Smothering her sobs Kaylee let the hot water beat down on her as her numb mind tried to wrap around the fact that she was more than likely pregnant. She hadn't planned for this. Hell, she hadn't really given it much thought. If she were honest with herself she knew the reason she had even avoided thinking about having kids was because of Janet. Subconsciously she worried that she might have some of the same traits as Janet but consciously she knew they were on opposite ends of the spectrum.
Lifting her face she let the water rinse away her tears. She had just reached up to turn the nozzle a little more toward the hot side when she heard babbling outside the door. A grin crossed her lips. Gabe.
A few days ago he had learned how to get out of his crib and now he would search the entire house until he found her. His babbling grew more insistent. Shaking off her melancholy Kaylee turned the water off with a quick twist of her wrist and got out of the shower. Grabbing a towel she wrapped it around herself before she opened the door. Looking down she saw Gabe gnawing on his hand. He looked up at her and grinned before lifting up his arms to reach for her.
"Let's get you dressed. Frances and Damon are coming by to pick us up to see their new house," she said after glancing at the bedside clock. She had just finished feeding the both of them when a horn honked outside."I'm worried about her Damon. She doesn't smile as much as she used to," Fran said as she looked in the rear view mirror.
"Leave the girl alone Frances. Need I remind you that you weren't the most cheerful person while you were pregnant?"
Fran frowned. "I was to cheerful," she argued.
Damon turned and looked at her in astonishment. "Are you kidding me? You were like that chick in The Poltergeist. The slightest thing would set you off and you were either insanely happy or constantly crying. It was horrible."
"Then why'd you want to have another baby?" she snapped in annoyance.
Damon winked at her and reaching over Gabe's head ran a hand down her cheek. "I never said you weren't sexy pregnant. Plus...trying was half the fun." Before Fran could comment he reached down and hit the horn several times. Glancing in the rear view mirror he noticed that Kaylee didn't even move out of the bed of the truck. She appeared lost in thought.She was lost in the thought. She was trying to remember when her last period had been. She wasn't the most regular of people so she couldn't even accurately guess the date of conception. She and Ty were meticulous about birth control. She was on the pill and Ty wore condoms...except for a time or two that they had gotten carried away. Heaving a sigh Kaylee started when she heard Gabe shrieking in laughter. Looking around she realized that they had stopped. Hopping out the bed of the truck, Damon had brought it back from Pleasantview with him, she absently took a reaching Gabe from Damon while she studied the house that they had brought.
She shook her head when Damon swept Frances into his arms and carried her into the house as she grinned happily up at him. Buster yipped at her feet before he trotted off to go exploring. Kaylee decided to do the same. She didn't get very far when she was stopped by the stunning view from the adjoining patio area.
She didn't know how long she stood there holding Gabe as they both watched the waves ebb and flow until she heard Damon calling her name.
"Come away from that window little girl! Fran's making breakfast. You need to eat something...you're losing weight."
Smiling, she shook her head and followed after him."This house is huge," she said as she slipped into a chair beside Damon. He took his eyes from where Fran was cooking and nodded.
"Yeah, we figured that this would be a great place to raise grandkids."
Kaylee blushed when he stared pointedly at her. She cleared her throat. "Well, there will be plenty of room for that."
"Yes, if you and Ty decide that you want more children," Fran said as she flipped a pancake. "Isn't that right Damon?"
Damon winked at Kaylee before he turned back to his wife. "Sure hon. Shoot, we're not that old. We could fill this house up with little brothers or sisters for Ty."
Fran didn't even blink. "Sure we can...as soon as you start being able to have them."
Kaylee laughed and it was Fran's turn to wink at her. "You hungry?"
In response Kaylee's stomach growled. "I haven't been able to keep anything down," she said by way of explanation.
"Oh honey, you don't have to tell me. I remember when..."
