Four Months Later...
Kaylee's hand hover over Ty's shoulder as she stood beside the bed. She felt bad for waking him up since she knew that he'd been up and down with the babies all night and he looked so peaceful curled up like that but he was the one who had insisted that she wake him up before she left. Shifting she debated before blowing out a breath and shaking him gently on the shoulder.
He mumbled something incoherent before he rolled over and reached over on her side of the bed. His face creased in a puzzled frown before he groaned.
"Come back to bed. The sun's not even out yet."
"How do you know? You're eyes aren't even open yet."
"Just do. Come on babe. It can't be time already."
"It's not. I just couldn't sleep and I need your help with something."
"Help picking out an outfit."
There was a silence and it stretched so long she had just started to lean toward him once again when he stirred. The sheets rustled as he swung his legs over the edge of the bed."Just what time is it?" he demanded, his voice gruff from sleep.
"Umm...a little after four."
He groaned. "Kaylee, you don't have to leave until at least six."
"I know, I know! But, like I said, I couldn't sleep and then the outfit I thought I was going to wear just didn't look right and-"
"Okay, okay! Stop talking."
"I remember you being a lot more chipper in college when you woke up."
"In college I didn't have two crying babies intent on keeping me awake."
"I told you that I would stay up with them."
"You have to leave earlier then me."
He stretched and she could hear bones cracking as she watched his skin stretch taunt over muscles. She hummed in appreciation and he winked at her before scratching at his chest as he got off the bed. She took a step back."So, what do you think?" she demanded as she held her arms out at her side. She stiffened when Ty rubbed at his neck. She knew what that motion meant. He had something to say but just didn't know how to say it.
"Spit it out Ty."
"Well, don't you think the top is a little too low for work? I mean, you can see your titty tat and your breasts look big. Bigger then usual." He tilted his head and studied her breasts.
"What are you staring at? I'm breast feeding. Of course they're still going to be big!" she snapped.
He shook his head. "No, it's not that. It's like they've gotten bigger. Not that I'm complaining. I'm a breast man...and an ass man. Hell, I'm just a Kaylee fan all the way around. Are you sure-"Kaylee crossed her arms over her chest. "Am I sure what?"
Ty shook his head. "Nothing, nothing. Look babe," he said, placing his hands on her forearms. "You look like a million bucks in this outfit but I know half way down the road you'll start freaking out about it so why don't you show me what else you have?"
"Fine," she snapped. Ty reared back.
"You don't have to get pissy with me. You asked for my help remember?"
"I know, I know. Thank you!" She spun on her heel and headed toward the bathroom to change into another outfit she had hanging on the back of the door.
For the next fifteen minutes she tried on outfit after outfit. Ty vetoed one after the other. It was either to revealing or too spinsterish. His word not hers. Finally she stood in the bathroom in nothing but her bra and panties. She stabbed a finger in his direction.
"Now what?"
He grinned at her."Now," he said as he lifted her in his arms and stripped her of her bra and panties. Spinning around he turned on the shower. "Now I'm awake."
After deciding on one of the first outfits that Ty had decided against Kaylee went to check on the kids. This would be the first time that she would be away from them for such a long time. Granted, it wasn't that long but she was used to be around her babies night and day. And they were used to her. Hopefully they wouldn't cause Nana any trouble.
"Hello my angels. Be good for gran okay?" she whispered as she looked from one to the other. Bending down she pressed a gentle kiss to their foreheads and breathed in their scent. Dani stirred and Kaylee quietly exited the room.After their shower gymnastics Ty had tossed on some clothes and went to cook breakfast. As she passed the kitchen he whistled at her under his breath.
"Looking good babe."
She flipped him off which only made him laugh. Smiling she gently pushed up the door to Gabe's room. He was curled up on his side snoring softly. Reaching down she ran her fingers through his hair. He shifted and she froze. After a moment his snored could be heard again and she breathed a silently sigh of relief.
Gabe was like the energizer bunny. It seemed as if all he needed was a quick nap and he was ready to go all over again. But he was coming out of his shell. He didn't track her or Ty with his eyes anymore. And he didn't come searching for them if they left the room for more than five minutes. He was just like any other toddler now. And for that she was grateful. Bending down she pressed a kiss to his cheek and a small smile bloomed on his lips before he shifted away from her.
