>> December 2, 2008 –
Ravensworth Legacy

He nodded cutting her off. "I wanted to get you a puppy or a kitten so you'd have someone to come home to when I'm on the road. I don't ever want you to be lonely again Kaylee. So," he waved his hand. "Pick one."
Nibbling on her lip Kaylee looked around the store before shaking her head. "I want to adopt one from the shelter. I want to get one that no one else wanted."
Ty stared at her a moment then pulled her into his arms. "Of course. Let's go."

He shook his head. "He's going to have you wrapped around his paws."
Kaylee shrugged. "I'm okay with that," she said over her shoulder as she started back to the house.

"I thought he might be hungry," she said.
"Trust me, that little bugger knows where his food bowl is. Let him get used to the house Kaylee. You'll have plenty of time to play with him tomorrow." He leaned up to see Buster licking her fingers and a radiant expression on her face. "Or," he said with a defeated sigh as he laid back down, "You can play with him right now."
He didn't know how much time had past but he must have dozed. He stirred when he felt the bed dip and Kaylee curl around him. He grinned when she pressed a kiss to his shoulder.
"Thank you," she whispered.
Rolling over he pushed her on to her back so he could peer at her face. The moon gave her skin an ethereal appearance. Cupping her face he rubbed his thumb back and forth over her cheek. This is what it felt like, he thought in amused amazement. This is the love that his parents shared, the love that had endured for so many years. The love that he had always wanted for himself.
"What?" she whispered reaching up to wrap her hand around his wrist.
Shaking his head he slowly leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her mouth before shifting to the side and curling around her. "Get some sleep. Buster is probably going to wake us up early tomorrow."

Kaylee yawned and rubbed at her eyes before closing the book. Buster had woken up early this morning and had refused to go back to sleep. That is until they were wide awake. She absently glanced to the side before doing a double take.
Ty stood there, doing a ridiculous pose, in what had to be his new football uniform. The jersey stretched over his broad shoulders which were made even broader by the padding underneath. His pants,leggings...whatever you wanted to call them, hugged his large thighs. Kaylee swallowed dryly. Of course she had watched Ty play football in college but this...this was completely different.
"Wow," she whispered faintly then burst out laughing when he struck another silly pose. Grinning he walked over and sat down on the couch.

"Number fourteen huh?"
"So, when do you leave for training?"
Ty flung his arm over the back of the couch and she could hear his fingers doing a rapid tempo through the cushions. Her heart froze in her chest for a moment and she stopped breathing.
He let out a groan. "Coach called me this morning when you were out with Buster. We're leaving out tomorrow for training camp."
"What?" she wheezed out. She had thought that they'd have a few more weeks before he left. True, she started work in less than a week but they would have still had time to just enjoy being together before he starting having to travel across the country. Wondering why her fingers had went numb she looked down to see that her hands were squeezed into fists.
"Hey," Ty said as he slid off the couch and crouched at her feet. He gripped her calves. "Look at me."

"Kaylee, babe, I don't know what to tell you. It blindsided me too but...this is an opportunity that few people get. To play in the NFL. I may not want to do this for the rest of my life but at this particular point in time I can honestly say that I can't imagine doing anything else. But, I won't do it if-"
Reaching down she pressed a finger to his lips. "How can you even think of giving up your dream for me when you've given me so much?" Removing her finger from his mouth she brushed a hand over his head.
"How can you give up something that so much a part of you?" she whispered.
"Because you're a much bigger part," he said without hesitation. "And don't start crying!" he exclaimed as he watched her lower lip tremble. "If you start crying I swear Kaylee I'll leave right now."
She gave a watery laugh and blinked rapidly. Ty was so much like his father. He hated to see a woman cry. Sucking in a breath she nudged him with her foot. He stood and she followed suit. Studying him she brushed wrinkled out of his uniform.
"You look like the star quarterback of the Serenity Cove Pirates. And I couldn't be more proud."
Wrapping her arms around his waist she rested her chin on his chest as she looked up at him. "Yeah. Now get out of the uniform so we can hang out on the beach."

