh at her facial expression.Looking over at him she grinned.
“So, what are you going to do if the girl child is your mate? I’ve seen the wistful looks you used to give the men when they were carrying. Karrick, you were born to be a father. To carry your child close to your heart. That's what the Creator intended.”
He shrugged. “In order to have those children I would have to be the one to produce the seed.”
“Meaning that you would have to destroy your womb.”
He tapped his fingers on the table. “Yes.”
A car horn interrupted her. She stared at him for a moment before blowing him a kiss and heading toward the stairs.Karrick walked into the bedroom and looked out the window to see a laughing Kava race down the sidewalk and throw herself into the arms of a blond headed man. He steadied her before he bent down to place a hungry kiss on her mouth. Karrick closed his eyes.
It would have been better if he hadn’ t known that he had a true mate bond. Now he would never be able to even casually date. And he had to wait at least eighteen years. And there was no guarantee that which ever twin was his mate would want him back. Just because there was a mate bond didn’t mean that he would have their heart. They could fall in love with someone else. Humans were fickle creatures.
Turning away from the window he laid across the bed.Eighteen years. While it wasn’t long in the g rand scheme of things it seemed to stretch before him like a black hole. There would be no one else for him. There couldn’t be anyone else for him. And so…he just had to wait.
Alright, I hadn't planned on this chapter but I felt I need to give a little more insight into the R'ouglian culture since so many people thought that Dani was for Karrick. To be honest I haven't really decided which child is for him but I felt their back story needed to be flushed out a little more so more people would understand them.
R'ouglian females are the ones with the sperm and the males get this sperm by the minuscule holes that cover their penis. Pretty much you have to throw out all human concepts to understand them since they...well, aren't human.
Anyways, I'm working on a whole history for them but I still don't know how I would introduce that into the story or if I would even want to...
Makes you wonder if they really can have children with humans. Have there ever been half human, half R'ouglian babies? And mightn't they be sterile if they did exist?? It's probably a good thing that Kaylee and Ty did have more than one child to carry on the generations! *points to title*
hehe Poor Karrick. He looked like Charlie Brown, walking down the street hanging his head like that.
Also, I have to wonder what kind of parent Karrick would make. He seems to come from a culture where parents have no role in their children's lives whatsoever. But I guess by the time Issac and Dani are old enough, Karrick will have been observing Ty and Kaylee long enough to have an idea of how parenthood should work.
*Peeks over shoulder frantically, expecting Janet to pop out of the shadows at any time since we haven't seen her in so long*
If you remember in chapter 24 when Karrick was speaking with The Wise they told him this:
Whether you like it or not Kaylee is the mother of a whole new generation of R'ouglians. She's going to give birth to a human baby whose union with you will generate the first natural hybrids. You are a warrior...you're going to create a whole new race.
LOL!! Charlie Brown! Poor guy! He's all kinds of confused!
And you're right. He'll have enough time to observe other relationships around him. Also his family was different. His parents were together but Karrick still hadn't came to term with a true bond since he was focused on becoming a warrior.
Oh! haha!! Yeah...see, I was working on the chapter that might, possibly lead up to us seeing Janet again but Karrick was like umm...excuse me!!? I'm confused here. Give me a little chapter time sooo...;)~
When you say 'little holes', I had a very quick image of a cheese grater.
But yeah, very very interesting! It's nice to be able to create your own race, ne? But having such a thin line between being found out and living their lives... I assumed there were a bunch of them out in the open in the general area? If a scientist obsessed with aliens happened to go on vacation nearby and see them? I mean, it's only a matter of time, right?
First, I'm glad you added this chapter - your R'ouglians are fascinating. They're like amphibians or hermaphrodites or like us when we were still fetuses. Can be male or female.
Second, really good writing. Loved the convo between the brother and sister.
I've learned to suspend my disbelief when reading stories so I have no problem with the R'ouglian's sexuality.
But the way I understand is, they have to choose eventually, right? Either produce seed or have the womb/ bear the child. Well, Karrick has 18 years to make his decision. Or most probably, the decision will be taken away from him - such is the way of love :-)
P.S. I'm looking forward to more chapters on Karrick. You could even do an off-shoot just on him (and the R'ouglians) - like one of those spin-off tv series. 18 years is a long time to wait for more on the R'ouglian front.
Well, if you can find the time that is - ha ha.
