"I was wondering when you were going to come home."
Ty froze on the porch steps. He had been lost in thought and hadn't even realized that Kaylee was on the porch. Climbing the rest of the way up the stairs he cleared his throat as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"We need to talk," he said as he stood a distance away from her. He noticed that her hands tightened until her knuckles were white. She refused to meet his eyes and instead stared off into space.
"I know," she whispered.
Taking a step closer he blew out a breath. "What you did was foolish and not only put yourself in danger but our unborn child. What would you have done if Hannah or Winston had found you? Karrick tells me that Hannah is a master in several martial arts skills. It may not look like it but she's dangerous. And Winston? That man is out of his fucking mind to begin with and add on his hatred of you because you're in the position he wants?"
Ty took another step toward her. "But that's not the worse thing. I wouldn't have known where you were. What had happened to you. I would have been left floundering, relaying on a man who doesn't give a shit about you, to try and find my wife. My wife! Jesus Kaylee, would you look at me?"
Her head whipped around. "What do you want me to say Ty? I made a mistake? That I had an error in judgement? That I obviously wasn't thinking right? Because I can say all those things but-"
"No, that's not what I want. What I want is for you to realize that you have people depending on you Kaylee. You are not indispensable. Do you think Gabe could handle losing someone that he loves yet again? Do you think that I can lose someone that I love and be totally okay? I don't think you realize that I would snap Hunter's fucking neck and destroy Hannah and Winston without blinking an eye if anything happened to you. Christ, it makes me physically ill to even think about losing you."
"Ty, I was trying to protect my family. To protect you and Gabe."
"Kaylee, I'm going to say this once and one time only. I don't care how macho this sounds or how much it offends you but I will take care of you. It's my right as a man and a husband to protect you. What kind of man would I be if I let my wife take unnecessary risks and be okay with it?"
Ty could feel himself getting worked up again. Taking a deep breath he took the final step toward Kaylee. Reaching down he pulled her up. "Come on, I have something I want you to see. This wasn't how I planned it but..."
His voice trailed off as he tugged her along after him."When did you get this car?" Kaylee asked as she shut the door behind her.
"I traded my truck in this morning for this. It's more family friendly," he said as he rounded the hood. He came to a stop beside her as she looked around them.
"Why are we here?"
She eyed Ty as he shuffled his feet back and forth then he shrugged sheepishly. "Look, I know how much you loved the old house and I know I said we would make memories in the new house but..."
He puffed out his cheeks. "Look, this house just got on the market. A realtor called me a few days ago and wanted to know if we were still looking for a house. When I told him no he suggested that we come out here and take a look at it just to make sure. I figured that he was just trying to make a sales pitch so I did a quick drive by when I had an afternoon free. This is it Kaylee. This," he said with a wave of his hand, "This is home.""What?" Kaylee was confused for a moment and then comprehension dawned. Gaping at Ty she looked from him to the house and back again. A startled sob broke free and she clamped a hand over her mouth. Swallowing, eyes brimming with tears, she took a step closer to a horrified looking Ty.
"This is our house? What about the house we just brought?"
Ty hesitantly took her hand. "Are these happy tears or sad tears?" he asked cautiously.
Giving a watery laugh she gripped his hand in hers before bringing it to her mouth and placing a kiss on his knuckles. "These are happy tears you idiot," she said before slipping into his arms. She felt the tension ease from his body.
"I am sorry that I worried you earlier," she whispered. "I promise I won't do it again...at least not intentionally."
Bending down he gave her red nose a small kiss. "And I promise that if you do I'll make your ass as red as your nose."
He laughed when she swatted at him. "As for the house we just brought we hadn't signed yet but I've given the realtor a sizable bonus for her troubles." They stood staring at the house for another minute before Ty bundled her back into the car headed to the doctor's office for their appointment.
Serenity Cove Hospital"Are you sure you don't need any help getting up there? I can-" Ty reached out to help Kaylee but froze when she glared at him before settling back into the chair.
"I'm not that huge yet Ty," she exclaimed before straightening her shirt over her distended stomach.
"Of course you aren't," he said soothingly, holding up his hands. "I just thought I would try to help you up. Sometimes I have trouble getting up on the examining tables when the physicians want check me out. The paper you know? It's always so slippery and..."