Over breakfast Fran told her stories about her own pregnancy with Damon interjecting every now and again between feeding himself and making sure Gabe got just as much food in his stomach as he did all over his clothes. Fran had just launched into another story, this one about Damon in the delivery room, when Kaylee's cell phone, the phone Ty had insisted that she get, rang.Glancing down at the window she frowned at the unknown number. Excusing herself from the table she walked a little distance away before flipping the phone open and answering it.
"Hey babe!""Ty!" Just hearing his voice made the weight that she hadn't known she was carrying, lift from her shoulders.
"How are you Kaylee? I'm sorry I haven't been able to call like I said I would but I've just been exhausted."
"I understand," Kaylee said quickly. She did understand. She had been doing some research on football and understood how much training and endurance the players needed in order to play in all kinds of weather. Some days training would be for eight hours or more. She couldn't imagine how his body felt at the end of the day.
"I know you do. So, how are you?"There was a pause and Ty clenched the phone tighter to his ear as he stood alone on the field. He had borrowed a phone from another player since his was in his hotel room. He had felt the need to call Kaylee, to hear her voice. He had every intention of calling her every day but some days the coach just worked him until it was all he could do to take a shower and crawl into bed.
He frowned when the silence stretched and just when he was about to say her name he heard what sounded to be a child's laughter in the background."I'm fine," Kaylee said quickly as Gabe laughed in the background. She stepped further away from the kitchen. "Everything's great." A knot formed in her stomach as she told that lie. She could tell Ty didn't believe her when he sighed in her ear.
"Kaylee, you-" He was cut off by a loud beeping. Looking down at the phone in his hand he growled in disgust. "Look babe, I have to go. Harold's phone is about to die. I'll try and call you sometime later this week okay?"
"Okay," Kaylee said. "I love you."
"I love you more," he said before he hung up.Walking over to the bench Ty sat down. He ignored the drizzling rain as he stared off into the distance. Something was wrong. He could feel it.
"Urinate on the stick...blah, blah, blah. Try to keep it as straight as possible...yada, yada. Should get results in three minutes."
Kaylee read the back of the box before she set it down next to the pregnancy test she had just taken. Her heart was hammering in her chest as she turned on the water to wash her hands.
"It's only three minutes. One hundred and eighty seconds," she muttered to herself as she reached up to turn off the water. Her hands tightened on the knobs when she glanced absently at the stick to see that it had already changed.She didn't have to turn it around to read what it said. "That so was not three minutes," she said inanely as her heart hammered in her chest. She stared at her reflection in the mirror. She was pregnant. She couldn't seem to wrap her mind around that fact. She and Ty had created something because...
She. Was. PREGNANT.After dumping the kit in the trash by the sink she walked into the bedroom and curled up on the bed. She stared blankly off into space before her eyes were drawn to the picture that Ty had sent in the mail yesterday. A smile curled her lips before she rolled over and stretched out her hand to rest on his side of the bed.
They were going to have a baby.The next morning when Fran came over to watch Gabe Kaylee told her that she was going to the doctor's during her lunch break to take another pregnancy test.
"Good, it's about time. You need to get those prenatal pills or what ever it is they give you now."
With a laugh Kaylee walked out of the house. Work was spent watching the clock until she felt the seconds were turning into minutes, the minutes into hours and the hours stretched on until she felt as if she would scream. Luckily her lunch hour rolled around and she headed toward the hospital."Ms. Ravensworth? If you'll follow me?"
Kaylee stopped tapping her fingers against her thighs when her name was called. Getting up she followed after the nurse who chattered amicable on until they reached an empty room.
"Have a seat. The doctor will be with you momentarily."Kaylee sat in the stiff chair and nervously clenched and unclenched her hands against the armrests of the uncomfortable chair. She gave a small jump when the door was pushed open and a voice boomed out a greeting.
"Well, congratulations Ms. Ravensworth. It looks as if you're going to have a little one."She had an inane urge to laugh as she studied the doctor. If Ty were here he'd make some little joke but Kaylee was starting to get used to seeing green people...and how crazy did that sound? He sat down on the stool next to her.