Oh gosh Andy!! LOL!! The holes aren't even that big. More like the size of a sewing needle maybe? I mean if you weren't examining it too closely you wouldn't even notice.
And it is nice to create my own race! I'm having a lot of fun coming up with things for them...and also a lot of trouble because then I have to remember something from earlier, cross reference it...blah!:P
Not a bunch...more like ten when their pod crash landed. And I would say a few of those were unable to adapt to life here sooo...
But let's not forget Hannah...if she sees herself going down I don't think she'd hesitate to leak information to someone else that could do them harm!
Thanks Arcadata! I really felt I needed to do some back story on them. And that's what I had in mind for them. The whole amphibians/hermaphrodite thing. And good point with them being like fetuses. I hadn't thought of that!
And yes, they eventually have to choose, although when they were on their planet it wasn't really an issue. Males were always consider the fathers since the women were the scientist(I took that idea since in the game only men get abducted without a hack). However when the virus spread through their planet and their planet started to turn against them and people were dying off(for reasons I'll get to) each had to make a choice in order for their race to survive.
LOL! That is so true! He might decide one thing and then once he realizes who his true mate is might have to go the other way. Of course Ty could take the decision away from him altogether by killing me!:P
Haha! Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Although then I'd have to go looking for good alien CC so I could recreate their home world so we could see him when he was younger...hmmm...
Oh geez! Haha!! But no, it won't be that long between chapters dealing with Karrick now. :)
Interesting idea, the males carrying the babies. I'm sure a lot of pregnant women wish that was the case with humans :P
Poor Karrick. Hopefully whichever twin it is does love him back when s/he's older.
WOW... It was great to see Karrick and his sister interacting and talking about their culture!!!
18 years, it does feel, it is a long time, poor Karrick, he will have to way a lot... but oh well... that will prove he is faithful !!! :D lol
I'm still wondering if his mate is the baby girl or the lil boy... I don't know.... I'm confused!!! :D
and he is right, even if he loves him/her... humans are always falling in and out of love... so good luck for him...
Great job!!!
Ok, I have question-
Do the males have uhh testicle-like things? And if so, what's inside? Ovaries? Weird external ovaries?
LOL @ the cheese grater! That was awesome XD
I look forward to seeing more of these guys! They're so interesting! =)
Well I thought I left a comment...*sigh*
OK Karrick is quite the bundle of stress isn't he? His relationship with his sister is so real. And Kava knew about the twins!
The role reversal here is fascinating, the difference between the male and female. Even their personalities are reversed to an extent. Kava on a date...that had me going for a few...
Really loving this story line.
LOL!! No doubt Van!
Oh gosh! I hope so! Kaylee and Ty are two bolts(I think) but you'd never be able to tell the way they're always up on each other.
Poor Karrick! It would suck if neither twin found him attractive! I'd have to rethink the whole storyline then!:P
Enjoy your trip Van!
Thanks Sandy! There was a lot more I wanted to add but I didn't want to bore people! I'm steadily working on their history when I get a chance! LOL!! I put WAY too much thought into it!:P
LOL!! Karrick doesn't really have a choice now. The true mate bond was initiated. It's over for me! Poor baby!
To be honest Sandy, I haven't decided yet. I'm going to see what happens in game before I even think about that! Although....I might change it to suit me!:P
LOL!! Thanks for reading Sandy!
Pen...only you!! LOL!!!
A few months back I was watching this show on TV talking about a lady who had been born genetically male. When she was about 10 she had surgery to remove cancerous ovaries...at least that's what they told her. Come to find out they were actually her testicles which had developed inside of her. However, since Karrick had to open his mouth and say that their equipment looked the same as humans I guess he does have testicles.
I still have to work through the way the egg and sperm come together. I have several options I'm playing with but I don't like them...
So NOT awesome yuichen!! LOL!! *Shudders*
Thanks so much! They had only been meant as a back story but...we know how that goes right?!:P
Blogger and its comment eating Gayl!! Blah!
Yes, yes he is! Although I can't blame it! I would be too!
Kava has a unique relationship with The Wise. They let her know many things....
LOL!! Oh Kava is all about the free love. She hit on Kaylee a time or two which is why I can't have them in the same house for extended periods of time together without me looking! ACR, ya know?! And I have that pregnancy for all genders hack going on!;)~
Thanks Gayl!
"Although then I'd have to go looking for good alien CC so I could recreate their home world so we could see him when he was younger...hmmm..."