"I'll see you when I get home little brother," she whispered."Sit down and eat before your breakfast gets cold," Ty said as soon as she came around the corner. As soon as the smell of the omelets hit her nose her stomach lurched in protest. Shaking her head she pulled out her chair. She loved cheese omelets. She must be nervous or something, she thought absently as she sat down. Ty sat across from her and dug into his food while she only picked at hers.
"Babe, you'll do fine. What are you stressing for?"
"It's different working for someone and being the one people work for."
Ty shrugged. "You should be used to bossing people around. You've done it for years."
"Shut it you," she said with a laugh.Under the table he nudged her foot with his. "I like these pumps. Where'd you get them?"
"Your mom brought them back from Italy with her. She said she liked them but they didn't fit her. Go figure," Kaylee said with a roll of her eyes.
"Mom knew you wouldn't take them any other way."
"Of course I wouldn't! I looked these shoes up on line. Do you know how much these things cost?"
He shrugged. "Don't care. Think you'd model them for me sometime. Sans outfit...or underwear?"
"You're an idiot!"
"And you're beautiful and competent. Stop stressing Kaylee. Besides it'll make your milk go sour."
"Where do you get these things?"
He shrugged and nudging at her foot again pointed at her plate. "Around. You gonna eat that or mangle it?"
She tugged her plate closer to her. "I'm going to eat it. Go get another plate you vulture."
"Cruel woman."They ate in silence for awhile before Kaylee sighed. Without saying a word Ty reached out and gripped her hand in his. "You'll do great. Besides, they all love you."
"I haven't spoken to them in forever Ty."
"What does that matter? They know how crazy things have been around here. Or they know some of the reason it's been so crazy. Just make sure you take some baby pictures. If they start getting too nosy just shove them under their noses. You women go all melty at the picture of a baby."
"Says the man who spends hours staring at his kids."
"Hey, that's the fruit of my loins. I can admire my own handiwork."
Laughing she glanced at the clock. "Time for me to go. Thanks for breakfast Ty...and for helping me relax."
He waggled his eyebrows and she threw her napkin at him. "I meant for the conversation."
"What? So did I!"Grinning, she spun on her heel and headed toward the door. This was the start of something new. The reason why she had moved to Serenity Cove. She was going to be able to realize her dreams and hopefully be able to help others achieve theirs. There was so much she couldn't wait to do and see. It was as if the last two years hadn't happened. Her dream was on the horizon and all she had to do was reach out and grab it.
The creaking of the porch seats brought her back to reality. Two figures stepped out of the shadows and flanked her.But the last two years had happened. And there was more then just opportunity on her horizon. A storm was brewing and she was in the middle of it. But she wasn't alone.
"I thought I told you two to come into the house when you got here."
"We've only just arrived. We had some things to discuss with The Wise before we made it here."
"Have they found her yet?"
"No. Where ever she has gone she has her own ways of hiding it from them. But ever do they search for her."
"I know they do," Kaylee said as she went down the stairs. Kava and the Guardian followed silently after her.Hannah had disappeared after she had murdered Winston. And apparently several important files and experiments had went with her. The Bio-Aquarium had been thrown in an uproar and the community had thrown a party. An investigation had been launched into all the employees both past and present. Only then had they thought about reopening the building. And the powers that be had come to Kaylee with a proposition that she would never have thought about refusing a year ago. But at that point in time she had immediately refused. It had taken a lot of cajoling from Ty and Nana, not to mention The Wise and everyone else, to even get her to give the idea a second thought. So now, she stood in front of what had once been immaculate grounds and prepared to walk into the door of the Bio-Aquarium as head researcher.
It had taken them nearly an hour to get here though. A trip that took her only fifteen minutes before had stretched as Kava had taken every turn and back alley known to man. To see if anyone was following them, she had stated as she kept darting glances in the rear view mirror. Even now she knew they were looking up and down the street.
"Guys, you have to look casual if this is going to work," she hissed.
"We are causal."
"No, no you're not. You're blatantly obvious is what you are. If something was going to happen it would have happened already."
"That sort of complacency is why your people speak of global warming now. And why our people are searching for a livable planet. Let us do our duty Kaylee and you do yours."
"Fine, fine."Straightening her shoulders she walked up the stairs and pushing open the door walked into Aquarium. Standing in the doorway she looked around. Everything was still the same. And yet everything had changed.