"I'm Dr. Veszerk but most people call me Dr. V. You have nothing to worry about Ms. Ravensworth I-"
"Please, call me Kaylee."
His red eyes gleamed as he grinned. "Kaylee it is then. As I was saying you have nothing to worry about. I've been delivering babies since before you humans realized that you should probably do it in sanitary conditions."
"Then you're as old as Hannah?"
He studied her. "Hannah huh? You don't call her Mother like the rest of the folks around here?"
Kaylee shook her head and once again his eyes gleamed as he smiled. "I'm sure that pissed her off. And to answer your question no, I'm not as old as Hannah. She's the oldest one of us in existence. She's nearing her next cycle though. Possibly her last."
He fell silent then shook his head. "Word to the wise, don't trust her. Being so old has warped her somehow. I-" He shook his head as Kaylee leaned forward. "This isn't about Hannah. This is about you and that shining ray of light inside your womb. It picked you, you know."
Kaylee was stunned at his off handed comment. Placing a hand over her stomach she shook her head.
"Yes, it picked you. You're going to be a wonderful mom. And he's going to be a great dad. Now," he said as if he hadn't just left her flabbergasted by his strange comments, "Let's get you out of those clothes and into this uncomfortable gown." He stepped out of the room only returning when she called him back in.
"Okay, put your feet into these stir ups. You'll feel a little bit of pressure as I insert the instrument. Take a deep breath.""Motherfu-...that was so NOT a bit of pressure," Kaylee snarled through clenched teeth. Dr. V patted her knee.
"Well, it's a little pressure in comparison to what you're going to go through delivering the baby." "Thanks, that doesn't make me feel any better."
He laughed. "I like you. Now Kaylee...turn your head and look at the monitor. You see that little sack of fluid?
Kaylee slowly turned her head to look where he was pointing."Say hello to your baby."
Hannah called her into the office the moment she got back.
"Have a seat Kaylee."
Kaylee nervously sat across from her. She cleared her throat when Hannah sat there in silence and just studied her for a moment before she smiled.
"Your pregnant. I didn't know why I didn't sense that about you earlier. Usually I can tell these things but with you...something's blocking my access to-"
Hannah cleared her throat. "Congratulations. How far along are you?"
"A little shy of two months."
"I see. That's fabulous news of course. We need all the children we can get. They are, after all, our future. Come, lets go tell everyone."
"Um, I really don't-" Kaylee watched as Hannah walked out of the room leaving her little choice but to follow after her. Hannah clapped her hands and like little worker ants everyone came scurrying over. Kaylee wondering just how long Hannah had been in charged of the facility and how long most of the people had been working here.
"I have an annoucement to make. One of our own is with child."
As one everyone turned to look at Pat. She held up her hands. "It's not me! Geez, have three kids back to back to back and everyone thinks that I just live to pop out kids," she muttered.
Hannah cleared her throat. "No, Kaylee is with child."She was caught off guard by all the cheering and back slapping that went on. You would think, she thought as her hand was shaken once again, that people didn't have kids around here or something.
"Oh my god girl! Our kids can play together!" Pat said in excitement.
"Well, there goes your figure," Z said with a disappointed sigh. "You think I could borrow some of your clothes since you won't be wearing them?"
"Congrats," Gina said softly. Kaylee was suprised. She had actually gotten off of her computer to come over and congratulate her.
James grinned and nodded at her. He was just so quiet, Kaylee thought in amusement. Winston was more vocal.
"Oh that's great! So, while you're on leave I get her vacant slot right Mother?"
Hannah glared at him. "We shall see Winston."