His voice trailed off when Kaylee stared up at him with an unreadable expressions. Grinning sheepishly he looked around the room.It was brightly lit and the walls weren't that sterile white or the nasty green that he had been expecting. Actually everything looked to be in working order. This was the first time that he'd been able to make it to one of Kaylee's doctor visits. It had completely slipped his mind with the move and all but then his phone had gone off while he was walking and thinking. Startled, he had looked down to see the alert telling him about the appointment. Even if he couldn't physically be there he did like to listen in to what the doctor had to say. He realized he was prowling around the room only when Kaylee instructed him to sit down. Grabbing a chair he lifted it up and set it down next to her.
"Ty! You can't move things around," she hissed shooting a look at the door.
"Why not?" he asked as he gave the doctor's stool a nudge with his foot to send it across the room before sitting down.
"Because everything is set up the way that they want it."
"Now it's set up the way I want it. So, this doctor seems pretty cool huh? I mean the few times you've allowed me to talk to him he's seemed pretty down to earth. Low key and all right? He doesn't make you uncomfortable or anything does he? Because if he does we can-"
"Ty...are you nervous?"
"Fuck yeah," he said with a laugh before scrubbing a hand over his face.
"Why?" she asked curiously peering over at him.
"I have no idea. I've always hated hospitals ya know? They make me uncomfortable." He rolled his shoulders and his fingers tapped the top of his thighs in a rapid tempo. His leg jiggled nervously.
"It'll be okay," she said soothingly reaching over and patting his arm. "Dr. Veszerk is very competent and he'll answer any questions you have. After all he's been doing this for a VERY long time."
"Right, right." Ty blew out a breath but shot out of his chair and was half way across the room when a knock sounded on the door."Kaylee, how nice to see-"
"Hey, Dr. Veszerk is it? How are you? How's everything going?"
Kaylee smothered a smile when Dr. V looked up from where Ty was enthusiastically shaking his hand to roll his eyes at her. Somehow he was finally able to pull his hand from Ty's grip.
"Mr. Jameson, it's a pleasure to finally met you in the flesh. Why don't you have a seat and you may ask me any questions you might have."
Inwardly Kaylee groaned. This was going to be a long visit."So," Dr. Veszerk said some fifteen minutes later. "A little caffeine never hurt anyone Ty."
"But the book said-"
Dr. V flapped his hand in the air. "The book never had to live with a pregnant, hormonal woman looking to get her chocolate fix on. Look, as long as Kaylee doesn't pig out on fatty or sugary foods I really don't see any problem. Trust me Ty, Kaylee will be fine as will the baby. Now," he said turning to Kaylee. "How have you been feeling?"
"Wonderful. I actually think I felt the baby kick yesterday but the books said that that wouldn't happen for a couple more months."
Once again he flapped his hand in the air. Out the corner of her eye Kaylee could see Ty frown.
"Look, those books are more like guidelines. What do you think women did centuries ago before all these helpful books come out? They played it by ear that's what they did and somehow the population grew."
"There were also women dying on tables and infections. Not mention the large amount of stillborn babies and-"
Kaylee and Doctor V shared a look as Ty went on a monologue about the woes of eighteen century pregnancy.Twenty minutes later Doctor V and Ty were now engaged in a discussion over bed rest versus field labor. They had someone how veered off the beaten path, Kaylee thought as she listened to them shoot off statements left and right. She sighed and both men stopped talking to look down at her.
"Are you okay babe?" Ty asked instantly contrite. "Look Doctor V is a great doctor. He's going to do a wonderful job of taking care of you and the baby. Don't worry."
Kaylee stared at him in amazement. Hadn't she told him the same thing nearly an hour before? She was tempted to start thumping her head against the back of the chair when she glanced over at the doc to see him fighting back laughter. His red eyes gleamed and his mouth trembled before he cleared his throat.
"Alright, let's put this jelly your stomach and see what the baby is up to in there. Lift up your shirt for me Kaylee."
Kaylee did as instructed. She watched Ty as he watched everything the doctor was doing. The doctor put the instrument to her stomach and instantly they could hear the quick thumping of the baby's heart.
"Are you wanting to know the sex of the baby? I might be able to see what we're working with here if-"
Ty looked down at Kaylee and saw her gnawing on her lip. Grinning he shook his head. "That's okay Doc. We want to be surprised. Just let us know if everything is okay."
