"Oh!" Kaylee said with a nervous laugh. Her hand landed on her chest in surprise as she carefully turned around to face the man who had spoken. "I'm sorry! I didn't see you standing there. What did you say?"
He stared at her from bottomless ice blue eyes. "I said I believe you have something of mine."
"Really?" Kaylee started to shuffle through the mail, thinking that maybe he meant there mail had gotten mixed up by mistake, but suddenly froze. Slowly she brought her gaze back to the man standing in front of her. He was still staring unblinkingly at her. Her heart skipped a beat and then started to thunder in her chest. She slowly licked suddenly dry lips.
"Hunter." It wasn't a question and it was barely a whisper. Just a ghost of a sound that slipped through her lips. She watched as a small, humorless smile pulled at his lips. She took a hasty step back as his hand came up but he only tipped his hat at her.
"So, I see you know who I am. Good, I hate small talk. Like I said I think-" He stopped talking when a car drove by.Looking around he motioned with a quick jerk of his head to a spot near the edge of the property. One that was out of the sight of any windows...or from the view of the security cameras.
"Let's move over there shall we?"
Before Kaylee could speak he took hold of her arm and started to drag her down the sidewalk.
Planting her feet Kaylee yanked her arm away from him. "Don't touch me," she hissed. "Don't ever touch me!"
His eyes narrowed then with a mockingly gallant motion with his hand motion for her to proceed ahead of him.
"Your mother could have used some of your spunk. Then she might not have gotten herself in the trouble she did."
"Don't compare me to Janet. I am nothing like her. Nothing."
"Yeah, I see that. At least that bitch knew when to close her mouth. Stop right there," he snapped when they were partially hidden by a tree."Who do you think you are coming here? What do you want? If you've come to take Gabe away then you have another thing coming. He's staying here, with me, where I can care for him. You'd only want him as a pawn. You-"
Suddenly Hunter started to laugh. It wasn't a joyful sound. It was rough and hollow. As if his vocal cords weren't used to the sound. It caused shivers to go up and down her spine.
"You're funny. You think you can tell me what I can and can't do? That's fucking hilarious!" He continued to laugh but then stopped as suddenly as he had started."You have no idea of what I'm capable of. You keep running your trap and I'll give you a small taste of what your mother got. Would you like that? I'm sure you would. Your mother did...at first. But then I grew bored with her and my friends wanted a go at her so I thought what the hell?" He shrugged his broad shoulders then flashed her what she thought was supposed to be a smile but looked more like a baring of the teeth.
He leaned closer to her. "But I don't think I'd share you...at least not until you begged me to."
"You think because your dressed like some want to be gangster and you roughed up a woman that I barely know that I'm going to be scared of you? That's my little brother in there. Why the hell would I just hand him off to you? So you can turn into a monster masquerading as a human being? So you can turn him into you?"
She knew she should be scared but all she could think about was Gabe growing up around this man, turning into this man and the thought sickened her enough to want to fight. To deny him the fear that he seemed to crave.Hunter looked down at his suit. "This suit cost me a pretty penny. Besides, I enjoy wearing suits. It's my signature." Flicking imaginary lint from his label he shrugged his shoulders. "I don't want the brat...at least not yet. He's too young and too vulnerable. He can stay with you for all I care. Well, he can stay with you until he's eighteen," he qualified.
He stared off somewhere over her right shoulder. "Look, I have enemies. Enemies that don't care that he's just a kid. They'd do anything to bring me down." He suddenly moved closer to her. "Promise me that you'll look out for him. Guard him for me until he's eighteen."
"And then what?" she snapped.
He stared down at her for a moment his face softened and his hand came up. It hovered near her cheek, as if he meant to caress it. "You remind me of her. She never backed down from me either. I would have married her but-" He seemed lost in another time, another place until he shook himself. His hand curled into a fist and dropped back down to his side.
"And then when he's eighteen he has responsibilities to the Hunter clan. He may not be mine but by the time I'm through grooming him no one will care about that."
"How am I supposed to raise him knowing what you have planned for him?"
"You better hope you instill some backbone into the boy and don't make him into a pansy. Besides that isn't the only thing I want from you."