"Kaylee!!! Girl, you're back!!!"
She felt Kava and the Guardian shift behind her and quickly shook her head. "Pat is a friend," she said as she watched Pat racing toward her with a huge grin on her face.
"How are you? How are those babies? And that hunky husband of yours? Girl, it's been forever. It's like you just dropped off the face of the earth after you stopped working here."
"Hey Pat. I missed you too." And she had. She had missed Pat's easy camaraderie and her wacky, off colored jokes. It was just that she didn't want to involve more people into this thing then she already had."You look good. You don't even have any baby fat left on you. How is that possibly? I hate you!"
She laughed with Pat and let herself be engulfed in a hug. Looking over Pat's shoulder she saw everyone else gathered behind her. She grinned.
"Hey guys. How are you?"Z came over and stuck out her hand. "I gotta say you got some style while you were away."
"Thanks Z. I like the new hair cut."
"Yeah, I ditched the streaks and the dye jobs and just decided to go with my natural hair. James likes it this way."
Kaylee's eyes eyed as they flew from a grinning Z to a sheepishly looking James. Kaylee leaned forward. "But I thought you thought that James was gay?"
"I was wrong," Z said with a shrug then a shit eating grin spread across her face. "Boy was I ever wrong."
"Gina's not wearing any shoes."
"She forgot them."
"Figured as much."
They shared a look before breaking out into a fit of laughter.Z took a step back and tapped at her chin. "There's something different about you. I don't know. You seem to have this glow around you."
Kaylee shrugged. "I don't know."
"Hmm...anyways those shoes are fabulous. You've got to let me borrow them."
"Those shoes are too small for you Z," Pat pointed out. Z shrugged.
"Being fashionable always comes with a price. So, who are your two shadows?"
"Oh! This is Kava and Gary. They're researchers too." That was the story that they had concocted. Something short and simple. Everyone would take it at face value.
"Well, welcome back. And welcome aboard."Kaylee detached herself from the crowd as the conversation turned from science to speculation. They wanted to know just how mangled Winston's body had been, what information had Hannah taken with her when she left and why would she kill the man who followed blindly after her?
Walking down the hall she peered into Hannah's old office. It was still the same. Nothing had been moved. It was almost as if she'd just called in sick and would be returning to work tomorrow. Kaylee couldn't force herself to go into that room. Not after she knew from first hand experience how evil that woman had been. What had done and what she still intended to do. She knew all those things and she couldn't say anything to anyone outside their small circle. Turning she slipped outside.Her heels sank into the sand as she walked aimlessly before coming to a stop a small distance away from the water. She could still feel the spray of the water and hear the crashing of the waves. She had had so many dreams and ideas when she and Ty had first arrived here in Serenity Cove. She had thought she was going to change the world. Discover ways to help humans and animals co-exist. Discover new aquatic life. Save near extinct species. But that wasn't what she had been brought her for.
She had been a pawn in a war waged long before she had even been born and now her every step was shadowed and her life was no longer her own.
But she couldn't turn her back on it. Her ideals, hopes and dreams had just taken a different form now. She was going to change the world. She was going to find a way for humans and aliens to co-exist. Discover new ways to bridge xenophobic gaps.
She inhaled deeply. Everything was so calm and peaceful now. "Like the calm before the storm," she whispered to the ocean.
"Kaylee! Kaylee! What are you doing?"
She heard the Guardian's roar over the ocean surf and turned.Reaching up she wiped at the tears she hadn't even realized she's been crying as she walked away from what could have been...and walked toward what was.
So, I'm working on picture size so just ignore the ever changing pictures. The last update pics seemed to big so we shall see if I settle on this one.
This piece feels like fluff to me but I needed something to move the story. Y'all know I hate dragging out the storyline which might be one of my downfalls. Anyways, can I pimp something? Course I can! Look what Pen made me for my birthday! Now the aliens in RG won't have to be bald or have long flowing locks! YAY!!
Aaand...I have TS3 and I was playing around in CAS and decided to make some of the RG crew. I post crap up over here all the time. Link takes you directly to RG TS3 style.
Hrm...something else I was gonna say but I'm groggy so I'm going to head to bed. Oh yeah...all three of my stories have been updated today so enjoy! Consider it my bday present to you!! ;)~ Wait...did that come out wrong?