"What? I can't hear you!" she exclaimed over the roar of the waves before she lobbed the ball. She hid a grin as Ty leapt to the side to try and get it. She bit the inside of of her cheek when the ball hit the water.
Ty stood with his hands on his hips as he watched the ball sink under the waves. Spinning around he barreled toward Kaylee. Ignoring her shrieks he tossed her over his shoulder then headed back toward the water.
"Don't even think-Ahhhhhhhh!"
"Cold isn't it?" he asked before he started to roar with laughter. "Oomph!" His laughter was cut off when the football hit him square in the stomach. He looked from it to a smirking Kaylee. "Why you little sneak!"
She shrugged. "What can I say? You look like a Greek god getting out of the water."
Arching his eyebrow he studied her. She had insisted on wearing a wife beater over her bikini top but now that she was soaking wet it was see through and her nipples were saluting him. He rubbed his mouth with the back of his hand.
"And you look like a wet dream!"
"TYRESE!" She exploded out of the water to chase after a hysterically laughing Ty.

He shook his head absently and with a smile she headed into the house.

"Who was that?" she asked as she finished walking down the stairs. Ty turned and smiled at her before shrugging.
"Don't know," he said slipping an arm around her shoulder. "She said she was a fan." He bent down and ran his tongue down her neck. "Hmm...you taste salty."
"It's the ocean. What did she want?"
Ty peered down at her. "What every woman wants. A piece of my hot bod!" He waggled his eyebrows making her snort. He chuckled. "But I told her this little slice of heaven," he gestured to his body, "was already taken." He bent down once again and nibbled on her ear.
"Want me to take you to heaven again babe?"
Latching onto his wrist she responded by dragging him into the house.

"Good morning," he said as he placed a kiss on her neck.
"Good morning. Sit down and eat before these things get cold."

"I understand."
He chewed in silence for a moment before he cleared his throat. "I'll call you every day."
"Don't," she chocked out. "That will only make me miss you even more."
"I have to hear your voice Kaylee. Don't ask me not to call you."
She nodded. "Okay, but if you can't get me hear try the lab alright?"
They finished breakfast talking about mundane thing before Ty shoved back his seat. "I gotta go."
"I know."
They walked to the door in silence.

"Show me your beautiful smile," he demanded as he reached out and touched her chin.

She swallowed past the knot in her throat. "And I'll miss you ever second until then."
"You'd better."

Buster barked and Ty nodded before passing him to Kaylee.
"I love you," she said before he could open his mouth.
He grinned. "I love you too babe. Now go back into the house and try to get some more rest. You look a little tired."
She shook her head. "No, I want to see you off."
He sighed. "I'll call you when I get there."