I hope you do make a flashback post for Karrick & Kava. Or do a spin-off blog (this is way more interesting than you doing a legacy, btw) :-)
Your R'ouglian society is very fascinating (their sexuality is the least of it - there's the "old ones" too - I'm really curious about them.) And I'm sure aside from the "warrior caste", there must be other social groups in their home planet.
Reading about your R'ouglians inspired me to create a backstory for the alien Pollination Technician in my hood :-)
Poor Karrick! He's such an interesting piece of work. Now he has to wait 18 years...and he is right, just because they are meant to be doesn't mean the human baby will grow up and not love someone else. :(
Maybe Kaylee & Ty can help them get together! I can see them being very understanding about that whole situation. (Unless it's the boy, then Ty might be a little upset!) :D
Great update, loved it as usual!
LOL!! I've got the new blog. Who knows what I might do with it besides the legacy family(because I did decide to do it!:P)
LOL! I'm amazed people want to know about them since I never intended for them to become so important in the story!:)
Yes, I read that back story! Loved it!! And I'm flattered! *blushes* I love your blog!
I think so as well Emily! Eighteen years should seem so long for someone who's four hundred plus but I'm sure it will drag by for him!
And it's so true! Even The Wise can't foresee everything.
LOL! Ty and Kaylee will want their kids happiness...although they may grumble about their choices!:P
Thanks so much Emily!
Hey, what happened to the new blog? I was just going to read page 2 when I saw the whole thing was deleted?
d'oh! I don't know if you got the link I sent or not but it's here
Really interesting! Sort of like frogs, they change their gender. Karrick's description of sex was pitiful though. I hope there's more to it than that or that whole species would be long gone by now LOL! You are handling the concept of "one true mate" very carefully - so they are kind of hardwired genetically for one single person. Kava seems to be having a great time though!
Wonderful writing, and I love your use of color here. Fantastic shots!
LOL!! That was just Karrick's end! For the females it was mind blowing...he was just running an experiment so he didn't get lost in the moment! Haha!!
Yes, they are! Although it's not often that they run into that one person. *shrug* Haha! Kava is having a blast! She loves Earth!
Thanks you Beth! Thank you!
Hi! I found this story about a month ago and have been addicted ever since! I finally decided to join partly so I can comment and tell you I think you have a wonderful talent for writing, and partly because I have been insired to start my own story!! Anyway, great stuff here! I eagerly check this blog hoping for an update!
Hey HarperP!!! I'm always glad to see both old and new faces!:) I'm happy that you're enjoying the Ravensworths so far! I'm having fun doing them! Just needed to take a little break is all! But I'm off this weekend so who knows?!
And thank you so much for your compliment! I've always loved writing! YAY! Another Sims 2 story! I can't wait to read it! I hope you're having fun doing it!
Thanks for stopping by and reading!:D
...aaand I'm finally caught up! Lol. I got stuck like 5 chapters back, lmao. Been so busy!
YAYYYY A Karrick chapter! I love him..he's got this meek, gentle nature :D and aww at the Charlie Brown Walk Of Shame! Also I loved the brother and sister interaction. Last few chapters have been amazing (well the whole story) and the babies are too cute! Little Danielle looks exactly like Kaylee, oh my goodness, I've never made a sim baby that looked like the spitting image of their parent~
Hey Phoenix! It feels like forever since we've talked. I caught up on this today and just wanted to say it's great as ever. I never expected twins, but then again, it was a nice surprise :) And poor Karrick, he has a long wait ahead of him and some big decisions to make. I really do adore this story and can't wait for the next chapter!
P.S: I love your alien race. They are so fascinating and really make this story more awesome than before. I can't wait to learn more about them.
Gloom!!! What's up?! How are you? You have been kind of quiet lately...but than again so have I!
I didn't expect twins either but I should have known! Haha!! I feel bad that I'm putting poor Karrick through this! Man!
Thanks! Like I said I didn't intend for them to become such a major part but...hey, I just go with the story!
Thanks for reading! Annnndddd....so when your story going to restart!?!:P
I'm pretty good, yourself? I love twins, and when it's natural it's such an awesome surprise! Yes, poor Karrick indeed :) And the next chapter of my story may be posted in a week or so, but no promises :) I just can't seem to get into the writing, but I'll try again in a day or two.
Oh, I'm doing alight! Thanks! It was a total surprise!
YAY for an update from gloom! I'm one to talk right?!:P Your story was great by the way!