*goes to bed*
Kaylee always looks so gorgeous! Never been pregnant, but I'm still envious of how Sim women just automatically revert to their original figures. I still shake my head every time I make one of my sims give birth *sigh*
But yeah, I know what you mean with wanting the story to move quickly (even though I think you do a very nice job of pacing). And no, it wasn't fluff :)
God, Hannah is grade-A crazy. Even when she's not around, her insanity lingers in any place touched by her presence. RIP Winston (even though he was an ass, he was fun to read about).
Great work, Phoenix! Thanks for the birthday present, lol. Happy birthday :)
Man, I can't believe she actually went back to work there after all that shiznit. I've certainly quit jobs for less.
HA! And I have to second Van here- The insanity of Hannah lives on even in her absence.
Aww. You know your man loves you when he gets out of bed to help you pick an outfit at 4:00 am.
It's nice to see Kaylee so introspective. So much happens to her that she doesn't always have a moment to assess her situation like she does here.
I kinda like those shoes. For me. A sleeveless navy dress with an a-line skirt, belted at the waist would go well with those. *hehehe* Do you ever look at a CC outfit and wish you could have it in real life? Because I sure do!
Phoenix, something strange is going on with the "Read More" cut away. The middle of the chapter is behind the cut but the end is on the front page.
Thanks Van! That hair really goes well with her I think. Kaylee was one of the first Sims I ever made but she was a teen sooo...
I know right? Craziness. I've never been preggo either but still makes me jealous! haha!
Awww...thanks! I always worry a bout pacing. I don't want to drag something out but I don't want to rush through it either. Gah! I think you do a good job of balancing in your stories too.
But, we already knew she was crazy Van. And we haven't even seen the full depth of it yet. Bwahahaha!! I know. Poor Winston. Even if he was an idiot he didn't deserve to die that way.
LMAO!! Anytime Van!
Hey! Thanks for the heads up Pen! It looked different on my laptop for some reason! Gah! I wonder how long it looked like way! *embarrassed*
Kaylee wants to do what she loves. That's the reason why they moved to The Cove. Besides, she wants to have a normal life...or as normal as she can get it.
Hannah...what can I say? The woman's like a disease.
TY!!! He's so win! Him sitting on the edge of the bed made me laugh. I just want to hug him!
I know. I needed a calm chapter just for her to think about thing. Usually chapters are so full of characters that I can't hear myself think but this time it was like the old day with Kaylee when she was struggling to make ends meet!
Those shoes are fierce! When I did that close up I was like man, those are some nice shoes. And I don't even DO heels! Man, some of those jean outfits are to die for. I wish I could get clothes like I have CC! *jealous*
In the coding there were some extra bits that shouldn't have been there. Weird! Don't know how they got there! :(
Blogger is a poopyhead? Heh, I think that's what it comes down to. It has an automatic coding system that's just completely whack and it WILL generate coding on its own.
Sunday night, Blogger ate my entire chapter. I must have saved it 300,000 times. I am still mystified.
Lets see...big boobs, sick to her stomach at her fav breakfast, glowing, and tears...hmmmmmmmm. This all sounds oh so familiar to me! Great post, I look forward to the next!
I can't leave those two alone. I made the mistake of doing some remodeling upstairs in the house and I looked back down and those two were getting out of bed. Good times, good times. And she had a pop right when she was getting up from the table. Unplanned. You gotta love them right?
Thanks HarperP! Where have you been? How's everything?
lol...those two!
Everything is good. I have not given up on my story, I swear! I am a photographer and its wedding season! EKKKK!! I have been SLAMMED with work! Which is good, but doesn't leave me much spare time. Anyway, I have been keeping up with my favorites (silently) and I will be getting back to my story soon!
sometimes you do have to write transition pieces, and this works beautifully. Gentle and introspective; the same wonderful physical and emotional relationship between Ty and Kaylee.
Kaylee's new look is great! Love the whole 'outfit' sequence. Yeah Ty must be crazy in love to put up with a 4 AM wakeup call to watch her change clothes LOL!
Lovely shots - the beach scene is gorgeous!
Hahaha titty tat lmao. To funny.