"Well, why don't you have a look for yourselves," he said as he wiped off Kaylee's stomach. Getting up he pressed a button on the machine and then turned it fully toward them."Look at our baby," Ty said before he reached out with a trembling hand and touched the screen. "Look at our baby," he whispered. He looked down and smiled in wonderment. "Can you believe that we created something so perfect? Look at its little head. Gosh," he whispered looking back at the screen.
Kaylee noticed the sheen of tears over his eyes and without a word slipped her hand into his.While they had been at the doctor's Frances, Damon and Kava had moved all their things into their new beach house. The layout was pretty much the same since the same contractor that had built that house had built this one as well. The next morning Kaylee decided to head upstairs and unpack some of those boxes first.
She worked steadily for a few hours then decided that she was going to do one last box before calling it quits. Opening a box at random she froze when she looked down at the contents.
Laying on top of some old bottles of alcohol was a pink night gown. A baby nightgown. This was one of the old boxes she had been lugging around since she was eighteen. One of the boxes that Janet had left behind but one that Kaylee had never had the courage to throw away or look into. Taking a steadying breath she started to pull everything out of the box.Before she knew it was she surrounded by odds and ends. Most of the things were baby items that brought back hazy memories. Especially the bumble bee. She could remember playing with it vaguely. There was an old makeup case, some books, sports items, old CD's...it seemed as if the contents had been thrown haphazardly into the box without regard for what it was. She reached to open a small case, wondering what she would find in there but her gaze caught on the stack of books that she had piled in front of her. She hadn't noticed it before or maybe they had slipped out when she had stacked them but a pile of letters were half in and half out of the bottom book.
Getting up she bent awkwardly over to reach for the letters. She could see the return address was from someone named Kiki but she couldn't see the last name and she couldn't see who the letters were addressed to. Her knee bumped the top book and it fell off the stack jarring all the rest of the books. The shifting of the books allowed her to clearly see the letter on top and she snatched her hand back.
"Hey babe, I think you should take a break now. You've been up...Kaylee? What's wrong?"
Kaylee stared down at the letters in confusion. "All these letters...they're addressed to me."
Okay, this wasn't supposed to be the next chapter. As a matter of fact I had no CLUE that I was going to do this chapter BUT...
SIMCERE BUILT ME A BEACH HOUSE!!!! *coughs* *Bows down to her great building skills* Yes, yes she did! So it made sense for me to move them into THIS house before they unpacked and...this chapter is what I came up with yesterday.
Also, my schedule is changing for the next month. I'll be working nights which means that most likely updates will be posted during the day. So, yeah, I think that's all the daily bulletins.
Oh...because this was an unexpected chapter I will most likely post the next chapter sometimes this week as well!
This is soo good.
TY is soo cute.
I love the preggo clothes!
But I wish Gabe was in this one. I love him but I can see why he didn't fit.
Janet!! *shakes fist* Why was she hoarding all of those letters from Kaylee's grandmother?
Ty is so soft and squishy. I just want to give him a hug! Even if he is a total spaz. But he has been dealing with serious, life-changing events back to back recently.
So what are their plans for the first house they bought? Are they going to re-sell? Or rent it? Ooo there could be some potential drama there- Ty and Kaylee the Landlords.
B.K...LETTERS!! Dun, dun, dun!!!
This wasn't how I intended to introduce them but...*shrug* It works!:P
Ty IS adorable, I'm always on the look out for new preggo clothes for Kaylee and yeah Gabe totally wouldn't have fit into this story but he'll get some screen time in Chapter Twenty Five...I think!
Serious Pen?! Why does Janet do ANYTHING she does?! You know this! LOL!!
He is soft! Haha! He can't help himself! And when I try to make him stand offish and out of character it just feels...out of character! O_o
I haven't decided yet! Maybe they'll keep it for the kids or something! *shrug* maybe they'll tear it down and build something there! Who knows...but I know they can't be landlords! LOL! Can you IMAGINE that? Ty would be over there all the time fixing things that people needed fixing just because!
You kill me!:P
You fixed it up nice outside! Can't wait to see what you did to the inside! And, what's with the letters?? The suspense, oh my...
Ok, wow, another cliff hanger. Leave my curiosity dangling!
I am so impressed with your photos. What a spectacular job.
Thanks Simcere! Just added some more flowers and a gravel like path way! Haven't decided what else I want to do but more shots will be inside so you can see what I did! I'll probably post those to my other journal!:) Thanks once again for the house!