Awww how long is he going to be away? What is Kaylee going to do with herself? She barely even knows anyone in that town!
I really like the new site layout. The banner is so bright and summery. I miss the summer. Summer, come baaacckkk!
I haven't decided that yet! I have ideas for the next two chapters! It's actually written(in my head) I just have to go in and take the shots! And he's really not needed in that storyline sooo...he might make a cameo!:P
As for Kaylee...she SERIOUSLY hates meeting new people! She always does that point at chest, look at me with a Do I have to? type face, that sims give you when they don't want to do something!
But...she's going to work so she'll be around people! Haha! She has no choice!!
LOL! Penelope you crack me up!! haha! Thanks! I really liked that shot hence the new banner!:P They live on a beach! I am SOOO taking advantage of that!
I absolutely love this! The relationship between the two of them is so loving, so sexy, so perfect. Afraid to hope that nothing is going to go wrong...and the new puppy is perfect! Those things never sleep!
Your shots are always so perfect...
Thanks Beth! Those two are are too much for me sometime! I was just in game plotting out shots for the next two chapters! I'm afraid there's going to be some trouble in paradise, ie Serenity Cove, in the near future!
And thanks for the compliment on my shots! Let me tell you! I have SEVERE motion sickness and the camera hack I use sometimes makes me feel ill the way it zooms so I'm careful to make sure I set up everything just so so I don't have to keep zooming around! LOL!
Another great update... I hope a month will go by really fast... I don't want them to be away from each other, I'm just thinking that Janet will show up now that Ty is not around to protect Kaylee... I hope she wont be back yet.. or at all... she is not needed...
but I agree with Penelope, lol what will Kaylee do without Ty?
Really nice pictures, but your shots are always great! :D
I love the 3rd. pic starting from the bottom, it just looks to me like Ty is about to turn around and say he wont be leaving... or like if Kaylee will just run after him and give him a kiss... lol I'm just a romantic.... the expression in their faces says it all...
Great chapter!!! Bravo
Thanks Sandy! Weeeellll...I already have ideas for the next two chapters and they don't include Ty sooo...he might force his way in! Who knows with that one! LOL!
Kaylee is finally going to go to WORK!! LOL! That's what she moved down there for! Haha! Enough lazing about the house!
I thought about it for a brief second but then I realized Ty HAD to go to training camp because...that's what football players do! LOL! Don't worry! He'll be back! He can't stay away that long! :P
Enjoy your trip Sandy! Have a great holiday!
This was so wonderful! They have such a sweet relationship and the puppy is adorable! Some of those poses were fantastic and the scene on the beach...well I loved when he tossed her in the water.
Great job! Poor Kaylee is going to be lonely but she starts her new job so there should be some excitement there!
This whole beginning sounds so much like me with the exception that I didn’t go to a shelter. Wanted to but fell in love with the first puppy I saw. LOL! Especially in regards to the whole getting up at all hours of the night to ensure my “baby” was safe and secure. 8D Ty is so absolutely sweet, always thinking of her, I am in utter awe and at the same time sitting here going AWWWW!!!! LOL!
OK I must be in a feminine mood because your whole description of Ty’s feelings made me go DOUBLE AWWW! 8D, Alright I am being sappy, *grumble* lol 80) And HAHAHAHA that pose is 100% perfect, so Ty without being stuck up.
At this point I hate you, LOL!!! Not really but the entire conversation between Kay and Ty made me literally get tears. 80) and I pride myself on being strong, LOL! Poor Kaylee and poor Ty how ever are they going to get along without the other. Although I am sure you are going to tell us, and I am sure that he will remain FAITHFUL! LOL! Sorry Cant help it.
I absolutely loved her reaction to the witch trying to get in on her man! Especially when he told her off! So wonderful, I have literally no doubt now that he is utterly and completely tossed for Kaylee. YIPEEE!!!! And how absolutely um… for lack of a better explanation WONDERFUL! That she prepared all his favorites.
Wonderful Update, your writing is astounding, your screens breathtaking, BRAVO!!!
Thanks Gayl! I want a puppy! He's so freakin cute! LOL!
I was watching them play football and I realized that Kaylee can toss a ball! And then I just decided to have fun with it!:P
Yep, I've already got some shots for the next chapter. Should be fun!
Thanks for reading and commenting!:)
Hahaha! Cherie, I want a puppy so bad! I have my guinea pigs and those are my babies but they don't really enjoy a cuddle ya know! *sigh* I did rescue one of them so I just added that here!:P
Awwww...thaks Cherie! I'm telling you if they were real people they'd probably make me sick! LOL!! They're just so sweet! And if I didn't pay any attention they'd probably have a ton of kids right about now! Hahaha!
Ya know...I was toying with the concept of Ty 'wandering' but I decided that wasn't him. It wouldn't be in his character and besides...his parents would kill him!! So, no worries on that front...at least I don't have that in mind!:)
Ohh...that was all Ty when he rejected her! I had her go up and flirt to see and he did that so I snapped a pic!
Thanks for your comments Cherie! It makes writing this story more fun when I know people are enjoying it!:)
Awww, such a tearful goodbye! Can't wait to see what happens now that Kaylee is going to work. Crossing my fingers that nothing bad happens while he's away!
The puppy was adorable and you described all of that perfectly. They do make you feel like they're your baby! :D
Great chapter, still playing catch up, lol! But I'm really enjoying the ride!
I HAD to get a dog! I have Pets but I never really use it so I figured why not?! Besides...I want a dog so I'm living vicariously through them!:P
I'm glad you're enjoying it!:)
Well, of course they had to adopt from the shelter! I was a bit surprised that Ty didn't figure it out earlier...
If it were someone else, I'd wonder if he can be faithful, but I think that Ty has proven himself...
I guess this gives you the opportunity to write some phone sex in? ;-)
LOL!! LOL!! Hahaha!!! Ohhh...I hadn't thought of that!!! Darn it!! Next trip away I'm doing it! Seriously!