"Did you really think you were going to get off that easy? She brought him here knowing that I would look for him. She put you in the middle of this intentionally. Janet makes herself into a martyr when in reality she's the heathen. She's always searching for the easy way out. Someone to take on her responsibility. What story did she tell you? How she lost all her money at my table and how I used her for payment?"
At Kaylee's nod he let out a bark of laughter.
"She strolled into my club and demanded to see me. Said she had something she wanted to discuss. Dropped a name and I knew what it was about. We talked. She left but the next day she came sniffing around again. When I told her to leave well, things got a little nasty." He sneered. "Your mother doesn't take rejection easily. Anyways, she did lose at my table but that was months later. So, I gave her two options. She took the first to pay me back. Brought me the money two weeks later. I don't know where she got it from but then she lost some more money at my table and it was at her suggestion that we came to our current arrangement."He leaned in close once again. "Seems as if your mother wants to kill me. And I don't blame her after what I did. But she's like a druggie. She keeps coming back to the source of her disease. It's a twisted dance we engage in but it seems as if neither one of us can break away. Anyways," he said leaning back. "That's not what I meant to tell you. What I want to know is how Hannah is staying so young. Most of her people don't last nearly as many cycles as she has. There's a rumor going on down in Sim City, that she's doing some sort of experiments in her labs. I heard you worked for her. It should be a snap for you to find out something for me."
"What? You want me to find out what her fountain of youth is?"
"I'm not getting any younger. I still have people to kill and money to get. I want that formula."
"And if I don't get it?"
He did that laugh again before he moved around her and started down the sidewalk. "If you don't then you might wake up one morning and not only find Gabe missing but your precious husband laying cold and lifeless next to you. How was that honeymoon by the way?"
Kaylee's heart stuttered and she quickly hurried after him. "Wait!"
He stopped then slowly turning around stared at her underneath the brim of his hat.
"Do we have a deal?""Promise me you won't hurt Ty or his family? Promise me you won't try and snatch Gabe before his eighteen?"
"I don't have to promise you anything...but I'll do it all the same. Tell you what, just because I'm in a generous mood, I'll leave some of my men here with you. As a token of faith."
"No!" she said horrified. She pictured some great hulking men following her every step and quickly shook her head.
"It wasn't really an option. You won't even see my men. And they have to stick around just in case."
"In case I don't stick to my end of the deal?" she snapped.
"In case those enemies I mentioned earlier come sniffing around your door. Now, do we have a deal?"
Kaylee slipped her hand into his his. He gave her hand a tight squeeze. "Don't even think of backstabbing me."
"I could say the same about you."
He gave a bark of laughter and it seemed to surprise him as he studied her. "God, you're just like her. If this wasn't between us I think I might have liked you. As it stands I don't dislike you either. I want reports every month. No matter how small. Got it?"Before she could reply he walked around her and walked the opposite way again.
She frowned. It was like he was trying to keep her off balance with his direction of travel. "Where are you going? How will I get in contact with you?""We'll talk about that later. Your husband is on his way out of the house now. And I don't want my men to put a bullet in his head because he's coming after me. I like his speed on the field."
Kaylee peered around her but couldn't see those 'men' that he kept talking about.
"Hey Kaylee?"
She realized that it was the first time he had said her name. "What?" she yelled down the sidewalk as she heard the front door slam open.
"Tell your grandfather I said hi. I did a favor for him a long time ago. I was just starting out you know. I needed some kinda revenue and it seemed like easy money to run over a man."
Feeling the bile rise in her throat Kaylee spun around and placed a trembling hand over her face."Kaylee! What's going on? Who was that? Babe? Babe?!"
It seemed as if Ty's voice was coming from the end of a tunnel as the sidewalk rushed up to met her. At the last moment she felt Ty's arms wrap around her. She looked up into his worried face.
"I think I just entered into a deal with the devil. I think I just agreed to help the man that killed my father."
Chapter is shorter than what I usually do but...I had to go for the drama at the end and it wouldn't have had the same effect if I would have continued on! Sooo....sorry! But...I do have a new link that should keep you amused! It's at the top of the blogger!:P
You're kill'n me! Does Janet know that he ran over Kaylee's father?
Phoenix, whatever became of Kaylee's grandmother? Terry's mother, not Janet's.
hehe, I can't wait to see Kaylee snooping around the lab for Mother's "fountain of youth". She doesn't seem like the type that would be good at snooping.