And Kaylee was working that first outfit. I was like whoaaa clearly she took a page outta J.Lo's after pregnancy skill book. And those shoes were stunning. They made her legs look longer..Which is kinda weird since this is a game lol. I guess ur just that talented haha you make hot sims look stunning.
Ty is to funny. 4am and hes "awake" lol. And in the shower no less. How did you pull that off?
Thanks Beth. I know you do but I try not to do to many. I like to get to the meat of the story! LOL!
I'm loving her new look. It's weird! I still remember the funky hair, the crazy make-up and the gothic clothes. She's grown so much! Ty would do anything for her...which may not work out for him in the long run! :(
Thanks again Beth! I appreciate it!
Haha!! Yeah, that's what everyone always calls mine so I had to throw it in there!:P
I KNOW! I loved that outfit but it wasn't a work outfit!:( Maybe I'll get her into it another time! Ugh J.Lo. I don't like her!! Ugh! I LOVE the shoes! Haha!! Thanks Siinclair!
That boy is always "awake". It never fails. Well, I had them start having sex and then had Kiki get into the shower. I paused the game, yanked Kiki out of the shower while the water was still running(using moveobjects on and snapobjectstogrid false) and then moved Kaylee and Ty into the shower and snapped the shot. Whew! All that for one shot! But I enjoy it!
I had to read this before I went on vacation today and I have to say this update was great!
I do love the way Kaylee held Ty up at 4 am in the morning just to pick up an outfit!
I think things are actually kind of starting to look up for her now, I can only hope it stays that way.
Anyways this was a great update, I have to get going!
Can't wait until the next update! :D
Awww! Thanks Damon. I really enjoyed writing it. Kaylee needed a calm moment!
Haha! Yeah, Ty really didn't mind though! :P Uhh...they're not going to stay calm for long I'm afraid. Well, not long by updates standards since my updates usually encompass a few months at a time...if that makes sense!O_o
Hope you have a great vacation!!!:D
Finally caught up on Ravensworth! Wow, a lot happened when I wasn't paying attention. Awesome, as usual. Can't wait to see where you go from here.
Not A LOT! Just...some! LOL! Thanks Marie! I have an idea where I want to go sooo...yeah! I hope to have an update out tomorrow or the next day sometime! :)
Awww isn't Ty like the cutest perfect husband ever!!!! He woke up to help her out with her outfit!!! Isn't that cute!!! and he stayed up late to care for the children!!! Awww I just have to love him more with every new chapter!!!!
I can't belive Kaylee went back to work there... I'm afraid she is leaving her children with Nana only... she should have like a SWAT team caring for those two angels!!! Hannah running around is not good for anybody... and we already know she is trying to get the twins...
I think I was a little lost here... I think I missed a chapter...
When did Hannah killed Winston?
the last time I read aobut him he was at Hunter's place... no? did I miss something?
sorry... I have being trying to catch up on my reading that I might as well have just missed a chapter... :D
How interesting and wonderful, I can totally sympathesize with Kay though! Sorry it took so long to get here, *Grinning sheepishly*
I love the picture size too! makes it so much easier for my blind a double scribble to see. LOL!
Hey Little Sis,
I am in total agreement with the person that talked about wanting outfits that the Sims have. And those shoes...those shoes...need I say more. Fran has the most fantastic sense of fashion. I love Ty. This was no filler, but a much needed quiet time. Keep up the fantastic work.
Hahaha!! Yeah, he's something! I know I wouldn't have gotten up! Although he would have had a fit if she would have left without saying good-bye so it's a catch 22. I ♥ me some Ty!
Ha! The Wise keep an eye out and the Guardian probably pops in every now and gain.
Yeah, I saw you went back and commented on it Sandy! Now worries! I need to start on the next chapter! Sorry it took me so long to respond! :(
No worries Cherie! I know how crazy busy you are!
I can sympathize with her as well! It's sad really! We always have our life mapped out but then it goes another direction.
Haha! I don't have a picture size too! I just resized them in blogger! I'm still with Paint Shop!
Hey Sis! LOL!! I know! I think about you sometime when I'm putting an outfit on them. I know sis would really like this outfit, I say. She would think it was fierce! Bwhaha!! No, I know you have a show fetish! Freak!
Aww...thanks!! I am! I am! I just have to sit down and write it and you know how hot it's been!! O_o Thanks for your support! It means everything!