LOL! I had to leave y'all wondering!:P
LOL Forestpixie! Are you really surprised with the cliffhangers? If I DIDN'T leave a cliffhanger than you'd have something to worry about! Hahaha!
Aww, thanks! I just try and capture the best way I can! Still fiddling around with PSP! Thanks so much!
Glad you enjoyed this chapter!
Great shots, hysterical OB/GYN scene, and fascinating final turn!
The house is darling! Beautifully designed!
Great update! I'm glad you're switching it around and including a lot of sweet and funny moments along with the darker ones -- wonderful writing!
Thanks Beth! I figured Ty would be all OVER the doc if he ever got a chance! LOL! He cracks me up!
Thanks! I just asked Simcere if she would be able to do a beach house based off the Newel house and TA-DA this is what she came up! Her building skills always astound me!
Ty and Kaylee don't know how to be totally dark. They moved in to the new house and the first thing they did was woo-hoo on the hammock! Good times, good times!:P
ooh! it's the grandparents! it's about time you brought them back!
I just started reading on the series, and they are very beautifully written. And I to think it's the grandparents because why else would her mother hide the letters from Kaylee :D
LOL LaToya! My lips are sealed but I will say you're not the first person who felt that way!:P
Thanks Twilight! I really appreciate it!
Why indeed!? But we all know Janet and why does she do ANYTHING? Not Chapter 24. but 25, will reveal who the letters are from!
Thanks so much for reading! Glad you're enjoying it!
Yaaaay! And that's all.
LOL Andy! You crack me up! Glad you enjoyed it!
Great update Cheryl! The whole scene at the OB reminded me of the first ultrasound with my hubby *sobs* such a beautiful, tender moment! It is funny but sweet how gushy guys can be about that kind of thing! :D
And to end with the letters! You are certainly the queen of the cliffhangers! Keeping us on the edge of our seat!
Great job, I loved it!
Love that Ty is so engaged in Kaylee and her pregnancy, an alien Doctor...hmmm.I would go running, but in this town, it is normal, LOL! Love all the clutter on the floor, nice touch!
And the letters is an interesting twist!
Very enjoyable mate!
OMG!!!! the doctor's scene was fantastic!!!
back to scene1: I'm glad Ty made his point clear... Kaylee did mess up badly by going to Hannah's by herself..
A new house!!! lol it looks lovely... I hope it will bring a lot of happiness and joy and adventures to their lives! :D
and those letters? Grandma's letterS? I can't believe Janet.. she is full of surprises, she is a monster....
poor Kaylee, I wonder if she will contact her grandparents... I don't know if I would..
Wonderful update!
LOL Emily! I know! One of these days I'm not going to end with a cliffhanger! I promise!:P
I know! I took it from people I know and movies I've seen since I don't have any first hand experience! So glad it rang true!
Glad you enjoyed it!
Karen, Ty can't help himself. In all things dealing with Kaylee he is engaged. It's like it's imprinted on his DNA or something! Haha!
It so is! But since he's been doing it for so long they should feel comfortable right? LOL!!
Thanks! I had a tough time deciding what I was going to put on the floor! I have WAY too much Clutter CC! I have too much CC period!:P
The letters....those letters will open up a whole new avenue for Kaylee.
Thanks Karen!
Haha! Thanks Sandy! I really enjoyed the doctor scene! I was grinning while I was writing it! LOL!!
Yes, she did! And I couldn't just let her get away from that fact! I felt that Ty really needed to have a heart to heart with her to help her understand what she did wasn't really necessary in the scheme of things! Although she did find out some good information!
The house is lovely! I can't wait to decorate the inside! :)
Janet never shows her whole hand!
I don't know...I might just to ask a couple of questions! Thanks Sandy!
Kaylee, Kaylee, Kaylee - so infuriating! But loveable :-)
And how sweet of Ty to get a duplicate Beach House built!
I bet those are letters from her grandpa/grandma that Janet never opened...
P.S. Where've Ty's parents disappeared to?
LOL!! I know! Somtimes I just want her to do something but then I have to think that it would be TOTALLY our of character for her. Although since she IS preggo I might be able to use that as an excuse! Haha!
I loved my beach house and I loved the new one so Simcere was good enough to build merge the two and build me this fabulous place! YAY!! Haha!
Dun, dun, dun! Last two questions are answered in the next chapter!