LOL Pen! Yeah she does...hence the whole 'she's like a druggie' sentence. Janet is so...warped right now it's not even funny!
A-HA!*yes, I held up a finger* Up coming chapter! I'm thinking chapter 25 or so.
And no, no she's not! In fact home girl is HORRIBLE at it! LOL!
Post soon! This is a good story and I wanna see Gabe grow up! Janet is evil! she knows and doesnt care!? And what are the 'duties' Gabe has to the Hunter 'clan'? uhg! I hate waiting for an update! BTW, How do you come up with all this DRAMA?!
Is this going to let me comment this time? -.-
Anywho... this story just keep getting better and better! I can't wait to see what happens next <3
LOL Ejanieey! I think I might update sooner than I thought since this was such a short chapter! I didn't realize how short until I posted it! :S
You'll see Gabe grow up! Hunter thinks because that is his son(possibly) that when he takes over he'll follow in his footsteps! Umm...yeah! Not so much with Gabe!
As for your last question I don't know! I have a general idea of what I'm going to do when I go into the game and shoot and scene but I don't have the dialogue down. I put the pics in the order I want them and then I just start to type! :P Some of the things that happens surprises ME! For instance I really had no intention of Janet leaving Gabe. I'd actually shot some scenes where she took Gabe with her and left Kaylee money but then I had to go in and reshoot some scenes when I realized where the story was heading!
Okay, I've bored you enough! Thanks for reading! Glad you enjoyed it!
Yuichen it didn't let you post?! What the heck! *Shakes fist at blogger*
Thanks so much! Next chapter is already done! It's scheduled for Tuesday but I might change it because this chapter was so short!! It was important to the story but still...LOL!!
I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks so much for reading and commenting!
OMG such a hot chapter. AAAAAAAAMAZING!!!!
Hot stuff goin down. I was wondering when something was going to force snooping in Hannah's business. And i agree shes sooo not the snooping type. Girls going to get caught. Nooooo doubt.
Glad to hear that Gabe isnt going to follow his possible daddies path. It seems like he would be a rebel being raised by her. Hope he isnt an ass though. And a good brother to his sister(im seeing a girl causing more issues than another boy ever could. based on ur writing anyways :D)
and dude has a square face. lol all the way around. square is everywhere haha
Thanks Sinclair! This chapter was pretty easy to write but I needed a reason to go snooping sooo...Hunter fit in nicely!:P
I don't plan on having Gabe being an issue for Kaylee. But than again plans change right? But I don't know how he's going to be when he gets older. *shrug*
Hey! I prefer the term 'chiseled'!! Hahaha! :P
Glad you liked this chapter. Keep your eyes peeled because I just might drop the next chapter sometime later this week since this was so short! ;)~
thank you! Kaylee is going to tell Ty what's going on! I hope that's what you meant when you left it where you did. Or least part of what's going on...
Hunter must have an incredible faith in genetics or something if he thinks he can swoop in and cart off an 18 year old man and "remake" him or whatever he thinks he can do. What a bunch of stuff he threw out there!
great chapter!!
Oh yeah...she can't hid this from him since he was standing right there!
Hunter thinks he can force everyone to anything he wants. Which, I'm sure, will lead to his downfall. For now Kaylee's going to play along. The last thing she wants is for Gabe to grow up around him.
Yeah, I didn't intend for all of that to happen but that stuff with Janet and her father was needed to move the story in the direction I'm taking it!
Glad you enjoyed it Beth!:)
Lovin' it!
Since this one was so short, there will be another one very soon, right? ;)
LOL Dawn! Yep, I actually just came out of game from setting up scenes for the next three or four chapters. That means after chapter 22! LOL!
Glad you're enjoying it! *psssttt* Your house is in the next chapter! YAY!!
I love how often you update, I can't believe you're almost ready to go with another one! Wish I still had that much drive :/
Anywho, yeah... Blogger wouldn't let me comment for like the last two chapters before this one. I tried to use my sims LJ name so you'd know who I was but it didn't want to let me.
Haha! Thanks! *shrug* The next chapter was shot weeks ago. I went into PSP and realized that I had way more shots that I thought soooo...haha! Plus, I'm single and no kids! I spend way too much time playing this game!:P
Sometimes Blogger can be a pain! *takes a breath* Oh yeah! I knew who you are! I had to stop myself from having a fan girl moment before I posted a comment! I LOVE your legacy! I got into it late so I was reading it like crazy and then I was too intimidated to comment! *rolls eyes and ends fan girl talk*
I'll have the next chapter up sometime this week. I just want to proofread one more time!:P
I'm finally here!!!!