His triumphant expression crumbled. Shaking her head Kaylee went back to her cubicle.Getting off of work earlier, Hannah insisted, Kaylee went home and played with Gabe. He was such a smart little boy. It hadn't taken her any time at all to potty train him, Janet had been remiss in that duty, and his vocabulary was growing by leaps and bounds. Buster was growing as well. Kaylee had worried that he would be a little on the scrawny side but he was filling out nicely.
After bathing Gabe and taking a quick shower herself they played a little more. She tried to make up for the time she was at work and Gabe was slowly coming out of his shell. He no longer flinched at sudden movements and he slept through the night instead of waking up crying. She took those as signs that he was happy there, with her.
She stared down at him through the light cast from the little nightlight she had plugged by his crib. He was still so small to her and to think, she thought in amazement, that something so much smaller was growing inside of her. Placing one hand on her stomach she bent down and pressed a gentle kiss to Gabe's forehead. He smiled softly in his sleep before rolling away from her.
The weeks passed without much excitement. Ty kept in contact and Kaylee kept avoiding his probing questions about what was wrong. She knew she was going to have to tell him, training was almost over but...she just didn't know how to tell him after evading so long. And the more she kept putting it off the harder it got until she was demanding that Fran and Damon promise not to say anything as well.
She was walking home from work one day when she saw it...She nearly stumbled when she caught sight of the truck sitting in front of the house.
"So, I'm guessing we need to talk?" he asked her in a cool tone.
oooooooooo busted. shes soooo busted. im glad he came home though cause her hiding it from him wasnt going to do anything but put Gabe in a bad position. Why must she always hide things? dosent she realise that hiding the major issues never help.
I love the pictures. Next to Gayl and Beth's i think yours are the best ive ever seen. They just complete the story. Something just makes me enjoy the story better when i can see individual hairs or the thread pattern on a shirt.
Absolutely wonderful,
Your descriptions of her emotions, how she is so lost in this new adventure. And the doctors office. I too giggled at the green skinned, red eyed doc. But hey when in rome, LOL!
Such a touching telephone conversation between Kay and Ty, yet so intense. I literally clapped my hand over my mouth when she arrived home and found his truck.
Please Ty dont be mad at kaylee, it isnt her fault her mom is a sorry sac of... Besided little Gabe is just to adorable, and Ty looks great as a papa, LOL!
Wonderful wonderful update! BRAVO!
wow im a addicted to ur story i looove it!
can't wait for the next chapter
happy holidays to you ;)
Whoah, so who was home watching Gabe at that moment?
And when was this update posted??????? I hate being stranded with limited internet access.
But yeah, Kaylee really shouldn't have kept all of this from Ty for so long. And he needs his own damn cell phone! lol
Yeesch, If I were Kaylee, I would be worried about letting an alien obgyn go rooting around in certain places. I mean, come on.
I feel so bad for her though. She has no confidence in herself and life just won't give her a break!
LOL Sinclair! You know I couldn't keep Ty away for long! haha! Kaylee thinks she needs to hide things so that she can keep a distance between herself and everyone else. She doesn't want to give anyone any ammo...although she should know by now Ty isn't going anywhere! *sigh* Silly girl!
And thank you so much for your compliment! I don't do anything special to the pics(for the most part) but I do enjoy taking them!
Thanks for commenting!
I made the doc in CAS! Of course I didn't know who was going to be the Doc but he strolled into the room and I was like oookay! Go with it! :P
I love that shot myself! Her walking and seeing the truck! Freezing in her tracks type of thing! Haha!
Thanks so much Cherie!:)
Hiya Drew! Awww...thanks so much!
The next chapter should be out in a day or two and then chapter eighteen will be out sometime this weekend!:)
Thanks for reading!
Fran was at the house watching Gabe. She doesn't have to work but she enjoys spending time with Gabe so I thought...why not have her just chill at the house while Kaylee works? Besides since she was named after my sis my sister insisted she NOT work!:P
LOL!! Pen, I just uploaded it before I left for work(am currently at work now) so a little before two!
For some reason every time I give Ty a cell it never wants to work! *sigh* I patched the stupid game but nooo...anyways...
That doc was actually sweet! And he'll be dropping more hints about Mother as the story progresses! Sooo...get used to seeing him Pen!:P
As for Kaylee...she's still young! Give her time! ;)~
I just started reading your stories today, but I'm already totally in love with all of the characters! You're a great writer and please keep up the good work!
I know Kaylee's baby is going to be beautiful and I can't wait for him or her to be born! :]
Hey Alyson! Thanks for taking the time to read!:) And thanks so much for your lovely compliments! I do enjoy writing but it makes it so much more enjoyable when others enjoy it as well!
As for Kaylee's baby...I've been tempted to speed up the pregnancy just to see but...I've resisted temptation this far! Who knows about the future!? LOL!!
Uh oh...not a good idea to hide something like that from the man in your life. BAD BAD idea.
Beautiful shots and inventive angles and poses. I'm really enjoying the strange way you combine whatever is going on with the aliens and the utter normalcy of the rest of the story! Intriguing!
Great update! Just love what you're doing!
I know right? Geez! HOW could you keep something this big is a better question!
Thanks Beth! I have fun fiddling around with the camera...and I FINALLY figured out how to make it swivel and dip and all that good stuff!:)
Thank you so much Beth! I appreciate at you reading and commenting!
hehehe Love'n the yuletide banner, Phoenix!
LOL!! Thanks Pen! That shot was crazy! Both couples wanted to make out!:P
Oh boy...I can't believe she didn't tell Ty...but then given her past and her insecurities, I guess I can see how easy that was for her. Or rather how hard it could be to open up.
Your shots are just wonderful! Sorry it has taken me so long to get here to comment. Off to read the next one.
Not a problem Gayl! That's exactly what it is! She's still holding on to her past(who can blame her) and likes to keep people at a distance. It'll take some time but...maybe she's grow out of it and let it go...
Thanks so much!:)
Yeah! I am up to chapter 16!
Such emotion in your writing, love it. You showed Kaylee's full range of hormonal fueled feelings, and I love that Ty could sense something was up, the last shot...great!!
The changes are coming fast and furious for Kaylee now, her life will never be the same!
The Aliens? A very interesting twist!
Great update!!
YAY Karen!! LOL! I know you must feel like me trying to play catch up!:) Although I don't have NEAR as many chapters as you...
Thank you so much! I've never been pregnant but I've been around people who are and I'm just like wow!! O_o Yeah, changes are coming fast for her...and she's trying to keep both feet planted!
Thanks! I was happy with that last shot too!
The aliens will come more into play in a few more chapters! Thanks so much for taking the time to read Karen!
YAY congrats on the pregnancy, I hope everything goes right!!!
And Ty is back and he has to be the most understanding man I have ever met!!! :D lol
Wonderful update!!! :D
Yay, I'm catching up! This was a great chapter, the scene at the doctor was both touching and funny with the green doctor! :D
And geez, those vultures at her office, makes me cringe to think WHY they are so excited that she's having a baby!
And yes Ty is back! I'm sure he will be very understanding...
Thanks Emily! LOL! Yeah, I made a CAS house full of docs ranging from black to white to green and HE'S the one who strolls through the door! HA! Gotta love it!
Some of them are really happy for her! Others...not so much!
Yep, Ty is back! I couldn't keep them apart for long! Thanks for reading Emily!
I can't believe that Kaylee went so long without telling Ty about Gabe OR her pregnancy. She so has to make this up to him.
That neighborhood of yours is crawling with aliens!
The aliens are able to read minds or have powers close to that right?
I know right? But Kaylee is always trying to guess how another person will react before she does something! I guess a trait she picked up from living with Janet!
Gah! I know! They are EVERYWHERE!! Which is why I had to incorporate them into the story or otherwise I'd be spending half the time working shots around them!
Hmm...something close to that! More like feel strong emotions.