WOW.... I don't know what to say...
that Hunter has to be crazy, like if Gabe would just want to abandon Kaylee and go live with him...
come on!!! He will be 18, there is no way he would join him free will, I bet he will use some nasty things to drag Gabe along his side... anyway.. there is still a long time to get there....
Thanks god!!! Kaylee did tell Ty what was happening, I would have hated it if she kept the secret!!!
Great chapter, now onto the next one!!! Wonderful update !!!
Haha!! Hey Sandy! No worries! I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter.
I'm slowly evolving Kaylee's character where she doesn't keep EVERYTHING a secret! There relationship wouldn't last that long if she did!
Hunter thinks because he runs the people in his circle he can run everyone...we'll see how that goes for him!:P
You have created a completely despicable character in Hunter. One glimmer of a heart when he says he won't take Gabe and then slams you with a selfish remark about grabbing him when he is 18...having "family" obligations. And he ran down Terry...OMG what a heartbreaking thing for her to know.
It should be amusing to see her try to spy on Hannah...great chapter.
Thanks Gayl! That's exactly what I wanted! Haha! I know right? I mean, I know he wasn't always like that(I did give him that back story:P) but still. To give hope and then snatch it away? Just wrong!
Yeah, I have no idea where that came from...it just seemed to flow with the story and when I wrote it I was like yeah, yeah! That's IT!
Haha! That chapter is finished. Just have to do some editing. I'm not happy with a couple of the pics(I got a new monitor so they look kinda weird to me) but it will be up on Tuesday!
Thanks for reading Gayl!
Woo hoo, I'm almost caught up! :D
And that was just as interesting as I thought it would be and then some. At least he doesn't want Gabe right now but what a crock that his entire life, Kaylee will know 'that' day is coming. I wonder if she will tell Gabe or keep it from him.
And now she has to spy on Hannah too! Now that should be funny! Great chapter as always!
LOL Emily!
Yeah can you imagine Hunter taking care of a toddler? So doesn't fit his image! I don't think he would know what to do...and he knows Kaylee will.
Kaylee spying on Hannah! Had me cracking up!:P
Thanks for reading Emily!
How did I get behind again? LOL! Anyway, I was riveted, I love a good bad guy, and Hunter is that, but he also speaks his mind.
I think Kaylee is in over her head, now she has to spy?
And see will be keeping Ty in the dark I wonder??
Off to read more, good update!
Haha Kaylee truly isnt afraid of much is she, LOL! Loved how she immediately came to her defenses when he said Janet could use a little of her spunk!
LOL! I can almost envision Hunter looking down at his suit sadly, especially after he paid so much for it. 80) At least he doesnt want to take Gabe just yet. ARGH! I hope little Gabe gives it to the man and becomes a good kid!!!
He must really think he's got it to think that he could just swoop in later in the years and turn Gabe into a mini him. 80)
Creepy that she reminds him of his one true love. I wonder if possibly it will help him to protect her with his life??? although that certainly isnt the protection I would want. 80)
OMG! He was her fathers killer!!!! No crap she just made a deal with the Devil!
Great update, no off to the next. 80)
Haha! Kaylee just goes with her emotions and shoots from the hip! I haven't decided if that's a good thing or not!
I love me some Hunter! I mean, I like his LOOKS! His character on the other hand...
Thanks Cherie!:)
LOL! I actually kinda like Hunter, um... other than his character, LOL! he seems like an almost decent guy. ;-)
I know EXACTLY what you mean Cherie! I might just have to use him in another story!:P
Why did she agree anyway? I didn't get that part - she's always been such a fighter - suddenly she folds? There it is again - her tendency to keep problems to herself and not share with Ty - Ty and his parents could have figured something out...
Yikes - poor Gabe if that's really his biological dad.
True but...she wants Gabe to grow up differently than she did. She wants him to have a normal, happy childhood and she knows if she didn't agree with Hunter she'd always, ALWAYS have to watch her back to make sure he didn't snatch Gabe away.
It was a no-win situation all the way around!